Best Builds

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Chimaera Bloodlust.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Chimaera Bloodlust.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Chimaera Bloodlust.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Chimaera Bloodlust.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Important talents

Corrosive Breath on Chimaera takes the Emperor down a lot faster.

Bloodthirsty on Execute adds even more damage and poison stacks by giving Chimaera Bloodlust.


  • Steal the Molten Giant with Banshee
  • Send a Chimaera after the Molten Giant
  • Molten Giant tanks for the Chimaera, Chimaera deals damage
  • Mine with Kobold and Dark Iron Miner
  • Defend with Defias Bandits if necessary

Watch it in action

Boss Strategy

Heroic Emperor Thaurissan map

This guide focuses on the Heroic Emperor Thaurissan encounter in Blackrock Mountain, but also works for the normal version.

Minis in Emperor Thaurissan’s army

  • Dark Iron Miner - Dark Iron Armaments
  • Firehammer - Moultin Metal
  • Flamewaker - Engulf
  • Living Bomb - Blast Radius
  • Pyromancer - Blaze of Glory
  • Warsong Raider - Razing Focus
  • Whelp Eggs - Flame Burst

Thaurissan’s Warsong Raiders are Siege Specialists who will only focus on your base.

Other minis and map mechanics

Thaurissan stars with a Molten Giant on the board.

Thaurissan’s Braziers collect the souls of your minis that die. The souls are sent evenly to the two braziers, and once a brazier reaches 3 souls, it summons a Molten Giant (Fire Elemental in normal). The first Molten Giant thus appears after five of your minis have died, the second when six have died, the third when 11 have died, and so on. This makes Squad minis especially weak against Thaurissan, as they feed the pyres and summon Molten Giants very quickly.

Dark Iron Miners will spawn to mine gold from the gold veins when they reach 3 gold nuggets. New miners can only spawn every 15 seconds.

General strategy

Thaurissan is close to your base, and there is a Molten Giant in between. Therefore, we are going to steal that Molten Giant and use it to pummel the Emperor.

Send a Banshee to steal the Molten Giant, and send a Chimaera to follow the Molten Giant. The Molten Giant will tank for you and the Chimaera will take down the Emperor. You could use other damage dealers too, but Chimaera is a good match with the Molten Giant speed-wise and with its ability to hit multiple targets.

You should also mine when you can and defend with some Defias Bandits, if necessary, because they can stun the Warsong Raider.