Cartels of Undermine is a new Renown introduced with Patch 11.1 Undermine(d). The rewards from the Cartels of Undermine range from Catch up gear, Crests and even Mounts.
The Cartels of Undermine is unique in the way you earn renown, it has 4 cartels, Bilgewater, Steamwheddle, Blackwater and Venture Company. When you earn reputation with each of the 4 cartels, you will also earn reputation for the Cartels of Undermine.
The main way to earn reputation with each of the cartels is by allying yourself with them at Kaydee Racketring, in the Incontinental Hotel. You can ally yourself with one cartel per week; this is a warband action, meaning you can not farm different cartels on different characters.

/way Undermine 42.81 52.01
Cartels of Undermine Renown Rewards
The table below is a full breakdown of the rewards available at each renown level of the Cartels of Undermine Renown track.
Renown Level | Reward |
2 | Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per I: Unlocks the Trash sifting minigame. |
3 | Time is Money I: Valorstones |
4 | One Man's Trash...: Unlocks the ability to find treasures when sifting through trash.
A Polished Shine I: Resonance Crystals. |
5 | Profession Recipes: Unlocks ability to purchase Profession Recipes. |
6 | Big Game Hunter: Unlocks new rare in the Undermine Zone.
Weathered Undermine Crests: Weather Undermine Crests. |
7 | Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per II: More efficient at the Trash Sifting minigame.
Keep on Walkin': Unlocks ability to purchase 623 Veteran Boots. |
8 | Expert Haggler: Increased Rewards from Shipping and Handling Minigame.
A Polished Shine II: Resonance Crystals. |
9 | Restored Coffer Key: A restored Coffer Key.
Weathered Undermine Crests: Weathered Undermine Crests. |
10 | Tabard of Undermine: Unlocks the Undermine Enforcer's Padding. |
11 | Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per III: Can now find Gunk-Covered Thingy while Sifting Trash.
Time is Money II: Valorstones. |
12 | Master Negotiator: Guarantee Additional Rewards from Shipping and Handelling.
Carved Undermine Crests: Carved Undemine Crests. |
13 | ... Is Another Man's Treasure: Can now dumpster dive for valuable materials. In: Unlocks the C.H.E.T.T device in the Incontinental Hotel. |
14 | Kaja-Cola Collector: Unlocks the ability to find Vintage Kaja'Cola Can while sifting trash.
Reaching for Success: Unlocks the ability to purchase 636 Champion Gloves. |
15 | No Laughing Matter: Unlocks the ability to purchase the Violet Armored Growler which is a Hyena Mount.
Carved Crests Available: Carved Undermine Crests. |
16 | Scrappy S.C.R.A.P.per IV: Can now purchase items from Kaja'Cola Dispenser to improve Trash Sifting.
Profession Knowledge Books: Ability to Purchase Profession Knowledge books. |
17 | Undermine Uniform: Unlocks the ability to purchase the Undemine Uniform cosmetic set.
Time is Money III: Valorstones. |
18 | Fly High... Or Not: Unlocks the Ability to purchase the Experimental Goblin Jetpack.
Carved Undermine Crests: Carved Undemine Crests. |
19 | Goblin Ingenuity: Unlocks the ability to purchase the GNZ Airmaster 9000.
Rocketman: Unlocks the ability to purchase the The Topskimmer Special a Rocket mount. |
20 | Not Responsible for Loss of Life or Limb: Unlocks” the Explosive “ Title.
Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest: Enchanted Runed Undermine Crest. |
The Cartels of Undermine Renown Vendor
The vendor for The Cartels of Undermine is Smaks Topskimmer, he is a goblin located in the Incontinental Hotel.

/way Undermine 43.71 50.92
The Cartels of Undermine vendor sells the following items, the cost and renown level requirement are shown for each in the table below.
Item | Cost | Renown Requirement |
Technique: Contract: The Cartels of Undermine | 150 Artisan's Acuity | 5 |
Technique: Vantus Rune: Liberation of Undermine | 150 Artisan's Acuity | 5 |
Schematic: 22H Slicks | 150 Artisan's Acuity | 5 |
Pattern: Charged Armor Kit | 150 Artisan's Acuity | 5 |
Slime-Slicked Slippers | 2600 Resonance Crystals | 7 |
Mostly Cobbled Shoes | 2600 Resonance Crystals | 7 |
Soot-Encrusted Kickers | 2600 Resonance Crystals | 7 |
Aqirite-Toe Boots | 2600 Resonance Crystals | 7 |
Craftsman's Repurposed Mitts | 3900 Resonance Crystals | 14 |
Goblin Boxer's Wraps | 3900 Resonance Crystals | 14 |
Undermine Smelter's Gloves | 3900 Resonance Crystals | 14 |
Retired Bouncer's Gauntlets | 3900 Resonance Crystals | 14 |
Violet Armored Growler | 8125 Resonance Crystals | 15 |
Undermine Treatise on Alchemy | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Blacksmithing | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Enchanting | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Herbalism | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Inscription | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Jewelcrafting | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Leatherworking | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Mining | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Skinning | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Treatise on Tailoring | 50 Artisan's Acuity | 16 |
Undermine Enforcer's Helmet | 1625 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Undermine Enforcer's Spikes | 3250 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Smartest in Town's Attire | 9750 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Slickest in Town's Attire | 9750 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Craftiest in Town's Attire | 9750 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Toughest in Town's Attire | 9750 Resonance Crystals | 17 |
Experimental Goblin Jetpack | 3250 Resonance Crystals | 18 |
The Topskimmer Special | 11375 Resonance Crystals | 19 |
GNZ Airmaster 9000 | 2600 Resonance Crystals | 19 |
Specific Cartel Vendor Rewards
Below we have listed rewards from each of the specific cartels.
Bilgewater Cartel Vendor Rewards
Rewards for the Bilgewater Cartel are sold by Rocco Razzboom, he is a goblin located in the Scrapshop in the northwest of the Undemine.

/way Undermine 39.12 22.18
Rocco Razzboom sells the following items:
Item | Cost Resonance Crystals | Required Reputation |
The Ol' Low-and-Slow | 975 | Honored |
Bilgewater Cartel Banner | 5000 | Honored |
Bilgewater Junkhauler | 6500 | Revered |
Storefront-in-a-Box | 5000 | Revered |
Crimson Armored Growler | 8125 | Exalted |
Bilgewater Undermine Tabard | 1625 | Exalted |
Paint: Redlining Red | 1350 | Exalted |
Steamwheedle Cartel Vendor Rewards
Rewards for the Steamwheedle Cartel are sold by Lab Assistant Laszly, she is a goblin located in the Steamwheddle Laboratories in the west of the Undemine.

/way Undermine 27.12 72.49
Lab Assistant Laszly sell the following Items:
Item | Cost Resonance Crystals | Required Reputation |
Maniacal Melodies | 975 | Honored |
Steamwheedle Cartel Banner | 5000 | Honored |
Eepy | 6500 | Revered |
Everlasting Noggenfogger Elixir | 5000 | Revered |
Mean Green Flying Machine | 8125 | Exalted |
Steamwheedle Undermine Tabard | 1625 | Exalted |
Paint: Goblin Green | 1350 | Exalted |
Blackwater Cartel Vendor Rewards
Rewards for the Blackwater Cartel are sold by Boatswain Hardee, she is a goblin located in Port Authority in the northeast of Undermine.

/way Undermine 63.39 16.85
Boatswain Hardee sells the following items:
Item | Cost Resonance Crystals | Required Reputation |
The Buzzer | 975 | Honored |
Blackwater Cartel Banner | 5000 | Honored |
Wavebreaker Mechasaur | 6500 | Revered |
Personal Fishing Barge | 5000 | Revered |
Blackwater Shredder Deluxe Mk 2 | 8125 | Exalted |
Blackwater Undermine Tabard | 1625 | Exalted |
Paint: Body Roll Blue | 1350 | Exalted |
Venture Company Vendor Rewards
Rewards for the Venture Company are sold by Shredz the Scrapper, he is a goblin located in the Venture Plaza in South of the Undermine.

/way Undermine 53.27 72.71
Shredz the Scrapper sells the following items:
Item | Cost Resonance Crystals | Required Reputation |
The Whole Brass Band | 975 | Honored |
Venture Co. Banner | 5000 | Honored |
Rocketfist | 6500 | Revered |
Throwin' Sawblade | 5000 | Revered |
Ocher Delivery Rocket | 8125 | Exalted |
Venture Co. Undermine Tabard | 1625 | Exalted |
Paint: Yellow Cake Yellow | 1350 | Exalted |
With a brand new reputations it's always a difficult decision on what to purchase first, we hope our breakdown helped you identify which items you want to aim for. If you are looking for ways to earn reputation, our G-99 Overview covers the Shipping and Handling minigame which is great for reputation.