With the top 10 Guilds locked-in, this concludes our coverage of the Race to World First: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible!
Before this raid, there was a variety of guilds disbanding and players swapping between teams, with continued performance, we expect to see an even closer grouping at the top of the leaderboard in the next RWF. There was also a lot of uncertainty regarding CN guilds, so it was great to see Skyline and ChaoJie continue to make it into the top 10.
We hope that you enjoyed watching and reading our coverage of the RWF, and look forward to the next one later this year.
Honestly have defeated Scalecommander Sarkareth after 127 pulls, World 10th!
Conspiracy have defeated Scalecommander Sarkareth after 127 pulls, World 9th!
Chao Jie have defeated Scalecommander Sarkareth, World 8th!
Congratulations for Instant Dollars for defeating Mythic Scalecommander Sarkareth after 118 pulls!
That locked them in World 7th, US 3rd for the tier!
Congratulations for Imperative for the World 12th, US 5th kill on Mythic Echo of Neltharion!
They defeated the encounter after 113 pulls and are now ready to challenge the World 7th on the crazy Mythic Sarkareth encounter!
FatSharkYes has defeated Scalecommander Sarkareth after 98 pulls, World 6th!
Skyline has killed Scalecommander Sarkareth after 160 pulls, World 5th!
Skyline has a new best attempt for Scalecommander Sarkareth of 6.35% on pull 127. They are getting very close to securing themselves World 5th!
Conspiracy have killed Echo of Neltharion after 152 pulls!
Congratulations for BDG for defeating Mythic Sarkareth! They defeated the encounter after 135 pulls!
That locked them in World 4th, US 2nd for Aberrus!
Instant Dollars manage to kill Echo of Neltharion after 84 pulls!
BDG has a new best attempt for Scalecommander Sarkareth of 22.3% on pull 72, they are making solid progress and should be quite close to defeating the boss.
FatSharkYes have killed Echo of Neltharion after 111 pulls!
Chao Jie have defeated Echo of Neltharion!
Skyline killed Echo of Neltharion after 160 pulls!
Since Method's Scalecommander Sarkareth kill earlier today, there haven't been any new boss kills from the top 10 guilds. They have been making some progress on their respective bosses though, here is currently how it stands:
- BDG had their reset today, so are making their way back to Scalecommander Sarkareth, before returning to progress on that boss
- Conspiracy have a best of 3.29% on Echo of Neltharion, with 141 pulls in total
- FatSharkYes have a best of 3.82% on Echo of Neltharion, with 100 pulls in total
- Skyline have a best of 11.1% on Echo of Neltharion, with 121 pulls in total
- Instant Dollars have a best of 14.3% on Echo of Neltharion, with 73 pulls in total
With the reset tomorrow for EU, and US guilds re-clearing today, we will likely see more guilds progressing Scalecommander Sarkareth by the end of tomorrow, or definitely in the next few days!
And Method take down Scalecommander Sarkareth after 138 pulls claiming World 3rd, EU 2nd! Massive congrats to them!!!
And Honestly have finally defeated Magmorax after 23 pulls!
Over in the OCE servers, Honestly are having a heartbreaking run of pulls on Magmorax, with pull 18 giving them a best of 0.51% and the very next pull giving them a new best percentage of 0.4%!
Method are SUPER close to the kill, with a new best percentage of just 1.46% on pull 121! This boss looks like it's going down VERY soon!
And Method continuing with the good pulls getting a new best of 11.06% on Sarkareth on pull 120!
Honestly has a new best attempt for Magmorax of 1.18% on pull 9 (previous best was 7.32%)
Method continue to push their best attempt % down to 14.45%! Another great pull from the team.
Honestly have killed The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn after 40 pulls and move onto Magmorax.
Method drop their new best to 17.3%! Having more consistently low % pulls so far today.
Method have a new best of 22% on pull 113, starting to see pulls reaching their previous best, and looking good for some progress today!
Taking a look at where other guilds are currently at today:
- Method have started up today, slightly later than usual to get some extra sleep in, working on securing the World 3rd for Scalecommander Sarkareth, having some promising first few pulls today.
- Skyline has a new best attempt for Echo of Neltharion of 46.2% on pull 34 (down from 62.9% from 3 hours ago).
- Imperative has a new best attempt for Magmorax of 31.5% on pull 10 (previously 40.3% from 3 hours ago).
- BDG has a best on Scalecommander Sarkareth of 66.6% in 8 pulls, but have gone offline until tomorrow
Chao Jie have defeated Magmorax, World 9th, they now move onto Echo of Neltharion!
What a close call! Instant Dollars is not leaving the Crucible without this World 5th! They just lowered their best percentage again, this time to 14.3% on Neltharion's HP bar!
Instant Dollars is pushing hard to get that World 5th on Neltharion! They just lowered their best percentage to 26.8% after 62 pulls!
Congratulations to BDG for defeating Mythic Echo of Neltharion! They secured World 4th, US 2nd after 99 pulls!
Congratulations to Echo for the World 2nd, EU 1st Mythic Sarkareth!
They defeated the encounter after 141 pulls!
What a heartbreaking wipe! BDG just wiped at 0.12% on Neltharion!
They have 76 pulls so far in the Mythic version of the encounter, and they are for sure ready to claim that World 4th!
And that's the first place secured, a huge congrats to Liquid. Let's take a look at the past week.
We didn’t see any of the big 4 go into mythic straight away; obviously Echo and Method weren’t able to with the raid not yet being open in the EU as of yet. As for Liquid and BDG they opted to jump straight into splits and we saw a day of splits from those two teams.
Looking at the first mythic kills on Kazzara, it was taken by The Early Shift, followed by Nerd Crew, who then claimed the first kill on The Amalgamation Chamber. We didn’t see any of the big 4 teams on the leaderboard until The Forgotten Experiments; the first kill was claimed by FatSharkYes, BDG took 2nd and Liquid took 9th. But what were Echo and Method doing during this?…splits! We didn’t see all 4 of the fantastic 4 on the leaderboard until Rashok, where the first kill was claimed by Liquid, closely followed by Echo and Instant Dollars, Method took 4th and BDG took 7th.
Currently, we only have 3 teams that have beaten Echo of Neltharion; Liquid, Echo and Method. BDG are currently making steady progress on that boss, and hopefully we see a kill from them before the NA reset.
That brings us to Scalecommander Sarkareth, where we have only seen Liquid kill it and claim the World First Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible title. Echo are making some amazing progress with a best pull of 1.04% and Method are really ploughing through this boss with a current best pull of 39.09%, and these pulls keep getting better and better from them.
We were unsure if we would be seeing some of the top CN guilds competing in this tier after China lost their access to WoW. However, we're very please to have seen Skyline and Huo Guo Chao Jie raid from different server regions and they are still performing well, with both guilds taking world 8th and 9th on The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn and Skyline taking 8th on Magmorax.
Finally, a few honourable mentions to FatSharkYes and Honolulu, who have been doing amazing this tier, lets hope to see more competitors for World First in the next tier.
BDG got so close! The new best percentage for the US squad is now 6.38% after 72 attempts at the Mythic Echo of Neltharion encounter!
And with Midnight approaching over in Europe, Method is calling it a day! They got the Leader of the Sundered Flame all the way down 22.5% after 104 pulls!
Meanwhile Echo is not showing any signs of stopping, and after a quick break they are already back pulling Sarkareth, the last challenge Aberrus has to offer! Keep in mind that Echo managed to get all the way down 1.04% on the encounter, after 134 attempts!
Method is inching closer and closer! New best percentage for the Orange squad is 22.5% after 103 pulls on Sarkareth!
BDG just had a nail-biting wipe! The new best percentage for the NA squad is 7.87% after 67 attempts on Mythic Neltharion!
What a nail-biting pull that was! Echo just wiped with only 1.04% left on Sarkareth's HP bar!
Method is pushing hard for the World 2nd! They just lowered their personal best again! Keep in mind that as soon as they can consistently get to phase 2 with everybody alive, this percentage will drop massively!
The best percentage for the Orange Squad is now 38.9%!
Echo have an incredibly close wipe on Scalecommander Sarkareth of 1.64%.
This could go down for them any pull now!
Congratulations to Skyline for defeating Mythic Magmorax after 46 pulls! That got them World 8th, Asia 1st!

Congratulations to Liquid for defeating Mythic Sarkareth for World 1st, US 1st!
They defeated the encounter after 110 pulls!
Echo is not done yet! They are ready to put a lot of heat into this, they just wiped at 5.88%!
And Method is crazy consistent! Another best percentage for the Orange Squad! They reached 40.1% on Sarkareth's HP bar!
What a pull! Another sub 3% wipe for Liquid! They didn't lowered their best percentage, but still an amazing pull!
What a pull for Method! The new best percentage for the Orange Squad is 43.5% after 75 pulls on Mythic Sarkareth!
Meanwhile, in the lava pit, Skyline just got a nail-biting pull on Mythic Magmorax! Their best percentage is now 3.42% after 33 attempts.
Echo responded the best percentage pull from Liquid with a 14.2% as their new best percentage!