Race to World First: Sanctum of Domination leaderboards
Mythic Raid Progress Coverage![The Tarragrue Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/thetarragrue.png)
The Tarragrue
# | world |
1 | Imperative |
2 | Blood Legion |
3 | The Early Shift |
4 | Brain Delay |
5 | Liquid |
![Eye of the Jailer Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/eyeofthejailer.png)
Eye of the Jailer
# | world |
1 | Imperative |
2 | Liquid |
3 | BDG |
4 | Blood Legion |
5 | Flashpoint KTB |
![The Nine Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/thenine.png)
The Nine
# | world |
1 | Imperative |
2 | BDG |
3 | Liquid |
4 | Blood Legion |
5 | Flashpoint KTB |
![Remnant of Ner'zhul Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/remnantofnerzhul.png)
Remnant of Ner'zhul
# | world |
1 | Liquid |
2 | Echo |
3 | Method |
4 | Imperative |
5 | BDG |
![Soulrender Dormazain Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/soulrenderdormazain.png)
Soulrender Dormazain
# | world |
1 | Liquid |
2 | Echo |
3 | SK Pieces |
4 | Instant Dollars |
5 | BDG |
![Painsmith Raznal Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/painsmithraznal.png)
Painsmith Raznal
# | world |
1 | Echo |
2 | Liquid |
3 | Method |
4 | BDG |
5 | SK Pieces |
![Guardian of the First Ones Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/guardianofthefirstones.png)
Guardian of the First Ones
# | world |
1 | Echo |
2 | Liquid |
3 | Method |
4 | BDG |
5 | SK Pieces |
![Fatescribe Roh-Kalo Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/fatescriberohkalo.png)
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
# | world |
1 | Liquid |
2 | Echo |
3 | Method |
4 | BDG |
5 | SK Pieces |
![Kel'Thuzad Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/kelthuzad.png)
# | world |
1 | Echo |
2 | Liquid |
3 | BDG |
4 | Method |
5 | SK Pieces |
![Sylvanas Windrunner Image](/images/raidrace/bosses/sanctum-of-domination/sylvanaswindrunner.png)
Sylvanas Windrunner
# | world |
1 | Echo |
2 | Liquid |
3 | SK Pieces |
4 | BDG |
5 | Method |