The Burning Crusade Release
January 16, 2007

The Burning Crusade
Gruul's Lair
January 16, 2007Magtheridon's Lair
January 16, 2007Serpentshrine Cavern
January 16, 2007Serpentshrine Cavern
Normal 25Perhaps the most notable quote from this raid is "World First Legit" from Method, after the bugged out WF for Nihilum. Vashj was alive for 73 days and fishing finally had a point.

Tempest Keep
January 16, 2007Tempest Keep: The Eye
Normal 25Home of the pre-BT-patch-unkillable Kael and his legendary weapons, the raid remained uncleared for 130 days, almost surpassing Vanilla Ragnaros himself.

Karazhan Cleared
January 28, 2007Gruul Slain
February 3, 2007Magtheridon Slain
February 24, 2007SSC Cleared
March 29, 2007Mount Hyjal
May 22, 2007Battle for Mount Hyjal
Normal 25The raid duplicates the final mission of Warcraft 3. It was technically there from the expansion's launch, but before Kael'thas died you couldn't enter it. Archimonde lived 26 days.

Black Temple
May 22, 2007Black Temple
Normal 25We finally got to see who was and wasn't prepared. Nihilum got every single kill in the raid, a feat that hasn't been repeated since (in "real" raids. Ensidia did the same in the 2 day-Naxx re-dux/joke). Illidan lived 21 days.
- High Warlord Naj'entus Nihilum (EU) 26.05.2007
- Supremus Nihilum (EU) 26.05.2007
- Shade of Akama Nihilum (EU) 26.05.2007
- Teron Gorefiend Nihilum (EU) 26.05.2007
- Gurtogg Bloodboil Nihilum (EU) 26.05.2007
- Reliquary of Souls Nihilum (EU) 02.06.2007
- Mother Shahraz Nihilum (EU) 03.06.2007
- Illidari Council Nihilum (EU) 04.06.2007
- Illidan Stormrage Nihilum (EU) 05.06.2007

Tempest Keep Cleared
May 25, 2007Black Temple Cleared
June 5, 2007Mount Hyjal Cleared
June 9, 2007Zul'Aman
November 13, 2007Zul'Aman Cleared
November 13, 2007Sunwell Plateau
March 25, 2008Sunwell Plateau
Normal 25Gating was heavily featured here, which is the only reason Kil'jaeden made it to 62 days alive. M'uru was also a huge challenge in the raid.

Sunwell Cleared
May 25, 2008Wrath of the Lich King
November 13, 2008All boss kill dates are for the maximum available difficulty and are in GMT.
The days alive stat is counted from when the maximum available difficulty mode opened.