Mists of Pandaria
September 25, 2012

Mists of Pandaria
Mogu'shan Vaults
October 2, 2012Mogu'shan Vaults
Heroic 25Vaults was one of three raids that formed the first tier of MoP, where endbosses started dropping in week 1. Heroics opened a week after the raid release and Will of the Emperor lived for 3 days.

MSV Cleared
October 12, 2012Heart of Fear
October 30, 2012Heart of Fear
Heroic 25Heart of Fear had the first US endboss World First since Vanilla as Blood Legion beat out Method. Shek'zeer lived 5 days.

HoF Cleared
November 11, 2012Terrace of Endless Spring
November 13, 2012Terrace of Endless Spring
Heroic 25The final raid of the first tier of MoP. You'd think something called Sha of Fear would be in Heart of Fear but no. It lived for 5 days.

ToES Cleared
November 25, 2012Throne of Thunder
March 5, 2013Throne of Thunder
Heroic 25Tier 15 was probably the best raid in MoP, with Lei Shen still considered in the top 3 best endbosses of all time (despite Ra-Den technically being the last boss, but he had limited attempts). He lived for 14 days.
- Jin'rokh the Breaker Blood Legion (US) 12.03.2013
- Horridon Blood Legion (US) 12.03.2013
- Council of Elders Exodus (US) 13.03.2013
- Tortos Exodus (US) 13.03.2013
- Megaera Blood Legion (US) 13.03.2013
- Ji-Kun Blood Legion (US) 13.03.2013
- Durumu the Forgotten Blood Legion (US) 14.03.2013
- Primordius Method (EU) 14.03.2013
- Dark Animus Method (EU) 17.03.2013
- Iron Qon Method (EU) 17.03.2013
- Twin Consorts Blood Legion (US) 20.03.2013
- Ra-den Method (EU) 11.04.2013
- Lei Shen Method (EU) 26.03.2013

ToT Cleared
March 26, 2013Siege of Orgrimmar
September 10, 2013Siege of Orgrimmar
Heroic 25SoO was the final raid of MoP, lasted a full year and we finally got to kill Garrosh, except not really. He lived 14 days and the raid had 14 bosses, but 11 died in the first 2 days.
- Immerseus Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Fallen Protectors Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Norushen Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Sha of Pride Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Galakras Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Iron Juggernaut Blood Legion (US) 17.09.2013
- Kor'kron Dark Shaman Blood Legion (US) 18.09.2013
- General Nazgrim Blood Legion (US) 18.09.2013
- Malkorok Blood Legion (US) 18.09.2013
- Spoils of Pandaria Blood Legion (US) 18.09.2013
- Thok the Bloodthirsty Method (EU) 18.09.2013
- Siegecrafter Blackfuse Method (EU) 21.09.2013
- Paragons of the Klaxxi Method (EU) 24.09.2013
- Garrosh Hellscream Method (EU) 01.10.2013

Siege of Orgrimmar Cleared
October 1, 2013Warlords of Draenor
November 13, 2014All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.