Talent Builds
Fel-Scarred - Single Target/Cleave
This build is the highest damage build for most raid situations, offering both the best single target and strong AoE damage for add spawns, while being less punishing than Aldrachi Reaver.
This build is the highest damage build for a pure Single Target situation in Raid after Aldrachi Reaver was nerfed slightly after release.
This build elects to drop utility points that generally are not useful in raid to get as much damage as possible out of the build.
Any spare points have either been put in mobility or defensive options to make this a well rounded, but still damage focused talent set-up.
Aldrachi - Single Target
If you prefer an Aldrachi Reaver build despite it being slightly lower performance on single target you can instead use this build.
Fel Scarred Cleave
For Cleave situations, such as raid fights with multiple bosses, heavy add presence or frequent bursts of mob spawns, you would use a build very similar as the single target build for Fel-Scarred, only changing one talent point to access Burning Alive for slightly more burst damage from Fiery Demise.
Aldrachi Reaver - Cleave
If you prefer Aldrachi Reaver for Cleave you can use the Single target build switching Darkglare Boon to Burning Alive for slightly more cleave damage. Otherwise all the important talents are taken in the Single Target build.
Aldrachi Reaver - Mythic+
This is a template for Mythic+, as there are plenty of viable options you can choose to use for any specific situation that you come across. These talents are mainly a mix of high damage talents while still making sure to have access to strong passive and active defensive options.
This version elects to drop Spirit bomb for Funnel damage, however in dungeons with large pulls you can elect to play Spirit bomb for more overall damage.
You have access to most utility options, however these talents do not include Sigil of Chains since the power of the talent has diminished somewhat due to changes in enemy spell behavior. If you want to play Sigil of Chains your best bet is to trade Extended Spikes for it.
Fel-Scarred - Mythic+
This is a template for Mythic+, as there are plenty of viable options you can choose to use for any specific situation that you come across. These talents are mainly a mix of high damage talents while still making sure to have access to strong passive and active defensive options.
You have access to most utility options, however these talents do not include Sigil of Chains since the power of the talent has diminished somewhat due to changes in enemy spell behavior. If you want to play Sigil of Chains your best bet is to trade Extended Spikes for it.
Class Talents
The class tree has a few notable defensive talents in the middle section of the tree, namely Soul Rending, Infernal Armor and Demonic, all of which offer a lot of defensive power at relatively low cost. Outside of these there are two main sections that differ for Vengeance. Offensive capstone choices, and utility choices elsewhere.
For the Capstone area you get three branches ending at Collective Anguish, The Hunt and Sigil of Spite. These are all mainly offensive options that you can choose between.
The main point to consider is that Rush of Chaos and Flames of Fury are both very strong talents that you almost always want, with this in mind you can either go for Sigil of Spite and The Hunt, which also offers a few extra points to get Darkness or some other defensive or utility talents.
Alternatively you can drop The Hunt for more passive damage from Collective Anguish, this however means you can not spend extra points in the capstone area if you still want Rush of Chaos.
For Aldrachi Reaver The Hunt plays a pivotal part of the hero tree and is a very strong recommendation to take. For Fel-Scarred it is significantly less valuable and Collective Anguish is usually worth more damage if you are comfortable dropping the defensive nodes.
For the rest of the tree you have to decide between talents such as Chaos Nova and Improved Sigil of Misery, powerful tools in Mythic+ but less so in Raid, where you might want to consider movement options like Pursuit or Felfire Haste instead.
Spec Talents
The Vengeance tree has a few options where you have to consider which options are useful for the content you are doing.In the first gate you have talents such as Calcified Spikes and Ascending Flame where one offers a small defensive benefit and the other a minor offensive gain.
Sigil of Silence is a strong tool in Mythic+ but less important in Raid outside of maybe a handful of encounters every expansion where you can instead run Meteoric Strikes for some extra mobility/off the global damage.
The second gate has more options to pick from. Spirit Bomb synergizes extremely well with Fel-Scarred, and is highly recommended when that is your talent tree of choice. As Aldrachi Reaver however it is not as strong. It is still good for large pulls, but can be dropped in Mythic+ for a simpler build at the cost of AoE damage, as well as defensive value in higher target counts.
You also have the option between defensive talents such as Extended spikes, Painbringer and offensive talents such as Chains of Anger and Soul Furnace.
Sigil of Chains is also a choice for dungeons, although the power has gone down significantly compared to Dragonflight due to changes to spellcaster behavior in dungeons.
With the change to Feed the Demon now being a 1-point node, the main choice is now whether you want to play with Last Resort, or without.
You can now efficiently talent into Soulcrush and Illuminated Sigils, both very strong talents in all content, as well as choose to spend the remaining 2 points into Feed the Demon and Last Resort, or into Darkglare Boon and Cycle of Binding. The former option is weaker offensively and defensively, but gives access to a cheat death effect in Last Resort, which can be a very strong comfort for a lot of players. On the other hand Darkglare Boon and Cycle of Binding offers more damage, higher uptime of Metamorphosis and the Parry from Illuminated Sigils, and more utility due to the cooldown reduction of Sigil of Silence, Sigil of Misery, and Sigil of Chains if talented.
Hero Talents
Aldrachi Reaver
Focusing on generating souls or using The Hunt to Activate Reaver’s Glaive, a more powerful Throw Glaive with further effects, is the core of Aldrachi Reaver.
Using Reaver’s Glaive empowers your next Fracture to make the target take extra damage from you and your next Soul Cleave to strike all nearby enemies a few times with a minor hit.
Whichever ability you press last after the Reaver’s Glaive gains twice the value.
As of current tuning the only time you press Soul Cleave first is in pure Single Target, and only if the target does not have any stacks of Reavers Mark.
With the change to Wounded Quarry, Aldrachi Reaver now offers a large amount of funnel damage in situations with many enemies. This can be incredibly useful if there are add spawns on bosses or when pulling trash on minibosses or bosses in Mythic+.
Outside of this the spec offers mostly passive benefits such as more damage and healing after using both your empowered abilities and a few nodes for passive damage.
There exists 3 choice nodes, however as of current tuning and behavior you always want Unhindered Assault, Incorruptible Spirit and Keen engagement, as these spells offer consistently better value than their choice nodes.
Centered around Metamorphosis and Demonic Fel-Scarred empowers your abilities whenever you enter Demon form.
If you enter through using Fel Devastation you empower your Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave to deal 30% more damage and cause a Demonsurge explosion that deals damage to all targets close to you.
If you activate Demon form through Metamorphosis you also empower Sigil of Flame, Immolation Aura and Fel Devastation on top of Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave.
The other nodes primarily focus on empowering yourself outside of Demon form or empowering Demonsurge’s damage.
Just as for Aldrachi Reaver the choice nodes are not very competitive and you basically always run Set Fire to the Pain and Student of Suffering, only alternating Wave of Debilitation and Pursuit of Angriness between Mythic+ and Raid respectively.