I use all of the following macros:
Reaver’s Glaive Macro
Use this so activating Reaver’s Glaive as Aldrachi Reaver doesn’t accidentally activate Throw Glaive as well.
/cast Reaver's Glaive
Focus Macro
Sets your focus on your mouseover or if no mouseover exists, focuses your target.
/focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists]
Sigil of Chains Macro
Makes your Sigil of Chains go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Sigil of Chains
/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Chains
Sigil of Misery Macro
Makes your Sigil of Misery go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Sigil of Misery
/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Misery
Sigil of Silence Macro
Makes your Sigil of Silence go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Sigil of Silence
/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Silence
Sigil of Flame Macro
Makes your Sigil of Flame go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Sigil of Flame
/cast [@cursor] Sigil of Flame
Sigil of Spite Macro
Makes your Elysian Decree go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Elysian Decree
/cast [@cursor] Elysian Decree
Infernal Strike Cursor Macro
Makes your Infernal Strike go where your cursor is.
#showtooltip Infernal Strike
/cast [@cursor]Infernal Strike
Infernal Strike Player Macro
Makes your Infernal Strike go where your character is, useful when you want to use it for a bit extra damage without moving.
#showtooltip Infernal Strike
/cast [@player]Infernal Strike
Consume Magic Macro
Makes your Consume Magic a mouseover ability.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Consume Magic
Fiery Brand Macro
Makes your Fiery Brand a mouseover ability.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Fiery Brand
Imprison Macro
Makes your Imprison a mouseover ability.
#showtooltip Imprison
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Imprison
Torment Macro
Makes your Torment a mouseover ability.
#showtooltip Torment
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Torment
Throw Glaive Macro
Makes your Throw Glaive a mouseover ability.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Throw Glaive
Disrupt Macro
Makes your Disrupt a mouseover ability.
#showtooltip Disrupt
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][]Disrupt
Focus Disrupt Macro
Makes your Disrupt go onto your focus target.
/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] [] Disrupt
I highly recommend using WeakAuras, you can find individual auras or full packages such as Luxthos's pack on
Which pack will suit you best will be dependent on your own personal preferences so make sure to find something that works for you