The G-99 Breakneck is a customizable mount released with Patch 11.1 Undermined, these customization options are unlocked in a variety of ways. In this article we cover what each of these upgrades do and where to find them.
The customization options can be changed at Mobber, he is located in Undermine just a little North West of the Incontinental Hotel.

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Paint Colours
Below is the list of paint colours for the G-99 Breakneck and where to find them. Changing the colour has no effect on the vehicle and is purely cosmetic. You will need exalted with the respective faction to purchase the paint.
- Neutral: This is the default colour that everyone has.
- Redline Red: Sold By Razzboom, the Bilgewater Quatermaster, for 1350 Resonance Crystals.
- Goblin Green: Sold By Lab Assistant Laszly, the Steamwheddle Quatermaster, for 1350 Resonance Crystals.
- Body Roll Blue: Sold by Boatswain Hardee, the Blackwater Quatermaster, for 1350 Resonance Crystals.
- Yellow Cake Yellow: Sold By Shredz the Scrapper, The Venture Quatermaster, for 1350 Resonance Crystals.
Below is a table of the engines available for the G-99 Breakneck, changing the engine will change the top speed or Acceleration of the vehicle, we have included how the engine affects the vehicle.
Engine Type | Unlock | Acceleration | Top Speed |
G77C Ultra | Automatically Unlocked | High | Slightly Low |
Controlled Cruiser | Automatically Unlocked | High | Low |
The Pozzik Standard | Undermine Breaknecking: Bronze Achievement | Average | Average |
GNZ Airmaster 9000 | Undermine Breaknecking: Gold Achievement | Low | High |
As you unlock these, we recommend you try them all, and if you do not like the D.R.I.V.E system, we recommend using the Controlled Cruisers as this makes the G-99 Breakneck behave more like a traditional mount.
Below is a list of Tyres available for the G-99 Breakneck, Changing the wheels will affect the grip meaning it will slide more or less when you drift.
- Tread-B-Gon are the default tires; they have average grip.
- 22H Slicks have increased grip, making it easier to turn while drifting, they are crafted by Engineers. The recipe can be purchased from Smaks Topskimmer, who is located in the Incontinental Hotel, for 150 Artisans Acuity.
- The GE86 Advance have reduced grip, meaning your vehicle will slide more while drifting. They are purchased from Angelo Restbin for 1 Vintage Kaja’Cola, you can obtain Vintage Kaja’Cola cans from the trash sifting minigame once you have reached Renown 14 with the Cartel of Undermine.
Below is a list of Turbos Avaliable to the G-99 Breakneck, changing the turbo will affect the cost and speed boost when you press the Nitro boost button. Both unlockable Turbos are created by collecting parts from rares around Undermine. These parts can also be purchased and sold on the Auction House.
- Wildfuel MK.0 is the default turbo, it has an average boost speed and average duration.
- The Handcrank Turbo reduces the cost of the turbo, but also reduces the speed of the boost. It requires the Handcrank Casing, Handcrank Fuel Injector, Handcrank Fuel Tank, Handcrank Gears and Handcrank Mounting System.
- The Steamboil increases the cost of the Turbo, but also increases the speed of the boost. It requires the Steamboil Casing, Steamboil Fuel Injector, Steamboil Fuel Tank, Steamboil Gears and Steamboil Mounting System.
Below is a list of horns available for the G-99 Breakneck. None of the horns affect the handling of the vehicle and are purely cosmetic. You will need Honored with the respective faction to purchase the horn.
- Basic: Default included with the G-99 Breakneck.
- The Buzzer: Sold by Boatswain, the Blackwater Quatermaster, for 975 Resonance Crystals.
- The Whole Brass Band: Sold by Shredz the Scrapper, the Venture Quatermaster, for 975 Resonance Crystals.
- The Ol’ Low-and-Slow: Sold by Rocco Razzbomm, the Bilgewater Quatermaster, for 975 Resonance Crystals.
- Manical Melodies: Sold by Lab Asisstant Laszly, the Steamwheedlee Quatermaster, for 975 Resonance Crystals.
Now that you know where to find all the upgrades for the G-99 Breakneck, check out our D.R.I.V.E overview to learn more about how to properly utilise this new mount.