Gloom Chitin is the main resource used in crafting mail gear for the leatherworking profession in The War Within. That means great quantities will be needed, and so we have found a great farming spot in Azj-Kahet.
A little to the west of Faerin’s Advance in the north of Azj-Kahet, you find Pillar-Nest Vosh. This place is swarming with Nerubian beasts.

In order to do this farm efficiently you will need to be able to kill level 78s, if you have not completed the campaign. If you have completed the campaign on any character, you can hop straight down and start farming at any level between 70 and 80, as mobs will scale to your level.
This farm should be done in a group for peak efficiency, as the same mob can be skinned five times before it despawns and with more people the mobs will die faster. It is still a good spot if you are solo, but you will receive a lot less. Having a hunter or moonkin to pull mobs from further away makes this spot even better.
What you are farming
You will be killing Spored Skitterer, Spored Lasher and Spored Stinger, which are all normal and can be AoEd down. Skinning them will reward Gloom Chitin, Viridescent Spores, Kaheti Swarm Chitin and Honed Bone Shards.
Skinning Specialization
We recommend putting points into Tanning and then the further sub-specialization Concrete Chitin. This will increase the quality of the Chitin you are receiving, making the rank 2 and 3 drop more frequently.