August 30, 2016Emerald Nightmare
September 20, 2016Emerald Nightmare
Mythic 20The Emerald Dream has been waiting since Vanilla and we're finally there...sort of. The first raid of Legion turned out to be far too easy and Xavius died within the first day, in only 18 hours!
- Nythendra Easy (US) 27.09.2016
- Elerethe Renferal Easy (US) 27.09.2016
- Ursoc Midwinter (US) 27.09.2016
- Il'gynoth Exorsus (EU) 28.09.2016
- Dragons of Nightmare Midwinter (US) 27.09.2016
- Cenarius Exorsus (EU) 28.09.2016
- Xavius Exorsus (EU) 29.09.2016

Emerald Nightmare Cleared
September 29, 2016Trial of Valor
November 8, 2016Trial of Valor
Mythic 20A late addition to the raid roster for Legion, Helya proved to be more of a challenge than Xavius, but still only lasted 3 days.

Trial of Valor Cleared
November 18, 2016The Nighthold
January 18, 2017The Nighthold
Mythic 20The first real raid of Legion, Gul'dan finally met his end in the Nighthold, again at the hands of Illidan (and the raiders), lasting 11 days total and taking 248 attempts to gul'down.
- Skorpyron SNF (US) 24.01.2017
- Chronomatic Anomaly SNF (US) 24.01.2017
- Trilliax SNF (US) 24.01.2017
- Spellblade Aluriel Limit (US) 24.01.2017
- Tichondrius Limit (US) 25.01.2017
- Krosus Limit (US) 25.01.2017
- High-Botanist Tel'arn Serenity (EU) 25.01.2017
- Star-Augur Etraeus Serenity (EU) 27.01.2017
- Grand-Magistrix Elisande Serenity (EU) 30.01.2017
- Gul'dan Exorsus (EU) 04.02.2017

The Nighthold Cleared
February 2, 2017Tomb of Sargeras
June 20, 2017Tomb of Sargeras
Mythic 20Kil'jaeden awaited us at the bottom of the tomb/on his spaceship and it took 3 weeks, 2 resets, 654 wipes and 19 days to down him. He fell exactly 2 years to the day after his Burning Legion buddy, Archimonde.
- Goroth Easy (US) 27.06.2017
- Demonic Inquisition Easy (US) 27.06.2017
- Harjatan Big Dumb Guild (US) 27.06.2017
- Sisters of the Moon Big Dumb Guild (US) 27.06.2017
- Mistress Sassz'ine Method (EU) 28.06.2017
- The Desolate Host Big Dumb Guild (US) 28.06.2017
- Maiden of Vigilance Method (EU) 29.06.2017
- Fallen Avatar Method (EU) 04.07.2017
- Kil'jaeden Method (EU) 16.07.2017

Tomb of Sargeras Cleared
July 16, 2017Antorus, the Burning Throne
November 28, 2017Antorus, the Burning Throne
Mythic 20The final raid of Legion, Argus' world soul itself awaited at the end, and while it ended up being a little short for the ending of an expansion, it at least had an impressive final cinematic. Argus survived 8 days and took 320 wipes to unmake.
- Garothi Worldbreaker Big Dumb Guild (US) 05.12.2017
- Felhounds of Sargeras Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Portal Keeper Hasabel Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Antoran High Command Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Eonar the Life-Binder Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Imonar the Soulhunter Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Kin'garoth Limit (US) 05.12.2017
- Varimathras Limit (US) 06.12.2017
- The Coven of Shivarra Limit (US) 06.12.2017
- Aggramar Method (EU) 06.12.2017
- Argus the Unmaker Method (EU) 13.12.2017

Antorus, the Burning Throne Cleared
December 13, 2017Battle for Azeroth
August 14, 2018All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.