A major part of Professions is gathering Artisan’s Acuity, to either spend on Knowledge Points or to craft Profession equipment and tools. We have found a really easy quest that you simply need to pick up, talk to an NPC and hand in the quest to get rewarded with Acuity and some profession materials of your choice.
To get a boost to your profession leveling in The War Within, there is a quest in Dornogal called “Crafting to Order”. This quest is intended to be an introduction to the Work Order System and the rewards for this are a choice of different bags of materials. The quest is given by Roldira and all you have to do is turn around and click on Clerk Ardran.
The Acuity quest giver Roldira is located in the east of Dornogal, inside the building where you place work orders.

/way Dornogal 59.12 55.69
The selection of bags of materials you get offered as a reward depends on what profession you currently have. The bags you can choose from are listed below with the contents specified. All bags reward 350 Artisian’s Acuity and a Soul Sigil I.
Note: The quest can be completed on all your characters that are level 68 or higher and have access to Dornogal.
Algari Enchanter’s Satchel:
- 30 Stormdust
- 5 Gleaming Shard
Algari Tailor’s Satchel:
- 30 Weavercloth
- 10 Stormdust
- 8 Leyline Residue
- 8 Writhing Sample
Satchel of Herbs:
- 20 Mycobloom
- 20 Luredrop
- 20 Blessing blossom
- 20 Arathor Spear
- 20 Orbinid
Satchel of Ore:
- 50 Bismuth
- 30 Ironclaw Ore
Algari Engineer’s Satchel:
- 75 Pile of Rusted Scrap
- 30 Bismuth
- 15 Ironclaw Ore
- 15 Aqirite
- 2 Unrecognizable Prototype
Algari Leatherworker’s Satchel:
If you are interested in gold-making, you can choose whichever bag has the most expensive materials, which at the time of writing this guide is the herb bag. If you are not offered the bag you want, you can swap your professions (if this is the very first thing you do before you start leveling). For example Herbalists do not get offered the herb bag.