Congratulations, you've made it through Molten Core and are ready to face Ragnaros the Firelord! This is a really cool encounter and we hope that with tuning it can be as epic as it feels it should be. Conquer Ragnaros to unlock him as a Mini.

LFR Build

Co-op Builds

Boss Strategy

Updated: March 2025

Note: Check the second tab on the builds for the Eclipse version which is much more powerful if you have it available at a decent level! Make sure you play the combo in the right order each time: Jaina > Eclipse > Execute.


  • Wave goodbye to Majordomo as you melt him with a couple of spells. He's really soft so will fall to 2-3 spells.
  • Banshee is incredible on this encounter to deal with the Core Hounds and especially the Molten Giant.
  • Chip away at Ragnaros during Phase 1 with Execute and Blizzard (or Deep Breath) (after playing Jaina for the +3 spell levels) while defending your base. Don't let the Flamewakers get too close or their ranged attack will reach your base.
  • When you push Ragnaros into Phase 2, play defensively and use Execute to take down the four mini-boss units that spawn.
  • Once you have the four mini-boss units down, continue to rain spells down on Ragnaros until he is just about to enter Phase 3 then STOP! Kick back, relax and just defend your base until the timer reaches 0 and you enter Overtime.
  • As soon as you enter Overtime, push Ragnaros into Phase 3 and start nuking the boss down to 0. You can use some spells to defend and you'll probably need 1x Execute Combo on the mini-boss that spawns in front of your base.
  • Remember to use your Defias Bandits (Pick Lock Talent) to capture the chest in front of your base throughout the fight.
  • Remember to use your Dark Iron Miner to capture the gold nodes at the top of the map.
  • Watch out if you accidentally push both sides of the map at once. Whenever Ragnaros re-captures one of his Towers, he will send a wave of fire down the opposite side of the map, destroying everything it touches.