Shadow Priest Stats, Races and Consumables Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 24th Feb, 2025
Jaerv Author Avatar

Stat Priorities

Stat Ranking

Archon Void Eruption: Haste > Mastery > Crit > Vers

Voidweaver Dark Ascension: Mastery > Haste > Crit > Vers

The important part to think about when Voidweaver, is that you want enough haste to consistently get 3x Void Blast’s without procs before focusing on Mastery.

Stat Outline

Crit: Chance for spells to do double damage. Causes Shadowy Apparitions to deal 100% increased damage if the Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Void Bolt or Mind Sear was a Critical Strike. Tormented Spirits has increased chance to proc on Critical Strike

Haste: Increases spell casting and dot tick speed, reduces the cooldown of some spells and lowers the global cooldown.

Mastery: Increases your damage on the target for each Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague effect that you have active on the target. During Voidform all targets receive the maximum effect.

Versatility: Increases damage and healing done and reduces damage taken


Racials very rarely matter when it comes to DPS. The difference between the top 10 races is within 0.4% and has always been close enough that it doesn’t matter.

You should instead look at what other things the races bring, such as Rocket Jump from Goblin, Spatial Rift from Void Elf, Glide for Dracthyr, Shadowmeld from Night Elf and Stoneform from Dwarf.

I will always say that if you are focusing on raiding, you should play Goblin, Dracthyr or Void Elf. Because the added mobility from either of them is just impossible to compete with.

If you are focusing on m+ you play either Night Elf or Dwarf, depending on the season (Night Elf is currently better than Dwarf in Season 2).

If all you care about is DPS, and I really want to preface this by saying, DPS wise, it does not matter what race you play, but then the order currently is:

  1. Maghar Orc: +1.43%
  2. Human: +1.41%
  3. Void Elf: +1.33%
  4. Mechagnome: 1.31%
  5. Night Elf (Haste): +1.27%
  6. Goblin: +1.24%
  7. Gnome: 1.22%

Base: 0%

As long as you do not play Lightforged Draenei or Vulpera, you can almost never go wrong.


It’s very important that you sim your own character, and gem/enchant based on what YOU need. Haste and Mastery being the best can swap very easily depending on the rest of your gear, so keep that in mind.

Cloak: Chant of Winged Grace (Avoidance)

Chest: Crystalline Radiance

Bracers: Chant of Armored Avoidance (Avoidance)

Boots: Defender’s March for progress (Stam) Scout’s March for leveling or farm (Speed)

Legs: Sunset Spellthread

Rings: Radiant Haste or Radiant Mastery

Weapon: Stormrider’s Fury or Council’s Guile (Dependant on your haste)


You want 1x Primary stat gem, and then a mix of Haste/Mastery or Mastery/Haste.

Primary: Elusive Blasphemite

Haste/Mastery: Masterful Emerald

Mastery/Haste: Quick Onyx


Food: Use the Feast if your guild provides one, otherwise Salty Dog (Mastery) or Chippy Tea (Haste)

Phials: Flask of Alchemical Chaos.

Potions: Tempered Potion

Health Potions: Algari Healing Potion

Weapon Oil: Algari Mana Oil

Runes: Crystallized Augment Rune