Shadow Priest Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 24th Feb, 2025
Jaerv Author Avatar


Shadow Priest UI

shadow priest ui

shadow priest ui in combat

Addons Used:

  • WeakAuras: The entire center group is WeakAuras and includes all the Spells, the Insanity Bar, the Castbar and everything else you would need as Defensives/Utility/Flask/pots etc.
  • Plater: Nameplate Addon (A good nameplate addon is probably the most important addon you can have as a Shadow Priest, or any spec that have to handel DoTs on many different target(s)
  • Elvui: All the UnitFrames/BossFrames/ActionBars/Minimap etc. are all Elvui.
  • Cell: RaidFrame Addon. Since Elvui raid frames generally have a lot of issues I decided to go with Cell instead. Grid2 is also a good alternative if you already use it.
  • Details: Damage Meter Addon
  • OmniCC: Lightweight Addon to put cooldown text on WA’s/Abilities/Buffs etc. PLEASE USE IT

Other Quality of Life Addons:

  • BigWigs: Boss timer addon
  • Leatrix Plus: Lightweight addon to automate a lot of things like quests/cinematics etc.
  • Method Raid Tools: Must have addon if you take raiding seriously. Has everything from raid cooldowns, raid notes, Reminders and anything else you could need.
  • Talent Loadout Ex: Makes it easier to handle and change specs by adding a list to your talent page where you can save a bunch of talent loadouts.
  • Simple Item Level: Very lightweight addon that puts item level text on your items in bags.


Advanced Power Infusion Macro

This requires 2 different macros. The first is the PI Master Macro which is used to edit your Power Infusion macro and set your PI target, and the other is your normal PI macro that you use during combat. Make sure you follow the instructions clearly.

Macro 1:

/run local n=UnitName("target") or "player" if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("PI"),nil,nil,"#showtooltip\n/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@"..n..",exists,nodead][] Power Infusion\n/use 13") print("PI Updated to "..n) end

Can be named anything you want apart from “PI”, can be PI Master, Banana, PI setter, Bob, Steve, whatever you want.

Macro 2: HAS TO BE NAMED PI, very important

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@Bob,exists,nodead][] Power Infusion
/use 13

How it works: You target the person you want to set as your PI target, press Macro 1, this will update Macro 2 for you automatically. It’s to stop you from having to go into macros and change the name manually every time you want to change it. CAN NOT be used during combat, but is super nice just so that you can set your PI target at the start of a raid/dungeon/fight etc.

It also has a built in mouseover prio, so if you ever want to use PI on someone else than the person you set in your macro, you can just mouseover someone else and cast it.

Generic mouseover macro

Generic mouseover macros for enemies (harm) and allies (help) you can use for your spells.

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] spell
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] spell

Void Torrent Channeling Macro

3 macros that allow you to spam DP/Void Eruption/Mind Blast while channeling Void Torrent without interrupting the channel. You can copy either of them and just add whatever spell you want at the end.

/cast [nochanneling:void torrent, @mouseover,harm,nodead][nochanneling: Void Torrent] Devouring Plague
/cast [nochanneling:void torrent, @mouseover,harm,nodead][nochanneling: Void Torrent] Void Eruption
/cast [nochanneling:void torrent, @mouseover,harm,nodead][nochanneling: Void Torrent] Mind Blast

Shadow Crash Macro

Instantly casts Shadow Crash at the position of your cursor. Takes a bit of time to get used to, but it will save idle time when doing your rotation. The [@cursor] can be used for any spell with an area reticle (Shadow Crash, Mass Dispel, Angelic Feather etc.).

/cast [@cursor] Shadow Crash

Dispersion Cancel aura

A macro to use on Mind Blast. (This can be paired with any spell you want, and you can also just click Dispersion again to cancel it, since it has the cancelaura built into the spell (with a small grace period))

#showtooltip Mind Blast
/cancelaura Dispersion
/cast Mind Blast

Power Word: Shield mouseover Macro

A macro to make sure you can easily Power Word: Shield people without having to take your target away from the boss. This is useful while moving / pre Voidform.

#showtooltip Power word: shield
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Power word: shield

Flash Heal mouseover Macro

#showtooltip Flash Heal
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Flash Heal

Angelic Feather macro to always place the feather under you

#showtooltip Angelic Feather
/cast [@player] Angelic Feather

Cast Sequence macro to alternate Power Word: Shield and Angelic Feather

/castsequence [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player] reset=6 Power Word: Shield, Angelic Feather, Angelic Feather, Angelic Feather

My dot macros that follows the priority of mouseover > focus target > your target:

/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,harm][] Shadow Word: Pain
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@focus,harm][] Vampiric Touch

Shadowform Missing Macro

Macro to apply Shadowform if you do not have it, otherwise cast Power Word: Fortitude

/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/cast [@player] Power Word: Fortitude


I share my entire UI for free over at

Things are always changing slightly since it’s a new Expansion and things might look different for me because of Textures and or Fonts.

But the READ FIRST PLEASE section should cover everything to set it up nicely.

If you have any other question regarding it you can just DM me on Discord.

If you do not like what I am using I can really suggest Publik’s Weakaura pack over at