November 23, 2020![Shadowlands Patch Logo](/images/world-firsts/logos/shadowlands_logo.png)
![Shadowlands Expansion Raid History](/images/world-firsts/raids/shadowlands/shadowlands.jpg)
Castle Nathria
December 15, 2020Castle Nathria
Mythic 20- Shriekwing BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Altimor the Huntsman BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Hungering Destroyer Lazarus Imperative (US) 15.12.2020
- Artificer Xy'Mox Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- Sun King's Salvation BDGG (US) 15.12.2020
- Lady Inerva Darkvein Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- The Council of Blood Complexity Limit (US) 15.12.2020
- Sludgefist Complexity Limit (US) 18.12.2020
- Stone Legion Generals Complexity Limit (US) 21.12.2020
- Sire Denathrius Complexity Limit (US) 23.12.2020
![Shadowlands Patch Logo](/images/world-firsts/logos/shadowlands_logo.png)
Castle Nathria Cleared
December 23, 2020Sanctum of Domination
July 13th, 2021Sanctum of Domination
Mythic 20- The Tarragrue Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- Eye of the Jailer Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- The Nine Soniqs Imperative (US) 13.07.2021
- Remnant of Ner'zhul Complexity Limit (US) 13.07.2021
- Soulrender Dormazain Complexity Limit (US) 14.07.2021
- Painsmith Raznal Echo (EU) 15.07.2021
- Guardian of the First Ones Echo (EU) 15.07.2021
- Fatescribe Roh-Kalo Complexity Limit (US) 16.07.2021
- Kel'Thuzad Echo (EU) 17.07.2021
- Sylvanas Windrunner Echo (EU) 20.07.2021
![Shadowlands Chains of Domination Patch Logo](/images/world-firsts/logos/shadowlands_chains_of_domination_logo.png)
Sanctum of Domination Cleared
July 20, 2021Sepulcher of the First Ones
March 8, 2022Sepulcher of the First Ones
Mythic 20- Vigilant Guardian The Early Shift (US) 09.03.2022
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener Liquid (US) 09.03.2022
- Artificer Xy'mox Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Prototype Pantheon Liquid (US) 10.03.2022
- Lihuvim, Principal Architect Liquid (US) 11.03.2022
- Halondrus the Reclaimer Liquid (US) 14.03.2022
- Anduin Wrynn Liquid (US) 18.03.2022
- Lords of Dread Echo (EU) 19.03.2022
- Rygelon Echo (EU) 21.03.2022
- The Jailer, Zovaal Echo (EU) 26.03.2022
![Shadowlands Eternity's End Patch Logo](/images/world-firsts/logos/shadowlands_eternitys_end_logo.png)
Sepulcher of the First Ones Cleared
March 26, 2022Dragonflight
November 28, 2022
All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.