Restoration Druid Talents Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 25th Feb, 2025
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Talent Builds


This build revolves around Keeper of the Grove to buff your healing massively during your Grove Guardians, thanks to Power of Nature, Bounteous Bloom & Harmony of the Grove.

Master Shapeshifter will allow you to grab some mana during downtimes, outside of your ramp windows. You can pick Incarnation: Tree of Life, for an easier playstyle. Or you can opt to play Convoke the Spirits.


This will act as a “safe build” for M+, especially good if you want to focus more on healing during some specific dungeons in high keys.

The extra tankiness provided by Protective Growth without any CD attached to it will be a nice addition to help you tank some big hits. You can take Ursoc’s Spirit, Natural Recovery or Soothe in the Class Tree if really needed, instead of Skull Bash.


This build is a bit more specific; it’s a very offensive build, revolving around Convoke the Spirits instead of the usual Tree of Life. On the Hero Set, you can choose Implant instead of Twin Sprouts for certain dungeons, to buff your healing quite heavily during Convoke via the extra Swiftmends you’ll proc.

Wildstalker will be the Hero Set for this set-up, bringing a lot of passive additional dps/hps via Thriving Growth, putting the emphasis on your catweaving abilities to proc everything accordingly.

Class Talents

This new arrangement of our tree in TWW is very handy now, especially when it comes to take a lot of utility talents in M+; Skull Bash, Incapacitating Roar, Typhoon and Ursol’s Vortex are all quite easy nodes to access without sacrificing too much this time, maximizing the value of the Class Tree.

There are a few key talents I wanted to mention for Resto Druid, giving you an overview of how they work, when they will find good use and how to maximize their potential.


Innervate is a very important tool for Resto Druids. For 8 seconds we are able to cast any spell without mana cost. Mostly you will be looking to use this spells during your ‘ramping’ and to get maximum value out of it, you really want to use your heavy mana cost spells on its duration;

Wild Growth - Our most expensive healing ability. Planning your Innervate to have Wild Growth off cooldown, is key to saving mana!

Efflorescence - Along with Wild Growth, one of our most mana costly abilities. Remember to get in a refresh on this during Innervate.

Rejuvenation - The leftover time during Innervate should be spent on Rejuvenations, to maximize the healing output of your incoming Flourish.

Wild Charge

Wild Charge is in the Druid talent section, along with Tiger Dash. This talent in my opinion, is one of the most important picks you can make out of all personal utility talents. There are various uses for this spell and different Shapeshift forms, each give you a different ability;

  • Bear Form: Charge to an enemy, immobilizing them for 4 seconds. Useful in m+ or in open world content.
  • Cat Form: Leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 seconds. Especially usable for m+ where you will find yourself damaging in Cat Form.
  • Travel Form: Leap forward 20 yds. Useable leaping ability, whenever content allows for shapeshifting into Travel form.
  • Aquatiq Form: Increases swim speed by an additional 150% for 5 seconds. Rarely used, but a nice-to-have when questing or doing world content.
  • Non-shapeshifted: Fly to an ally’s position. A very useful form to use this spell in. I suggest using a mouseover macro paired with this ability, to easily hover over an ally and leap to them (/cast [target=mouseover,help] Wild Charge; Wild Charge).

Spec Talents

One of the new addition here, which will mostly be useful in M+, is the Call of the Elder Druid & Dream of Cenarius combo, allowing you to proc an additional small HotW every minute, and being able to heal while actively DPS-ing.

While it’s still during some weird windows (Dream of Cenarius working ONLY during HotW), it’ll still allow you more freedom during specific set-ups to DPS a bit more, as long as the healing required is not that intense.

Incarnation: Tree of Life

This ability Shapeshifts you into a ‘Tree Form’ or ‘Tree of Life’. For 30 seconds, all of your healing is increased by 10%, your armor by 120%, and grants you Immunity from Polymorph effects. In addition to this your Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, Wrath, Regrowth and Entangling Roots are enhanced;

  • Rejuvenation; Mana cost is decreased by 30% and healing done increased by 40%.
  • Wild Growth; Now affects 2 additional targets.
  • Wrath; Cast is now instant and does 20% increased damage.
  • Regrowth; Cast is now instant.
  • Entangling Roots; Cast is now instant.

It goes without saying, that getting a big ramp during your Tree of Life is a key factor to increasing your hps in raids. Utilising the Wild Growth on cooldown and getting out as many Rejuvenations as possible, is very important during this 30 second window. Wrath can be spammed instantly, in case putting out more healing is unnecessary. This ability, along with your Tranquility, are the big ‘cooldowns’ in Resto Druids arsenal.

Hero Talents

Keeper of the Grove

This set revolves completely around the Grove Guardians, and as such, around your Tree of Life too (thanks to Cenarius’ Guidance).

Its goal is to buff your ramp windows, thanks to talents as Power of Nature, or Harmony of the Grove, by unleashing all your treants during it to benefit of the maximal throughput it can provide.


This set is a more versatile-one, increasing your DPS & HPS thanks to Thriving Growth on both friends and foes.

It will require you to actively control your healing set-ups & your cat-weaving windows to benefit entirely of its talents, making this set a bit more friendly in a M+ environment rather than in raid, where you would, most of the time, only be able to use the passive HPS increase.