November 23, 2020

Castle Nathria
December 15, 2020Castle Nathria
Mythic 20- Shriekwing BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Altimor the Huntsman BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Hungering Destroyer Lazarus Imperative (US) 15.12.2020
- Artificer Xy'Mox Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- Sun King's Salvation BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Lady Inerva Darkvein Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- The Council of Blood Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- Sludgefist Complexity Limit (US) 18.12.2020
- Stone Legion Generals Complexity Limit (US) 21.12.2020
- Sire Denathrius Complexity Limit (US) 23.12.2020

Castle Nathria Cleared
December 23, 2020Sanctum of Domination
July 13th, 2021Sanctum of Domination
Mythic 20- The Tarragrue Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- Eye of the Jailer Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- The Nine Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- Remnant of Ner'zhul Complexity Limit (US) 13.07.2021
- Soulrender Dormazain Complexity Limit (US) 14.07.2021
- Painsmith Raznal Echo (EU) 15.07.2021
- Guardian of the First Ones Echo (EU) 15.07.2021
- Fatescribe Roh-Kalo Complexity Limit (US) 16.07.2021
- Kel'Thuzad Echo (EU) 17.07.2021
- Sylvanas Windrunner Echo (EU) 20.07.2021

Sanctum of Domination Cleared
July 20, 2021Sepulcher of the First Ones
March 8, 2022Sepulcher of the First Ones
Mythic 20- Vigilant Guardian The Early Shift (US) 09.03.2022
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener Liquid (US) 09.03.2022
- Artificer Xy'mox Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Prototype Pantheon Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Lihuvim, Principal Architect Liquid (US) 11.03.2022
- Halondrus the Reclaimer Liquid (US) 14.03.2022
- Anduin Wrynn Liquid (US) 18.03.2022
- Lords of Dread Echo (EU) 19.03.2022
- Rygelon Echo (EU) 21.03.2022
- The Jailer, Zovaal Echo (EU) 26.03.2022

Sepulcher of the First Ones Cleared
March 26, 2022Dragonflight
November 28, 2022
All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.