Blood Death Knight Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 26th Feb, 2025
Darkmech Author Avatar


Everyone’s UI is a personal journey, sounds pretty corny but it’s true. What might work for you will not necessarily work for someone else. The important thing is finding whatever works best for you, it doesn’t matter how ugly it might be.

For me, I always wanted to be sure when I went full panic mode in M+ situations my UI made my life as easy as possible re buff uptime, or abilities. From this I centered all of my abilities into the middle of my screen just under my character, that way my eyes would always be focused on where my character was standing and not looking down to an actionbar, to then look up and realize I was dead. I did the same thing for my Bone Shield weakauras, which I actually went and made after seeing Sco play with it about 10 years ago. I copied this style to all of my tanks for mitigation.

Darkmech blood dk ui

People generally comment on the size of my health bars, and that’s fair enough, but for me, I just want it to be so bleedingly obvious when I’m an auto hit from death that this is what I’ve grown to be comfortable with. I’ve set up markers along my runic bar also for death strikes, certainly not something everyone needs, but something I took comfort in having.

You’ll have to excuse the fonts in this screen grab also, it was done over on BETA I hadn’t bothered to drag my fonts over.

There are 3 main addons I recommend for any player wanting to improve or optimize their ability to succeed.


WeakAuras offer you an easy method to track buffs, debuffs and your abilities. For my UI as an example I like to have everything central so my eyes are tracing down to glimpse action bars at the bottom of my screen, which can cause you to miss certain things happening in encounters.

DBM or BigWigs

What’s the difference? The best way I can put it to you, BigWigs tells you what is happening, DBM tells you what to do. Take your pick there both are boss addons, that function in Raid and M+ and they make life much easier for you as a player.


Plater is a nameplate addon with a high level of customization available, but you can import profiles or even run from the default install and you will still be better off than the mess Blizzard gives you to play with. Much like WeakAuras, a good nameplate addon like Plater can help you track debuffs, but the most vital part of a good nameplate addon is the ability to actually see multiple nameplates and be able to select them, with plater you can put borders around nameplates, as you can see in the above picture my current target has a white border around it and arrows on each side. You can also modify the spacing between nameplates so in large pulls it is easier to monitor multiple casts and abilities.


Note - you should place a @cursor Modifier into your macro whenever you want an ability to be placed at your cursor location as soon as you press the keybind, makes the gameplay feel smoother. Additionally, you can also do this for @mouseover an example being the macro below.

Raise Ally Mouseover Macro

Allows you to mouseover resurrect someone without clicking on them.

#showtooltip Raise Ally
/cast [@mouseover,help][@target]Raise Ally

Gorefiend’s Grasp Mouseover/Player Macro

Just makes the ability easier to use.

#showtooltip Gorefiend's Grasp
/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead][@player] Gorefiend's Grasp

Death and Decay Cursor/Player Macro

If you press Ctrl (Can be changed to whatever you want) it will place the ability at your cursor otherwise it will default to your character.

#showtooltip Death and Decay
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Death and Decay; [@player] Death and Decay

Abom/Dead Macro

Combine your two 2 minute abilities into a simple button press. A very good macro to avoid you forgetting to press raise dead.

/cast Abomination Limb
/cast Raise Dead

Mouseover Taunt/Grip Macro

An important macro to have is a mouseover Taunt and Death Grip macro so you can quickly grab stray mobs without having to target them. This macro will only grip or taunt on enemies that are alive that you mouseover.

/cast [@mouseover, nodead, harm, nomod] Death Grip; [@mouseover, nodead, harm, mod:lctrl] Dark Command


Again like a UI I think that WeakAuras are a very personal thing and something you can take bits and pieces from other packages to get something that really works for you.

Some full WA packages that I would recommend would be

If you’re not chasing a full package WA then I would recommend getting a good Bone Shield tracking WA and one that lets you know when you’re standing in your Death and Decay and the buff for Cleaving Strikes. Again though you can find these in the packages above and just delete what you don’t require.

You also want to keep track of certain buffs and cooldown uptimes things like Coagulopathy, Crimson Scourge procs and Rune Carved Plates if you’re playing Deathbringer. Or your vampiric Blood uptime etc all of these are found in the above WA packages to make your lives easier.