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Race to World First: Crucible of Storms

Mythic Raid Progress Coverage
World Leaderboard Powered By
  • 1 Pieces (eu)
  • 2 Method (eu)
  • 3 Alpha (asia)
  • 4 Jitianhong (asia)
  • 5 Chao Jie (asia)
  • 6 AFK R (asia)
  • 7 Skyline (asia)
  • 8 Aversion (eu)
  • 9 Club Camel (na)
  • 10 Exorsus (eu)

The Restless Cabal

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Pieces Limit Pieces Skyline
2 Limit vodkaz Method Chao Jie
3 vodkaz Club Camel Exorsus Jitianhong
4 Method Big Dumb Guild Aversion Alpha
5 Exorsus Honestly Practice AFK R

Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void

# world us/oc eu asia
1 Pieces Club Camel Pieces Alpha
2 Method vodkaz Method Jitianhong
3 Alpha Honestly Aversion Chao Jie
4 Jitianhong Big Dumb Guild Exorsus AFK R
5 Chao Jie FatSharkYes Skyline
Posted by starym on May 15, 2019 at 13:36 pm (BST)

We have two more US/OS kills as Honestly claim the 3rd regional spot and Big Dumb Guild the 4th.

Posted by starym on May 13, 2019 at 21:47 pm (BST)

We have more crossing the finish line, as ScrubBusters, NollTvåTre and Practice have taken down Uu'nat, World 12-14, EU 6-8, just before the nerfs arrive.

Posted by starym on May 9, 2019 at 04:26 am (BST)

We have a new US/OC No.1 in this race as well! Club Camel clear the Crucible and down Uu'nat World 9th! Congratulations!

Posted by starym on May 8, 2019 at 11:05 am (BST)

A bit of a change in the leaderboards as Skyline took down the Harbinger some 2 hours before Aversion, netting them the World 7th, Asia 5th and bumping Aversion to World 8th!

Posted by starym on May 7, 2019 at 20:00 pm (BST)

Uu'nat has gone down once again, to another EU guilds this time. Aversion claim the World 7th, EU 3rd on the final boss of the Crucible of Storms!

Posted by starym on May 7, 2019 at 01:41 am (BST)

And here comes Method's official multi-PoV video:

Posted by Warriorsarri on May 3, 2019 at 19:09 pm (BST)

Method kill video: 

Posted by starym on May 3, 2019 at 15:00 pm (BST)
minor eu

And so we have our new entry to the World First endboss hall of fame, making it 14 now. The last time we have a new guild enter this hallowed group was Exorsus back in Legion, 8 raids, 2 years and 8 months ago, when they got Xavius down.

Posted by starym on May 2, 2019 at 00:11 am (BST)

In case anyone was wondering why Sco was absent today, here's his statement:

Posted by starym on May 1, 2019 at 09:08 am (BST)

Here's the VoD of yesterday's Crucible of Storms talk show, covering all the events of the day:

Posted by starym on Apr 30, 2019 at 07:06 am (BST)

While we've been focusing a lot on the final boss (obviously), a whole bunch more guilds managed to get the Cabal down and we actually have exactly 40 progressing on the final boss! While it was to be expected due to the small nature of the raid, it's still great to see that many guilds going at an end boss at the same time.

Posted by starym on Apr 30, 2019 at 07:01 am (BST)

A big day starts very soon, as the Uu'nat nerfs kick in and the final day of the EU reset begins. We have a whole lot of guilds pretty close to each other in the top 5, with Method still being on top, but by very little (and still no word on Pieces' progress, making this very reminiscent of the BoD final EU reset day). Aversion are the closest to Method's 24.5% best try, with this impressive pull, under 2% off!

Exorsus are a bit further away, with their 33.5% pull:

Alpha are just as close as Exorsus, which is doubly impressive due to their 1-2 day disadvantage, sitting at 34%. You can check out their video here.

Posted by starym on Apr 29, 2019 at 05:21 am (BST)
minor eu

Method keep pushing further as we're down to 24.5%!

Plus, here's Josh's take on Uu'nat's difficulty, as compared to Jaina and the fairness of the encounter/tuning and design:

Posted by starym on Apr 27, 2019 at 20:43 pm (BST)

Method have pushed quite a bit harder today, as we have a 33% try!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Apr 27, 2019 at 11:59 am (BST)
minor eu

The Top20 for The Restless Cabal has been filled out, with Unwealthy Homeless Men taking the final front page spot.

Posted by starym on Apr 26, 2019 at 21:25 pm (BST)

We've have a few more Cabal kills today, with Halcyon, Wiping as Intended and ScrubBusters getting in on the restlessness and grabbing spots 17-19.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Apr 26, 2019 at 11:03 am (BST)
minor na

And we have ourselves a top10 on The Restless Cabal!
Honestly claims the last spot, whilst also nabbing themselves US/OC 5th.

Posted by starym on Apr 26, 2019 at 03:41 am (BST)
minor na

We have a US 4th kill on Cabal, with Big Dumb Guild also taking the World 9th 1/2.

Posted by starym on Apr 26, 2019 at 00:42 am (BST)
minor na

Another Cabal kill has arrived, this time from the US. Club Camel have grabbed the World 8th, US/OC 3rd and are now headed to Uu'nat on 1/2.

Posted by starym on Apr 26, 2019 at 00:03 am (BST)
minor na

And here's another perspective for Limit's Cabal kill:

Posted by Warriorsarri on Apr 25, 2019 at 19:02 pm (BST)
minor eu

Aversion is the latest guild to get past The Restless Cabal, giving them a world rank of #6, and EU #4.

Posted by Warriorsarri on Apr 25, 2019 at 13:02 pm (BST)
minor eu

Exorsus seems restless in their pursuit of the top spot, and snagged the World #5, EU #3, kill on The Restless Cabal.

Posted by starym on Apr 24, 2019 at 21:41 pm (BST)

Pieces' lead is growing as no other guild has downed the Cabal just yet, with Aversion coming the closest by far, with a 0.3%/9% wipe! Limit are still at their 9%/7% try from yesterday and Method have progresses a bit more, but are still only at 17.4% total, as you can see from this clip:

And so we have Pieces progressing on Uu'nat alone and pulling ahead constantly. If the final boss is progressively harder as they tend to be, it's going to be a solid challenge, as so far Crucible of Storms has been a pretty memorable race.

Posted by starym on Apr 24, 2019 at 16:39 pm (BST)

We now also have both Limit and Method streaming, so you can follow the now 2nd and 3rd guilds live!

Posted by Warriorsarri on Apr 24, 2019 at 13:28 pm (BST)
minor eu

With the raid only having two bosses, we're deprived of all the early bosses dying real fast, so that we can know which guild looks to go the hardest and strongest. Only real way to know is to watch the guild that stream and try to figure out their best pulls. This gets further complicated by there being two bosses, so does guild A have better progress if they have one at 15%, and the other at 35%, or the guild that has both bosses at 25%? 

With that in mind, I won't try and list who is currently in the lead in EU, but most all of the streaming guilds have the bosses in the 20-30% range, and in essence are trying to get past the last two runes. 

This raid truly show what happens if you remove all the bosses that get killed in 1-5 pulls, and instead just implement the final two, hard, bosses!

Posted by starym on Apr 24, 2019 at 03:04 am (BST)
minor na

The kill is getting ever closer for Limit, as their best try so far has the bosses at 9% and 7% with 104 pulls. Limit has also gone for a 10 Priest raid comp and Big Dumb Guild's best try is still at 18%, while Wildcard Gaming's is at 11%/28%.
Whether they'll be able to get the boss down today is pretty unclear, which bodes well for the race in general, if Uu'nat is progressively harder and this isn't just another Imperial Vizier Zor'lok situation.

Posted by starym on Apr 23, 2019 at 22:24 pm (BST)
minor na

Big Dumb Guild are actually ahead of Limit, having their best try at 18%! BDG have usually gotten a lot of early first kills, but with the difficulty of this particular boss it's impressive that they're this far ahead of Limit at the moment. Of course these percentages could turn out to not matter much, as getting to low % and actually killing the boss are two very different things.  

Posted by starym on Apr 23, 2019 at 22:02 pm (BST)

We have some progress as Limit have taken the Restless Cabal down to Fa'thuul at 29% ,and Zaxasj at 23% as their best attempts after 59 pulls.

Posted by starym on Apr 23, 2019 at 05:33 am (BST)
minor eu

Cayna recently talked about Method's Crucible of Storms Mythic race preparations as well as the race itself, whether the raid will turn out to be a "real" competition, what Limit streaming means for Method and a lot more. Check out the interview here.