Scholomance Dungeon Guide
Learn how to complete the Scholomance mission in Warcraft Rumble. Follow our suggested build and strategy for Scholomance.
In this guide to the Scholomance dungeon in Warcraft Rumble, I showcase strong armies for completing the dungeon at red difficulty with various Leaders and go through each boss fight in detail.
The comps include quick instructions for the fights and you can refer to the boss descriptions for full details on all mechanics.
This dungeon is not the current active dungeon.
Go to Active DungeonBest Builds
Important talents
- Explosive Shells is important to make the Scarab Beetles more powerful
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Beetles hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage, as does Corrosive Breath on Chimaera to a lesser extent
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies and Chimaera
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Chimaera hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage, as does Corrosive Breath on Chimaera to a lesser extent
- Bloodthirsty on Execute provides Bloodlust to your minis
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies and Chimaera
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Chimaera hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage, as does Corrosive Breath on Chimaera to a lesser extent
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies and Chimaera
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Chimaera hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage, as does Corrosive Breath on Chimaera to a lesser extent
- Bloodthirsty on Execute provides Bloodlust to your minis
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies and Chimaera
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Chimaera hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage, as does Corrosive Breath on Chimaera to a lesser extent
- Bloodthirsty on Execute provides Bloodlust to your minis
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies and Chimaera
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Chimaera hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Important talents
- Explosive Shells is important to make the Scarab Beetles more powerful
- Infectious Swipes on Harpies add a lot of damage
- Bramble Burst on Quilboar can enable you to refresh poison stacks on the bosses, but it is not necessary if things go smoothly
Jandice Barov
- Push through the middle with Harpies
- Tank Jandice with Quilboar when your push gets close
- Push through the right side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Do not play troops on the other lanes if you can avoid that so that you don’t proc graves
- Turn Rattlegore around and tank it with your Unbound minis
Darkmaster Gandling
- Push through the left side, try to mine the gold there as you go
- Avoid sending troops to the right to not get them teleported there
- Support your teleported minis with Unbounds to win the chests
- Tank Gandling with the Unbound minis to let your Harpies and Beetles hit him in the back
Watch it in action
Dungeon Strategy
Jandice Barov
Minis in Jandice's army
- Abomination
- Execute
- Ghoul
- Necromancer
- Meat Wagon
- Skeletons
- Vultures
Other minis and map mechanics
Jandice will summon a clone of herself every 15 seconds. The clones have 1000 Health (level 1) and they are stationary with an 11-range magic attack. Many of the clone spawn points are close enough to Towers to allow them to shoot at the Towers without the Towers being able to shoot back. The clones last for 12 seconds, after which they turn into a pair of flying tomes that attack towards your base.
The Tomes deal 140 damage with a 1.2 second attack speed, but they have only 37.5 Health, so they are instantly destroyed by just about anything.
General strategy
Jandice is best defeated by a strong push through the middle. The middle Tower is right next to your base, so capturing it has the dual benefit of denying Jandice a strong assault position and getting your own attack started.
Flying units are generally the best for a push through the middle because they can attack enemies on the bridge while they go. Turn Jandice around with a Tank (Quilboar is the best as it is resistant) and let your damage dealers melt her.
Minis in Rattlegore’s army
- Abomination
- Ghoul
- Necromancer
- Plague Farmer
- Skeletons
- Vultures
Other minis and map mechanics
Rattlegore summons graves all over the map. The graves last for 10 seconds unless disturbed, but if any unit passes over them, including flying units, the grave will dissipate and spawn a miniature version of Rattlegore and two Skeletal Mages.
The little Rattlegores are not nearly as scary as the big one: they have 350 Health and deal only 50 damage with their cleave attack. Their cleave does have a Lifesteal effect, so they can heal up a lot if you meet them with Squad minis.
Rattlegore itself has two attacks: a 120-degree cleave attack with a major Lifesteal effect and a 360-degree Bone Storm without Lifesteal. You want to keep only a few minis in front of Rattlegore to prevent it from healing too much.
General strategy
Because graves spawn often all over the map, you want to push through a narrow corridor to avoid opening too many of them. As there are two nuggets of gold on the gold vein on the right side of the map at the start, the right side becomes the natural choice to be able to secure those resources. You do not want to send anything elsewhere, not even miners.
Push through the right side and try to turn Rattlegore away from your damage dealers both to protect them and to prevent Rattlegore from healing too much with its Lifesteal cleave attack.
Darkmaster Gandling
Minis in Darkmaster Gandling’s army
- Ghoul
- Harpies
- Living Bomb
- Meat Wagon
- Necromancer
- Skeletons
- Worgen
Other minis and map mechanics
Darkmaster Gandling patrols the middle corridor and summons teleportation runes as he goes. Each rune lasts for 10 seconds before dissipating. If your minis enter the rune, they are teleported to a specific location and a number of enemy minis will spawn:
- Left rune teleports to top left where a chest, 2 Skeletons, and 3 Skeletal Mages will spawn
- Middle rune teleports to the middle where a chest and an Abomination will spawn
- Right rune teleports to top right where a chest, 2 Ghouls, and 3 Harpies will spawn
General strategy
You do not want your minis to be running all over the map because the more runes they activate, the more free minis Gandling gets. Because the right rune spawns the most enemies, you want to focus on the left side and push from there. As a further upside, the left lane gold vein has two gold nuggets at the start, so you may be able to secure access to those as well.
When your minis are teleported, you want to secure the chest to gain a gold advantage instead of giving that advantage to Gandling. Both your teleported minis and the newly-spawned enemies are briefly stunned, so you can add some unbound minis or spells to help in the fight to make sure you end up as the winner.
You need to keep an eye on your base. Gandling has Meat Wagons, which can shoot from outside your Core range, and he also loves to summon Skeletons and Worgen right at your base. If left unattended, the base can fall to the unbound minis alone.
As your push reaches Gandling, you want to turn him around with an Unbound tank to prevent his area damage from hitting your damage dealers.