Tier Sets
The War Within Season 2 Survival Hunter Tier Set:
- (2) - Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Wildfire Bomb by 3% stacking up to 6 times.Wildfire Bomb has a 15% chance to end your Winning Streak!
- (4) - Hunter Survival 11.1 Class Set 4pc — When your Streak ends, your next Raptor Strike Icon Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite Icon Mongoose Bite deals 400% increased damage, and reduces the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb Icon Wildfire Bomb by 10 sec.
With 11.1 Blizzard has a new approach to the 2 set tier bonuses, by making them have very similar effects across roles (in our case melee DPS).
Unfortunately this means all tier sets work very similarly and do not affect gameplay very much. Tier sets will still be mandatory for any competitive PvE content meaning you want to farm them through the raid or by using the catalyst to convert season 2 items.
survival hunter Best in Slot Gear
You should still prioritise the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Survival Hunter, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.
Overall Best Gear
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl | Catalyst / Raid / Vault |
Neck | Gobfather's Gifted Bling | Mug'Zee |
Shoulders | Crashguard Spaulders | The MOTHERLODE!! |
Cloak | Test Pilot's Go-Pack | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock |
Chest | Tireless Collector's Battlegear | Catalyst / Raid / Vault |
Wrist | Glyph-Etched Vambraces | Crafted - Leatherworking |
Gloves | Tireless Collector's Gauntlets | Catalyst / Raid / Vault |
Belt | Glyph-Etched Binding | Crafted - Leatherworking |
Legs | Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches | Catalyst / Raid / Vault |
Boots | Tireless Collector's Spiked Cleats | Catalyst |
Ring | Cyrce's Circlet | Siren Isle |
Ring | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket | Eye of Kezan | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket | Signet of the Priory | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Main Hand | Giga Bank-Breaker | One-Armed Bandit |
Best Gear from the Raid
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl | Raid or Vault |
Neck | Gobfather's Gifted Bling | Mug'Zee |
Shoulders | Tireless Collector's Hunted Heads | Raid or Vault |
Cloak | Test Pilot's Go-Pack | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock |
Chest | Tireless Collector's Battlegear | Raid or Vault |
Wrist | Made Manacles | Mug'Zee |
Gloves | Gravi-Gunk Handlers | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock |
Belt | Tireless Collector's First Kill | Raid or Vault |
Legs | Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches | Raid or Vault |
Boots | Dubious Table-Runners | One-Armed Bandit |
Ring | Faded Championship Ring | Flarendo |
Ring | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket | Eye of Kezan | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket | House of Cards | One-Armed Bandit |
Main Hand | Giga Bank-Breaker | One-Armed Bandit |
Best Gear from Mythic+
Slot | Item | Source |
Head | Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl | Catalyst or Vault |
Neck | Strapped Rescue-Keg | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Shoulders | Tireless Collector's Hunted Heads | Catalyst or Vault |
Cloak | Chef Chewie's Towel | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Chest | Tireless Collector's Battlegear | Catalyst or Vault |
Wrist | Consecrated Baron's Bindings | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Gloves | Linked Pummeler Grips | The MOTHERLODE!! |
Belt | Portable Power Generator | Operation: Floodgate |
Legs | Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches | Catalyst or Vault |
Boots | Boots of Shuddering Matter | Theater of Pain |
Ring | Ring of Perpetual Conflict | Theater of Pain |
Ring | Radiant Necromancer's Band | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Trinket | Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker | Operation: Floodgate |
Trinket | Signet of the Priory | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Main Hand | Gallytech Turbo-Tiller | Operation: Floodgate |
Eye of Kezan: Is looking to be an extremely strong trinket for single target. Increasing your stats over time and dealing damage once it has fully stacked. Leaving combat makes you lose your stats, which is why I do not recommend using it for anything outside of raiding.
House of Cards: An interesting new trinket which grants you a random amount of mastery between two values when used, additionally you will "stack the deck" increasing the minimum value on your next use. This is a good option for single target.
Signet of the Priory: Is overall your go to trinket in AoE. When activated you and nearby party members will get a huge burst of your highest secondary stats, making it also good to buff your allies you want to make sure to use it in combination with Coordinated Assault for huge burst damage.
Azerokk's Resonating Heart: Overall this trinket is a good option for AoE. It has Mastery and a random Agility proc.
You want to focus on the most impactful upgrades with your crafted gear. At the start of a season, this will likely be focusing on crafting a Weapon first as the high item level will outperform any other weapon that most people will realistically be able to receive at the start of a season.
For embellishments we have a couple of options.
Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension in combination with Writhing Armor Banding is your best embellishment combination for DPS. This embellishment will increase a random secondary stat every 8 seconds stacking up to 10 times.
Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity is your second best embellishment. This will cause your abilities to randomly increase your secondary stats. This Embellishment can only be crafted on a weapon and due to survival hunters using a 2 Handed weapon, we can only craft it once.
Dawnthread Lining and Duskthread Lining are both good performing Embellishments on paper. They will both provide you with secondary stats as long as you are above an HP threshold. However, this can be a massive downside if you are constantly below that HP threshold.
Cyrce's Circlet
Cyrce's Circlet is a new ring in 11.0.7 which will let you place new custom gems into 3 socket types on the ring, similar to the Onyx Annulet in Dragonflight.
This will be one of / your best options for both single target and AoE respectively.
You want to pick the following gems for your Cyrce's Circlet:
- Sea Citrine: Fathomdweller’s Runed Citrine (ST / AoE)
- Wind Citrine: Windsinger’s Runed Citrine (ST / AoE)
- Thunder Citrine: Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine / Thunderlord’s Crackling Citrine (ST), Stormbringer’s Runed Citrine (AoE)