List of Liberation of Undermine Raid BoE (Bind on Equip Gear)

List of Liberation of Undermine Raid BoE (Bind on Equip Gear)

Written by Roguery - 19th February 2025

With the Release of Patch 11.1 and the start of Season 2 of The War Within, Bind on Equip items can drop from the trash in the Liberation of Undermine Raid. These are obtainable on Mythic, Heroic, Normal and LFR difficulties.

At the start of a season the BoEs can be worth a lot of gold especially if they roll tertiary stats or a socket, which can make farming BoE gear very lucrative, although the drop chances are usually very low. Likewise, these items can be a quick way to gain character power early into the season or gear up an alt if you’re willing to farm them or spend the gold to acquire them.

Depending on the difficulty, the Item level and reward track will be different. We have broken down which Item level and track the Bind on Equip gear will drop at.

Raid Difficulty Item Level Reward Track
LFR 623 Veteran
Normal 636 Champion
Heroic 649 Hero
Mythic 662 Myth

For the first few weeks of Season 2, the Mythic difficulty BoEs will drop as Bind On Pick Up (BoP); meaning they will not be tradable if they are obtained in that period of time. This does not affect Heroic, Normal or LFR BoE gear.

Some of these items are Tier slots, which means they can be used with the Matrix Catalyst to convert them into Tier Set gear, this can be a way to finish off your tier set bonus if you are missing that particular slot. The item slot varies by armor type.

List of Liberation of Undermine BoEs

The table below shows all the BoEs that can drop from the Liberation of Undermine raid.

Item Slot Stats
Undermine Merc's Dog Tags Neck Crit / Mastery
Psychopath's Ravemantle Cloth Shoulders Crit / Mastery
Vatwork Janitor's Wasteband Cloth Waist Haste / Mastery
Mechgineer's Blowtorch Cover Leather Helm Crit / Haste
Firebug's Anklegear Leather Feet Versa / Mastery
Loyalist's Holdout Hood Mail Helm Crit / Mastery
Midnight Lounge Cummerbund Mail Waist Haste / Versa
Bootleg Wrynn Shoulderplates Plate Shoulders Haste / Mastery
Globlin-Fused Greatbelt Plate Waist Crit / Haste

We hope this helped you identify which Bind on Equip items drop from the Liberation of Undermine raid. If you are looking for more information on the new 11.1 Tier Sets make sure to check out our List of Tier Set Bonuses and our Tier Set Stats Guide.

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