The top 10 raiding guilds in the world have secured their place in the nerd hall of fame for this Race to World First Sepulcher of the First Ones after 28 days of endless pulls, heartbreaks, close calls, exhaustion and unbreakable will that rivals Odin himself.
We hope you enjoyed our 24/7 coverage for this tier. We know you have choices when it comes to receiving RWF updates conveniently available in the palm of your hand, we thank you for choosing for your coverage travels.
See you next expansion!
BDGG finish the World 10th, NA 2nd for this RWF, killing the Jailer after 330 pulls. Many of those hard fought attempts being evening raiding only due to IRL work obligations.
Ethical had their foot on the gas pedal all the way down today, as they've taken down Anduin and Lords of Dread in about 2 hours apart from each other, claiming US/OC 8th and US/OC 7th, respectively, and are now 9/11!
Chao Jie have defeated the Jailer World 8th and Asia 4th!
Exposed slay Rygelon, earning EU 7th. This brings them to 10/11.
We have a third AS guild triumphing over Zovaal, as JTH defeat him for World 7th, with another great showing during the RWF!
Zero Empathy kill Rygelon, taking EU 6th for the kill. This brings them 10/11, ready use the Jailer's chains against him.
Банхаммер take the EU 10th spot for downing Anduin. This bring them to 8/11.
Aversion joins the select Zovaal challengers club, as they take down Rygelon, EU 5th, and are now 10/11.
Soniqs Imperative joins the 10/11 club, downing Rygelon, taking NA 4th.
Instant Dollars take down Rygelon taking NA 3rd. This brings them to 10/11.
The Jailer is starting to have a really bad time, as Aster are the World 6th, AS 2nd, to take him down!!! We have officially crossed into the second half of the Top10!
The Jailer goes down yet again and Liquid claims World 5th, NA 1st!
SK Pieces takes down The Jailer claiming World 4th, EU 3rd!!
THE PODIUM IS COMPLETE!!! Skyline have claimed the bronze medal on The Jailer as World 3rd, AS 1st! Watching their performance this tier has been an absolute privilege!
Midwinter round out the NA top 10 for Halondrus. This brings them to 7/11 Mythic.
Soniqs Imperative take down those ugly Lords of Dread claiming NA 5th. This brings them to 9/11.
Moving into late evening in the EU we take a look at the various guilds doing their best tonight and we will start off in Shanghai, where it is just past 4 am in the morning. Skyline, JTH and KeaHoarl have called it for today, whilst ChaoJie and Aster are relentlessly hammering on The Jailer.
Aster just scored a new best of 21.6% on after 239 pulls. ChaoJie have made a little progress since last check in and now have a new best of 47.5% and 242 pulls in total.
In the EU, Aversion had a hearbreaking wipe on Rygelon and stand with 95 pulls in total on this boss.
SK Pieces is working on The Jailer and have according to WarcraftLogs also scored a new best of 16.7% P3 and have 360 pulls in total.
In the NA region Liquid is doing their re-clear having reached some buggy stars on Anduin. We hope to see the rest of the NA squad come online a little later to get their mythic re-clears going.
In the NA region it is reset day and Liquid is back online and have started their Mythic re-clear, making quick work and currently going for some fresh crab at Halondrus.
Early evening in the EU now and SK Pieces is also in pursuit of World 3rd. SK Pieces are only a few percentage behind Skyline on The Jailer with a best of 17.6% P3 and a total number of 349 pulls.
FatSharkYes, the newest addition of EU guilds fighting The Jailer, is just getting started on the learning curve and have a best of 67.1% and a total number of 10 pulls.
Aversion is catjamming over at Rygelon’s place, and are just about to take over as they have a best of 2.9% and 73 pulls in total.
While Method celebrates their World 2nd after an insane fight ending in a glorious kill on The Jailer, we have checked in on the CN guilds and how they are doing on The Jailer.
Skyline is in hot pursuit for that World 3rd and have made it into 14.8% P4 and have in total 373 pulls.
Aster have made solid progress throughout the day. Their latest best is recorded at 27.5% and a total number of 223 pulls in WarcraftLogs.
JTH’s progression have staggered a little. Only at 40.9% (It was at 45.6% last night) best with a total number of 312 pulls, while both KeaHoarl and ChaoJie are stilling the learning ropes of this fight. KeaHoarl have a best of 56.44% and their total number of pulls are 127. ChaoJie is doing a little better with a best of 48.6 after 220 pulls in total.
Zovaal falls once more! Method have claimed World 2nd, EU 2nd, on The Jailer!!!
SK Pieces are also making some more movement on the field as they get a new best of 17.6% in 347 pulls.
With all the distraction around Method going around, Skyline have sneaked in a new best pull of 10.5% on The Jailer in Phase 3 in 242 pulls.
After confirmation from Blizzard themselves, the suspicious 11% amount of health that The Jailer healed up to in the last phase on their best try is actually a bug and it should've not happened. Method have resumed their progress after confirmation and are looking to progress further, as their technical new best is actually ~8.4%.
Method have a HEARTBREAKING wipe on The Jailer, as he stops them in their tracks at 0.4% after 241 pulls!!!
Method have just made some amazing progress on The Jailer, as they have taken him down to 12.6% after 233 in the "secret" phase, as their new best!!!
Meanwhile, Skyline and SK Pieces have also achieved respective new bests of 15.4% and 20.8%, both in Phase 3!
It's now noon in EU, so let's have a quick look at everyone's stats at The Jailer:
- Method have almost made it back to the "secret" phase right before lunch break and they are still the only team, other than Echo, to have seen it - 19% in Phase 4 after 227 pulls
- Liquid have maintained their current progress, as mentioned earlier - 15.8% in 343 pulls
- Skyline have improved their progress since last night and are progressing through Phase 3 still - 18.3% in 334 pulls
- SK Pieces have maintained their current progress from last night - 21.3% in 320 pulls
- Aster's last registered progress has also improved since yesterday - 29.2% in 186 pulls
- JTH have advanced a bit into P3 since yesterday - 42% in 299 pulls
- ChaoJie are improving slowly - 51.6% in 177 pulls
- BDGG will resume their progress later today - 57.9% in 127 pulls
Good morning, Azeroth! It's a beautiful day that is likely to give us a lot of action on The Jailer front! The top teams are getting closer and closer to complete their progress and we just can't wait to see it!
We got ourselves a battle for the other two podium slots, as Method are looking to continue their amazing pace, after we saw them reach that final phase last night! We also had Liquid back into action this early morning and, although there was no new progress, it was good to see the players in good spirits and relaxed after an exhausting month of constant raiding.
Not far behind, we've got Skyline and SK Pieces as the current favorites to complete the Top 5, but if it's one thing that we've learned this tier (and many others before it), you don't know how the tables can turn at any moment. We have got more serious other contenders laying in the wings in the form of Aster, BDGG, JTH, KeaHoarl and, the newest addition to the elite 10/11 club, FatSharkYes, who have been moving at an outstanding pace once they set foot into Mythic!
Lords of Dread go down to Club Camel taking NA 3rd and Instant Dollars taking NA 4th. They are both now 9/11.
SK Pieces have called it for the night after securing a new best of 21.3% and 308 pulls in total on The Jailer
We have another contender for World 2nd, as FatSharkYes slays Rygelon, claiming World 11th, EU 4th on this boss! They will now be joining the other 9 guilds currently working with The Jailer.
Method making it into The Jailer's not-so-secret phase (P4) and scores a new best at 19.4% P4 after 229 pulls!
KeaHoarl and JTH have called their raid, KeaHoarl with a new best of 69.2% after 73 pulls in total, while JTH’s best (45.6%) is unchanged since last check-in.
Skyline has a new best of 19.8% and after 305 pulls and seem to be going and not ready for bed.
Aster is on a roll tonight as they also have a new best of 35.3% after 158 pulls, while ChaoJie is making some progress and stands with a new best of 61.8% after 128 pulls.
Method is now the leading guild overall for World 2nd as their best stands at 14.5%, but Liquid is about to boot up their stream and raid ready to catch up! It’s been somewhat quiet over in SK Pieces camp, but they are raiding and their best is 26.3% and 304 pulls in total.
Method hits a new best at 14.5% after 219 pulls on The Jailer! This brings them in front of Liquid.
An hour past midnight in Shanghai and we check in on the five (!) CN guilds to see how they are doing on their progression on The Jailer, and by default in contention to take World 2nd!
The newest guild getting locked in with The Jailer is Keahoarl. They’ve only been with this boss since this morning, but have amassed 58 pulls and a best of 73.5%
ChaoJie made it to The Jailer’s jail last night and have since been pulling this boss 108 times and have a best of 71%
JTH has reached stage 3 with The Jailer making him a lot more angrier, and after 232 pulls they have a best of 45.6%.
Aster’s latest numbers according to WarcraftLogs is 143 pulls and a best of 36.4%. Aster (@nasdalolx) confirmed on Twitter earlier today, that after coming out of lockdown just a few of days ago, Shanghai enters a new lockdown in two stages due to testing and that they are affected by the lockdown. At least they get to play WoW, but we all know how lockdown feels so we send them our best wishes and hope everything goes well in the end.
Skyline is still the leading CN guild. They are close to 300 pulls, 296 to be exact, and a best of 22.9%.
Skyline is closing the gap between them and Method a bit, as they achieve a new best of 22.9% in 277 pulls on The Jailer.
The Raven is getting a bit sad, knowing that a last check-in is soon approaching, but that's not happening just yet, so let's do this!
Now that a Top 10 has been established for Rygelon and there are 9 total challengers taking on The Jailer, following Echo's triumph, let's have a look at how everyone is currently doing!
- Liquid are looking to resume their progress today, starting again from a best of 15.8% in Phase 3 in 343 pulls.
- Method have also returned to Mythic after running a few splits this morning and they are looking to get even closer to Liquid's progress - 19.4% in 189 pulls
- Skyline are keeping up their machine gun pulling style and they are in a similar spot in the progress - 24.16% in 269 pulls
- SK Pieces have just achieved a new best - 28.1% in 274 pulls
- Aster's last known progress - 38.6% in 126 pulls
- JTH are looking to clean up the second phase - 51.8% in 229 pull
- BDGG have been progressing slow and steady and they will be resuming the fight tomorrow - 57.9% in 127 pulls
- ChaoJie seem to be close to transition into the second phase of the fight - 71% in 84 pulls
- KeaHoarl have jumped right into Jailer progress after their Rygelon kill this morning - 82.7% in 30 pulls
The data above has been acquired either via Raider.IO or WarcraftLogs.
Skyline are advancing their progress, as they achieve a new best of 24.7% in 260 pulls on The Jailer.
KeaHoarl are the 10th team to approach TheJailer, as they have takem down Rygelon , World 10th, AS 5th, and they are now 10/11!
We now have five AS challengers for Zovaal!
Soniqs Imperative free the not-so-boy king Anduin claiming NA 4th. This bring them to 8/11 and onto the last 3 bosses.
xD kill the mighty crab and take NA 8th for slaying Halondrus. This brings them to 7/11.
Club Camel take down Anduin take NA 3rd. They are now 8/11.
Method are calling it a night with a best attempt of 19.4% on the Jailer so far. Looks like they will heading into split EU morning tomorrow, before they resume Jailer progression as World 2nd for this race is still up for grabs.
Aversion's two step tango proves to be no match for the Lords of Dread, granting them EU 5th for the kill. They are now 9/11 and move onto to Rygelon.
Zovaal is getting a new contender, as ChaoJie take down Rygelon for World 9th, AS 4th, and they are now 10/11!!!
Consistency is what Method are showing a lot of today once again, as they keep progressing through the third phase of The Jailer encounter, getting a new best attempt of 26% in 167 pulls.
And since we're here, let's have a broader look at the other standings (acquired via and WarcraftLogs) for Zovaal:
- SK Pieces - 38.5% in 230 pulls
- Skyline - 41.1% in 217 pulls
- Aster - 51.5% in 66 pulls
- JTH - 61.9% in 134 pulls
- BDGG - 62.3% in 93 pulls
The world Top 10 for Lords of Dread is complete as FatSharkYes take the Dreadlords down and move on to 9/11!
Method push it even further, with a new best of 30% in Phase 3.
Progressing in the same phase, SK Pieces are sitting on a best attempt of 38.8% and Skyline on a best of 41.4%.
Method are pushing and seem eager to see final phase of The Jailer today, as they achieve a new best of 32.6% in Phase 3, after 156 pulls.