Shadow Priest Gearing Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 24th Feb, 2025
Jaerv Author Avatar

Tier Sets

Note: The Season 2 Tier set is very powerful and you will drop Season 1 4-set as soon as you can equip the new 2-set, regardless of the item level. You will generally not change talent builds until you get the new 4-set though.

Shadow Priest Season 2 Tier Set:

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your damaging spells have a chance to hit a Jackpot! That fires a Void Bolt at an enemy at 100% effectiveness. Casting Dark Ascension or Void Eruption always hits a Jackpot! (rppm 1.5).
  • (4) Set Bonus: Hitting a Jackpot! Grants you 5.0 seconds of Power Infusion. Mind Blast and Void Bolt deal 10% increased damage while Power Infusion is active.

shadow priest Best in Slot Gear

You should still prioritize the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Shadow Priest, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.

The below list is meant to give you a goal, not the end all be all. You can tweak various pieces depending on your exact stats or setup. You should always sim yourself on various settings to determine if something is an upgrade rather than blindly following this list.

Shadow Priest Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head Confessor’s Unshakable Halo (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Confessor’s Unshakable Radiance (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Cloak Test Pilot’s Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Confessor’s Unshakable Vestment (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Wrist Consecrated Cuffs (Crafted) Crafted
Gloves Confessor’s Unshakable Mitts (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Belt Refiner’s Conveyor Belt Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Legs Pit Doctor’s Petticoat The Geargrinder
Boots Cemented Murloc-Swimmer Mug’Zee
Ring The Jastor Diamond Gallywix
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Stormbringer/Fathomdweller/Skipper
Trinket Eye of Kezan Gallywix
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee
Main Hand Big Earner’s Bludgeon Mug’Zee
Off Hand Vagabond’s Torch (Crafted) Crafted

Best Gear for the Raid

Slot Item Source
Head Confessor’s Unshakable Halo (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Confessor’s Unshakable Radiance (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Cloak Test Pilot’s Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Confessor’s Unshakable Vestment (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Wrist Consecrated Cuffs (Crafted) Crafted
Gloves Confessor’s Unshakable Mitts (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Belt Refiner’s Conveyor Belt Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Legs Pit Doctor’s Petticoat The Geargrinder
Boots Cemented Murloc-Swimmer Mug’Zee
Ring The Jastor Diamond Gallywix
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Stormbringer/Fathomdweller/Skipper
Trinket Eye of Kezan Gallywix
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee
Main Hand Big Earner’s Bludgeon Mug’Zee
Off Hand Vagabond’s Torch (Crafted) Crafted

Best Gear for Mythic+

Slot Item Source
Head Confessor’s Unshakable Halo (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Confessor’s Unshakable Radiance (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Cloak Test Pilot’s Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Confessor’s Unshakable Vestment (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Wrist Consecrated Cuffs (Crafted) Crafted
Gloves Confessor’s Unshakable Mitts (Tier) Catalyst or Token
Belt Refiner’s Conveyor Belt Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Legs Pit Doctor’s Petticoat The Geargrinder
Boots Cemented Murloc-Swimmer Mug’Zee
Ring The Jastor Diamond Gallywix
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Stormbringer/Fathomdweller/Skipper
Trinket Signet of Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee
Main Hand Big Earner’s Bludgeon Mug’Zee
Off Hand Vagabond’s Torch (Crafted) Crafted


With the introduction of the new Tier Set, playing double passive trinkets is generally very fine in Season 2, and even the most optimal in some settings. If you ever need burst damage or pulling big around cooldowns, you should use Signet of the Priory as the on-use trinket.


  • Eye of Kezan (Especially on longer fights)
  • Mug’s Moxie Jug
  • Signet of the Priory
  • Soulletting Ruby (If you can snipe low health targets around cooldowns)


  • Carved Blazikon Wax
  • Reverb Radio
  • Soulletting Ruby


  • House of Cards (Play it as a 2min trinket)
  • Quickwick Candlestick
  • Spymaster’s Web (Mythic track)
  • Entropic Skardyn Core
  • Shadowbinding Ritual Knife


Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension + Writhing Armor Banding

Generally the best choice in all content. Craft the Ascension on a weapon (pref Staff, unless you already have a Mythic 1H, and then craft the Armor Banding on Wrist/Cloak/Belt etc.

2x Duskthread or Dawnthread Lining

Can be better in some scenarios, like M+, where you have a lot of downtime between pulls so your Ascension stacks start to drop.

Cyrce’s Circlet

Best Gems:

Note: Depending on gear, Legendary Skippers Citrine might sim slightly higher than Windsinger’s, but generally…

  • Thunder: Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine
  • Sea: Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine
  • Wind: Legendary Skippers Citrine

At the moment, the ring is BiS at 658 even compared to the new 678 rings.