Tier Sets
The War Within Season 2 Tier Set (Liberation of Undermine):
- (2) Set Bonus: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them for (800% of Spell power) over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them for (480% of Spell power).
- (4) Set Bonus: Lifebloom's bloom has a 30% chance to apply Insurance! to its target for 10 sec. When Insurance! is consumed or removed, it leaves a missing Rejuvenation, Regrowth, or Wild Growth heal over time effect for 15 sec on its target.
The 2 set bonus is nothing really flashy. It adds free hps throughput everytime an ally drops lower in health. This is going to be happening very regularly throughout the new raid and in m+.
The 4 set bonus is a fairly strong addition to your Lifebloom usage. This bonus heavily relies on Lifebloom uptime, so it will be even more important to be keeping Lifebloom on any target.
restoration druid Best in Slot Gear
Here are two lists of the optimal gear set-up you want to reach, either for M+ or for raids.
Do note that these lists include every item that will fit the stats priority (covered in this guide) depending on the content you’re aiming for, including specific items (mainly trinkets, or some Use weapons if applicable).
For every raid trinket, I’ll list an alternative which you can obtain in M+, as raids are not something you can farm over and over during a said day.
There sometimes can be alternatives, especially depending on which stats you already have on your character, or for some very specific purposes, so keep in mind that you don’t necessarily always want to match this exact list. Most of the time, ilevel will be the biggest factor, and some stats, such as Mastery in M+, can have a relatively different value depending on what you’ll need (since this one won’t provide any DPS gain, but ONLY healing).
Best Gear for Raiding
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Branches of Reclaiming Blight | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Neck | Strapped Rescue-Keg | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Shoulders | Jaws of Reclaiming Blight | Rik Reverb (Undermine Raid) |
Cloak | Test Pilot’s Go-Pack | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock (Undermine Raid) |
Chest | ‘’Streamlined’’ Cartel Uniform | Chrome King Gallywix |
Wrist | Hustler’s Ante-Uppers | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Gloves | Grips of Reclaiming Blight | Cauldron of Carnage (Undermine Raid) |
Belt | Hitman’s Holster | Mug’Zee (Undermine Raid) |
Legs | Moccasins of Reclaiming Blight | Stix Bunkjunker (Undermine Raid) |
Boots | Dragster’s Last Stride | Vexie and the Geargrinders (Undermine Raid) |
Ring | Cyrce’s Circlet | Siren Isle |
Ring | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix (Undermine Raid) |
Trinket | Flarendo’s Pilot Light | Cauldron of Carnage (Undermine Raid) |
Trinket | Mug’s Moxie Jug | Mug’Zee (Undermine Raid) |
Main Hand | Best-In-Slots | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Best Gear for Mythic+
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Branches of Reclaiming Blight | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Neck | Strapped Rescue-Keg | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Shoulders | Jaws of Reclaiming Blight | Rik Reverb (Undermine Raid) |
Cloak | Test Pilot’s Go-Pack | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock (Undermine Raid) |
Chest | ‘’Streamlined’’ Cartel Uniform | Chrome King Gallywix |
Wrist | Hustler’s Ante-Uppers | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Gloves | Grips of Reclaiming Blight | Cauldron of Carnage (Undermine Raid) |
Belt | Hitman’s Holster | Mug’Zee (Undermine Raid) |
Legs | Moccasins of Reclaiming Blight | Stix Bunkjunker (Undermine Raid) |
Boots | Dragster’s Last Stride | Vexie and the Geargrinders (Undermine Raid) |
Ring | Cyrce’s Circlet | Siren Isle |
Ring | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix (Undermine Raid) |
Trinket | Flarendo’s Pilot Light | Cauldron of Carnage (Undermine Raid) |
Trinket | Mug’s Moxie Jug | Mug’Zee (Undermine Raid) |
Main Hand | Best-In-Slots | One-Armed Bandit (Undermine Raid) |
Mug’s Moxie Jug: A strong and straightforward stat stick trinket. Grants you set amount of crit from healing. Despite crit not being our most favoured stat, it still grants a lot of raw hps increase.
Flarendo’s Pilot Light: A solid stat stick trinket that has some damage upside to it as well. Grants passive haste, with and on demand intellect buff for our ramps every 2 minutes.
Eye of Kezan: An interesting trinket in raid, granting you passive intellect & mastery. Also has some damage upside once you reach max stacks.
Mister-Pick-Me-Up: A pretty solid stats trinket thanks to its great uptime. The healing effect is also decent.
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension: Currently the strongest embellishment overall, granting you one stack of a random secondary stat (rotating) every 8 seconds.
Duskthread Lining: An embellishment granting you Versatility while above 80% health. A classic effect, even though not very exciting, but still quite valuable (especially as a healer, since you’ll keep your health up as much as possible in any case). Worth crafting after your Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension.
The other pieces of crafted gear you can make, after these two embellishments, are very classic, and the choice of which one to craft will only consist of you filling the gap for a slot you were quite unlucky with; whether it’s bad secondary stats that you want to swap, especially on jewelry, or a bigger piece of gear with a hefty pool of Intellect (weapon, chest, helm, legs, shoulders, etc.) where your craft will improve the overall item level.
Regarding the stats you want to have on your crafted gear:
- For any raid craft, you’ll want to choose Haste & Mastery as secondary stats.
- For any M+ craft, you’ll mostly want to choose Haste & Versatility.
Cyrce’s Circlet
This patch introduces a new ring, Cyrce’s Circlet, with unique gem slots that gives certain empowerment to your character. Below I will explain what the recommended gems are for Restoration Druids and why.
Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine - Grants an amount of every secondary stat.
Requires little explanation as to why it is a given choice for the Yellow Socket. Stat stick gems are an excellent choice for healers. We as Druids love to have additional stats, since they directly scale with our healing throughput in any situation. So this is a safe bet option to use whenever.
Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine - Grants an amount of flat mastery. In addition, all Singing Citrine effects are increased based on your total mastery.
An excellent choice for the Blue Socket. As Restoration Druids we stack a lot of mastery, and this makes the gem very feasible to use. We get a nice chunk of mastery and based off of our total mastery, we empower the other gems' effects.
Legendary Skipper’s Citrine - Your spells and abilities have a chance to cast a random Singing Citrine effect at 150% effectiveness.
This gem is a very interesting choice for our Pink Socket. It has a chance to give us a random Singing Citrine effect at a stronger rate. Will be a very powerful choice once obtainable. Has very high potential on healing throughput once proced.