It's been a while since our last update, so let's take one final look at who else has made it over the finish line before closing ToS progress for good and looking forward to Antorus!
First of the Kil'jaden killers are Chinese guild ShadowCream, followed by Russian guild Ingenium, EU guild Gambit, Russian guild Fusion, EU guild eXample, US guilds Big Dumb Guild and WHATEVER WERE AWESOME, EU guild Ascent, Korean guild Below Level, US guilds vodkaz and Strawberry Puppy Kisses and finally, Russian guild Black Lotus.
Huge congrats to all the guilds that have made it across the finish line and slain Kil'jaeden, cleaning up the Tomb of Sargeras Mythic and all of its nine bosses. See you all in Antorus: The Burning Throne!
We have three more Kj kills, as Error Code get the EU 11th, World 24th followed by Pieces and Wait for It with the EU 12th and 13th!
We have some shuffling in the post-top 20 world as it appears Chinese guild MoShen got Kj down before Aversion, therefore claiming the rightful 21st spot and pushing Aversion and Encore down 1 spot.
Two more KJ kills and a US/OC 5th in there as well! We have Aversion with the World 21st, EU 10th and Encore with the 22nd/ US/OC 5th!
The top 20 is done as the US/OC kills keep on comin, as Honestly down Kil'jaeden region 4th, World 20th!
We have a US/OC third as Easy head to 9/9, down Kil'jaeden and finish up Tomb of Sargeras, World 19th!
Typical, I step away for a day and the kills start pouring in! We have two more KJ kills by NollTvåTre and FatSharkYes, making it 18 guilds done with ToS! NollTvåTre get the EU 8th and the obese sharks affirmative get the 9th!
A World 16th has arrived! Nova has claimed the EU 7th and finished up ToS.
Ad we have a US/OC 2nd, World 15th! Ego follow Limit as we get one guild from each side of the US/OC divide. Congrats!
We now have 7 Asian, 6 EU and 2 US/OC guilds comprising the top 15.
The nerfs keep on giving! We have a EU 6th, World 14th in Bleached Bones, getting that 9/9 KJ kill!
It seems the nerf did in fact help as we almost immediately got the next kill! Libertad claim the EU 5th, World 13th kill and finish up the Tomb! Gz!
Some more Kil'jaeden Mythic nerfs today so we should hopefully see some new kills soon! It's been 4 days!
Tomb of Sargeras
The race for the top 20 continues as we get our World 12th, with Chinese guild Light of Dawn claiming the Asia 7th on Kil'jaden and finish up ToS!
A little belated, but here's the official top 10 for Mythic ToS!
It seems we jumped the gun a little and it was KeaHoarl that got the World 10th instead, bumping Limit to 11th and making it 6 Asian guilds in the top 10!
Edit: It seems Limit got the World 11th, as KeaHoarl beat them to it!
We have a top 10! And the final guild to make it in is Limit, claiming the US/OC 1st as well! So we have 5 Asian guilds, 4 European and 1 from the US representing the top 10 in the Tomb of Sargeras race.
We're still top10less, but we did get a pretty nice clip from today's Q&A with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, concerning the whole "KJ wasn't tested, top guilds are betatesters" issue:
You can check out the full Q&A clip here.
So, since it's been a while since the last kill and we're down to mostly the hardcore progress race followers, what would you guys like to see in terms of articles/blogs on the site, related to the progress race, its history or anything close to that? Just post in the comments with suggestions and ideas and I'll summarily decide it's too hard to do!
We are now 1 off from the top 10 as Right claim the World 9th, Asia 5th on Kil'jaeden. Over half the guilds that have finished up Mythic ToS are from Asia servers, showing off their skill and big involvement in the race, so congrats to all of them!
More news today as we get our World 8th, again from China with Stars Gaming, who also claim the Asia 4th!
If you just can't get enough Method interviews, here's yesterday's Final Boss show featuring Sco, Rogerbrown and Josh!
And we're heading towards that top 10, as Memento secure the No.7 spot and the EU 4th! Congrats!
Another kill! ScrubBusters grab the EU 3rd, World 6th and finish up Tomb of Sargeras. Gz!
The top 5 is here! Style War finish up ToS as Asia 3rd, World 5th!
And we have another Kil'jaden video to compare and contrast with Method's, as AFK R posted their World third kill!
And here's Alpha's World 4th (starting at 59 minutes):
We have a World 4th KJ, Chinese guild Alpha get the kill! Asia 2nd!
Here is a link to the kill on their Twitch stream:
Exorsus GM Alveona, as promised, went on reddit and wrote up a pretty big post on the race in ToS and his thoughts on what went wrong. From the difficulty curve, to hardcore raid mythbusting, thoughts on current Mythic raiding and more, it's certainly worth a read so go and check it out!
And we finally have the top 3 for the Mythic Tomb of Sargeras progress race!
More updates in the race for World 3rd as Alpha has made it down to 8.7% when KJ enraged and Style war are at 26%. It seems even with the recent nerfs KJ is still a formidable foe.
Some updates on the Alpha front, they recently hit 1235 wipes, their best try is at 21%, and they're even practicing the dark phase on the Heroic version of the fight. Seems like it may take some time until we get our bronze medalist!
well, with Mythic ToS having been cleared a little over a week ago for the first time ever, it's obviously time for the next raid to start testing! This weekend sees the fist time the presumably final raid of Legion, Antorus: The Burning Throne, will see the (non-datamined etc.) light of day. Check out the full testing schedule here.
It seems Exorsus had some choice words for the encounter designers after the recent KJ nerfs:
Today's hotfixes bring some more nerfs for Fallen Avatar and Kil'jaeden, with KJ getting quite a beating. Shouldn't be long now before that World 3rd and beyond.
Dungeons and Raids Tomb of Sargeras
And here's Method's WF Kil'jaeden killvideo!
It seems we have a date and time for Method's World First KJ Video!
And the big Method ToS race interview is live! Check out all the details of the stealth changes to Avatar and KJ, class balance in the raid and more!
Exorsus had 962 wipes before finally downing the big red guy and here come the World 2nd nerdscreams, with killshot coming later:
And we have a World 2nd! Exorsus keep their claim o the silver medal and down Kil'jaeden! 9/9! Huge grats on the kill as they had wipes as low as 0.2% in the last couple of days so this must come as a big relief!
And the US/OC top 5 for Fallen Avatar is complete as Limit get past him at their own pace.
And here's a clip for that 39% Alpha try. You can also check out the full try here.
Well as we're still waiting for a World 2nd, many people have commented on how long it's taking after Method's WF. Well, it has been a while, 6 days in fact, but it's not really that unprecedented.
We don't have to go that far back to get similar numbers, as the last boss to make us wait a while for that silver medalist was Blackhand back in Blackrock Foundry in WoD and it was 5 days until Paragon got that World 2nd. Before that we head to MoP and Throne of Thunder, with the not really applicable 7.5 days it took Blood Legion to clean up Ra-den after Method, but with the limited attempts on him we'll just ignore that one. Still in ToT though, it took the US guys 5 days to follow Method's Lei Shen WF. The current "legit" target Kil'jaeden is aiming for would be Firelands Ragnaros back in Cataclysm, where Method took 7 days to catch up to Paragon's WF.
We should also mention the Lich King, despite his limited attempts, as it took For the Horde 16 days to down him after Paragon's World First.
All the above numbers are for 20/25 man and the maximum difficulty.
Fallen Avatar US news: Encore take the US/OC 3rd & Ego take the US/OC 4th!
We have some more info on the Asian guilds now thanks to @andyice_77!
For the Fallen Avatar: ChaoJie actually downed it 8th before Honesty and Libertad, making them the World 16th spot for Avatar. 19th goes to YiBoLiu and 20th to DingXin.
And here is the total amount of guilds that have killed the bosses, including the CN guilds:
Goroth: 4712
Demonic Inq: 2789
Harjatan: 3224
Sisters: 1320
Desolate Host: 817
Mistress Sassz'ine: 151
Maiden: 103
Avatar: 22
Kil'jaeden: 1
Style War, the Fallen Avatar World 4th, have also been going at Kil'jaeden pretty hard, with their current wipe count at 637 and their best try at 57%. Meanwhile, Alpha just had a wipe at 50.6%!
A little update on Alpha and their search for that World 2nd on Kil'jaeden: they've wiped 784 times on him so far and their best try was at only 58%! That just sounds crazy, but KJ seems to be a very specific boss. Let's see if Exorsus can keep their current No.2 spot or if it gets taken by another guild!
After the weird coincidence of Kil'jaeden falling on the exact same day as Archimonde did 2 years earlier, I though I'd look through the history of raid progress every now and then to see if anything interesting happened on this day. Well, it's 1AM in Europe, so it's the 19th, and what else do we have that happened on the 19th of July?
Why, it's Paragon's Ragnaros Heroic World First from Firelands and Cataclysm! The boss died on the very last day of the second reset, almost making it to the vaunted 3rd reset, but he just missed it and so Al'akir remained the youngest boss to have lived beyond week 2. Until Archimonde dethroned him and then Kil'jaeden after that. Rag v2.0 also lived for 11 days after the penultimate boss, Majordomo Staghelm, was first defeated, compared to the 12 days KJ lived after Avatar's demise.
Some more Fallen Avatar kills: Right actually got him down before Honestly, claiming the World 15th, Asia 7th and Libertad got him after Honestly, with the World 17th/EU 10th!
Honestly defeat the Fallen Avatar! US Second!
Also, if you have any questions for the upcoming interview post them with the #Question. You should hurry up, though, as we'll be getting the interview done pretty soon.
Some more info on Method's Kil'jaeden progress, we get to see how much they actually accomplished before the fixes (Y = combat time X = pull):
For anyone interested in graphs/data, here's some pull information for our progression on KJ - not much was accomplished early before fixes.
— Justwait (@Justw8) July 16, 2017
And yet more Avatar Fallen-ers, as Nova head to 8/9 and KJ, grabbing the EU 9th as well!
Meanwhile, back in the Fallen Avatar kills division, today we got two more as Chinese guild Light of Dawn got him down World 13th, Asia 6th and a little later Future got him as well, claiming the EU 8th.
Sco decided to reveal what the secret phase on Kil'jaeden is. Unfortunately he forgot to mention the 500k revenge crit (I wonder if anyone got that reference, I'm guessing no):
And here we have the Method Nerd Screams from the Kil'jaeden world first kill!
And so the WF for ToS has been decided, congratulations to Method for sticking it out with KJ all this time! Now it's time to see who can claim that silver, if it'll be one of the Asian guilds like Alpha or Style War, or if Exorsus, despite their reduced raiding hours, will hold on to that 2nd spot. One big thing that Method's WF did is that is showed all the other guilds that the boss is actually killable, and the raid setup (if it's not messed with through logouts etc like Exorsus did on Gul'dan with that low ilev Paladin) should help as well.
So, Method won as expected, but place your bets for the silver and bronze!
Here is the full wipe count from ToS provided by Deepshades!
Method Rogue Ylioja gave us some info on the wipe count and came to a total of 654 for just Kil'jaeden alone!
And we have a US/OC first! Easy claim the World 13th on Fallen Avatar and 8/9, heading to Kil'jaeden!
We have a new Fallen Avatar kill today, as Pieces claim the World 12th, EU 7th on ToS's penultimate boss! 8/9 and on to Kil'jaeden.
We are still waiting on any big news today, but in the meantime we have had a KR 4th on Maiden from Mulpas, and a TW 1st from Asgard also on Maiden!
Some bad news as Exorsus just announced they're reducing raiding hours over the week. While it's unlikely any guilds are still going the insane hours they did the first week or two, we don't know exactly how much each guild will put in in this coming week 4 of the race. Maybe Kj will drop dead today or tomorrow so we won't have to think about it!
Another dawn Kil'jaeden (who is Archimonde's equal, and not lower than him in the Burning Legion food chain, as has been painstakingly pointed out to me in various places) gets to see, and gets ever closer to that fourth reset, today let's take a look at how far other guilds have progressed into ToS.
The numbers here will be somewhat approximated, as Wowprogress doesn't keep track of Chinese guilds (despite the fact that they weirdly did manually add Alpha and Style War, but not KeaHoarl and Stars Gaming).
We already know there are 11 guilds on 8/9 and progressing on KJ, so, let's start with Maiden of Vigilance and Mistress Sassz'ine:
At least 42 guilds have gotten past the vigilant one and are currently progressing on Fallen Avatar: 29 EU, 11 US/OC and 2 Korean.
There are actually fewer guilds that got past only the naga lady than the tall lady, as only 32 guilds sit at 6/9: 21 EU, 10 US/OC and 1 Korean.
The rest we'll just round up more quickly: 339 on 5/9, 272 on 4/9, 774 on 3/9, 343 on 2/9 and 717 with only poor Goroth down!
It seems we did indeed already have a top 10 on Fallen Avatar before FatSharkYes got him down, as Chinese guilds KeaHoarl and Stars Gaming grabbed those World 9th and 10th spots, as well as the Asia 4th and 5th. Apologies for the confusion.
Edit: It seems there may have been some kills on avatar from Chinese guilds before FatShark got to him, so we'll see if we can get the exact details there and keep you updated.
And we have another Avatar kill and Kil'jaeden contender, as FatSharkYes get the World 9th, Eu 6thand head to 8/9!
It seems the fact KJ has outlived Archi didn't quite sit right with Method and Exorsus as we got quite a few tweets regarding his difficulty:
Mechanics were messed up on him until after the last weekend so progress has been pretty slow
— Scott McMillan (@Methodsco) July 13, 2017
Discussions about boss difficulty or challenging content has nothing to to with current situation. Actual progress on KJ started 3 days ago.
— Exorsus (@ExorsusWoW) July 13, 2017
Overall it's not something you can explain on twitter, i will make a large post about current content when it's gonna be finally over.
— Exorsus (@ExorsusWoW) July 13, 2017
We have an EU 5th for Fallen Avatar, Aversion!
And it's official, as of a couple of minutes ago: Kil'jaeden is now the longest living boss since Al'Akir in Cataclysm! He's outlived his Burning Legion superior, Archimonde, who died on July 16th 2015, so let's see if Method can get big red down on Archimonde's deathversary! It's extremely unlikely Al'Akir will get his title taken away any time soon, as Archimonde lived for 16 days, but the Windlord lasted a full 42 days back in Cataclysm.
Fallen Avatar goes down again as we get our World 7th and AFK R get that Asia 3rd and move on to Kil'jaeden and 8/9!
7 guilds now on Kil'jaeden with 3 weeks worth of gear and a few nerfs/fixes to the encounter, big red's time may be drawing short.
It's a bad day for Avatar as we get another kill very quickly after the 5th - Memento claim the World 6th, Eu 4th and head to 8/9!
And the new reset bring us a World 5th on Fallen Avatar as ScrubBusters move to 8/9 and grab the EU 3rd as well! And they only needed 365 pulls!
And here's Method's World First Fallen Avatar Mythic kill video!
Exorsus have also managed to reach the big bad guy Kil'Jaeden again!
And it's off to the races for Method once again, as they down Avatar and head back to Kil'jaeden! Let's see who wins the "longest alive" competition between the two leaders of the Burning Legion.
It's reset day for the EU and the top 2 guilds, as they re-clear to Kil'jaeden and have a much better shot at him with another week's worth of gear. The Asian guilds haven't had their reset yet so Alpha and Style War get to play with big red a bit more.
Kil'jaeden has to live one more day to outlast our previous 3 reset champion, his direct superior in the Burning Legion (before he died anyway) Archimonde from Hellfire Citadel back in WoD. For future comparison, here's the wipe count for Archi: Method 472, Paragon 675, Exorsus 749. I feel pretty sure that the count for KJ will be significantly higher, in fact it's probably higher already! And if you're the historian type like me, the other boss to have lived past 2 resets before Archimonde, if we don't count limited attempt boss Ra-Den, was way back at the beginning of Cataclysm, namely Al'akir in the Throne of the Four Winds, taken down by Paragon!
The Asian guilds are on a roll! Style War are the 4th guild to get past the Fallen Avatar! They had 839 pulls, verifying just how big of an obstacle this boss is.
This now means that a total of 4 guilds have managed to reach Kil'Jaeden in week 2 of progress.
More Avatar nerfs with today's hotfixes, as commenters have already noticed, specifically for the Mythic version:
Fallen Avatar
- [With realm restarts in each region] On Mythic difficulty, 5 Shadowy Blades now spawn (was 7).
Now let's see if we can get a top 5 on the penultimate Tomb of Sargeras boss or if he'll prove to be too much of a challenge for the other guilds a while longer.
Here's Alpha's World 3rd, Asia first Mythic Fallen Avatar kill VoD:
It seems some changes have come to Kil'jaeden, as Sco points out:
Glad to see some changes being made to the KJ mechanics today, maybe there is hope after all!
— Scott McMillan (@Methodsco) July 11, 2017
Update: It took Alpha 842 tries to get Avatar down.
And we finally have a World 3rd on Fallen Avatar! As expected it's Chinese guild Alpha, also getting the Asia first and heading to 8/9 and Kil'jaeden! After probably north of 800 wipes, here's the kill clip as an added bonus:
This also means we get to see some progress on big red himself on their stream right here.
If you want to know what utter disappointment looks like, it seems Alpha have just the clip for you. After around 750 wipes on Avatar they managed to get him down to 0.1%. And then...
At the end those would be the very definition of anti-nerdscreams. As someone that's been in situations like the above plenty of times, I can tell you there really isn't a worse feeling in the game. And it just keeps getting worse and worse for every attempt after it that you don't kill the boss. In any case, good luck to Alpha, as that World 3rd is looking more and more likely!
Kil'jaeden is still alive and will presumably remain so until the reset on Wednesday, so let's take a moment to compare Tomb of Sargeras to Nighthold in the same time-frame. At this point in Nighthold, 14 days after the Mythic raid opened, we already had a top 3 on Gul'dan (Exorsus, Serenity, Method) and the World First was 2 days old! We also had 10 guilds on Gul'dan with Elisande down, compared to today's two on KJ.
While comparing wipe counts isn't exactly the best metric to use, since different bosses have different length fights, we'll do it anyway because why not (just keep in mind that for Avatar the wipe count is probably artificially higher, as you could get to practicing Phase 2 very quickly, so a solid number of the wipes were probably pretty short and so there would be more of them). In any case, the wipe count for Gul'dan was pretty low, even just compared to Fallen Avatar, with Exorsus on 246, Serenity 347 and Method on 270. Now, we know Method had 453 wipes and Exorsus 527 on Avatar, and Alpha, who haven't downed him yet but seem like a strong candidate for third place, are on a staggering 724. If we're going to be fair(er), perhaps the better comparison for Avatar would be Elisande, who held pretty steady around 200 wipes for the top 3 guilds (Exorsus 198, Serenity 229, Method 205), which shows an even bigger margin, with Avatar doubling the amount and then some.
But, if we take wipe count to be an unreliable statistic, let's use actual time spent on bosses as a metric (although even that isn't 100%, as we don't know exactly how much time each guild spent on the bosses within that timeframe). It took Method 5 days and 7 hours to down Avatar after clearing Maiden, while Exorsus took almost exactly 8 days to do the same. Now let's see how the same two guilds did in Nighthold: for Elisande it took Method 2 days and 4 hours after having downed Star Augur, and Exorsus needed 2 days and 3 hours. From Elisande to Gul'dan it took Method 5 days 22 hours and Exorsus took 4 days 22 hours to do the same. So, it seems Gul'dan did take Method a bit more time to down than Avatar, and Exorsus took way longer on Avatar than either of the final two bosses in Nighthold.
Kil'jaeden has almost outlived Avatar for Method at this point, and is showing no indication of going down before the reset, so let's get ready for a week 3 of the Tomb of Sagreras Mythic race!
Some bad news today as Limit will be taking a leave of Tomb progress and will be back for Argus:
Also, the GM is hosting a mini Q&A on his twitter @Jet_Limit1.
It seems Method and Exorsus aren't too pleased with Kil'jaeden's current state, both in terms of tuning and bugs:
Feeling ourselves internal QA testers after so smooth NH raid is really underwhelming.
— Exorsus (@ExorsusWoW) July 8, 2017
Edit: It seems the hotfix was applied well ahead of its announcement, which means both Method and Exorsus had killed Avatar this week with the fix active (although we're not 100% sure on that).
A hotfix just hit nerfing Fallen Avatar's Dark Mark ability by 25%, as well as making it not target healers anymore. Will we see some more kills after this nerf or is it going to remain just Method and Exorsus at the top?
And we finally have a World 2nd! Exorsus get Fallen Avatar down and catch back up to Method on 8/9. Kil'jaeden will have some more company today! With the time Method had on KJ on Tuesday and couple of hours today, they are still at an advantage, but if the final ToS boss proves to be a three-reseter we might have a serious race on our hands yet!
Method has once again killed Fallen Avatar! They now have a full week to bash their heads against Kil'Jaeden!
And we have more re-clears as Easy get back to their previous progress spot and head on to the second chapter of their Fallen Avatar story. Let's not forget, that World 2nd kill is still out there for anyone of the 30 or so guilds that are or were on 7/9 to get.
Method have now gotten past new and improved Mistress, and Maiden will probably follow quickly after that.
As things usually are when things are written down, it quickly comes to fruition. Exorsus got her down, and then followed by Maidens quite quickly, and they're now back at Fallen Avatar, or as he's better known, The Wall.
With the reclears well on their way in Europe and across the pond in the Americas, it seems like most guilds have hit quite an unexpected new wall. With the reset Blizzard have done some small changes to the Miss Sassz'ine encounter. You can no longer handle the beams by simply letting your Blood DKs taking the full hit, as it now stuns no matter what sort of immunities you have up, it also stuns for a far longer duration.
Let's see how long it takes and what guild manage to figure out a good way to handle this encounter, so that they may continue their progress on the latter bosses with their new and improved gear!
With EU re-clear day well on the way it's time to see just how fast the guilds get back to their respective maximums, especially with Method as Fallen Avatar might still take a while even with a winning strategy and a new reset's worth of gear. We also have the potential of a World 2nd from Asian guilds as their reset hasn't happened yet.
And here come the nerdscreams from the Fallen Avatar World First! Extreme loudness warning!
There's something coming from Method:
We're getting a nice treat as the nerdscreams and a bonus clip from the Fallen Avatar kill are coming soon!
— Method (@method) July 4, 2017
Method did it! 8/9 and Avatar down! An impressive performance which gives them all of today to see what makes Kil'jaeden tick and for the rest of us let's just hope we don't see another Cenarius/xavius situation unfold. Congrats to the team! Speaking of, here are some comments from them on the kill:
And we finally got the World First videos for the Tomb's first two bosses from Easy:
A bit of an update for the Asia 4th kill on Maiden, it seems A Stars managed to down her just before breaking up, so the 4 slot goes to them instead of Right. ChaoJie also got it before the Korean guild and claimed the Asia 5th.
Maiden is once again dead, this time killed by Right, making them the 4th Asian guild to reach the wall!
We've gotten quite a few new US kills, with US 4th, 5th and 6th Maiden of Vigilance going to Encore Alacrity and WHATEVER WERE AWESOME respectively!
We've had a few more kills since the last update, with three on Maiden of Vigilance (Prime, Fusion, set sail for fail and very recently Wait for it) and two on Mistress Sassz'ine (Time is Mana and Gambit).
We've also heard a part of A Stars has reformed as "Stars Gaming", have gone to farm Heroic ToS and it seems quite unlikely they'll be able to rejoin the race. Hopefully we'll see them back next time around.
Some bad news as we get the first (and hopefully last) guild disbanding for the tier, as former Asia No.1 A Stars have dissolved. They had started out strong in ToS grabbing the Sisters of the Moon and Desolate Host Asia firsts, but slowed a bit as their most recent kill was only Asia 5th on Mistress Sassz'ine. The actual reason for disbanding was a number of dissatisfied players leaving over money issues.
We hope to see them reformed soon, as they carry with them a very long legacy of raiding, dating back to the original Stars and the Yogg-saron +0 World First.
And we have a US/OC third for Maiden as Honestly climb to that ever growing 7/9 pack, now containing 16 guilds!
We have the US/OC 5th on Mistress Sassz'ine with WHATEVER WERE AWESOME downing her and heading to 6/9.
Two more Maiden kills as Nova and Future move on to that pillar of notlettingyougetpastit, Avatar.
It seems some have been lead to believe that Avatar is mathematically impossible and that's why Method hasn't been raiding literally 24/7 on him and Sco has a totally honest and absolutely NOT exaggerated or jokey update on the situation:
— Scott McMillan (@Methodsco) July 2, 2017
breaking news : justwait who just graduated few days ago confirmed that the boss is mathematically impossible...
P.S. It's a joke.
It seems there's a bit of a lull at the moment, with the most recent kill being Honestly's US/OC 4th Mistress Sassz'ine, so I wanted to share this pretty damn amazing trailer that just came out. It has a special significance for me in relation to the World First race, as Naxx was the first raid where I really felt that true WF rush (C'thun was just stupidly tuned and then hotfixed at a time more convenient for EU guilds, so I never really considered that such a big deal), and that Kel'thuzad first was truly an incredible feeling and really established Nihilum as one of the very top guilds at the time. In any case, Hurricane made this incredible Naxxramas trailer and you should check out his channel for even more cool stuff, like the Burning Crusade T5 trailer.
We've got some movement in the Asian scene, namely Qidi and A Stars who downed Mistress Sassz'ine as Asian 4th and 5th, respectively.
Maiden day continues as we get two more vigilant kills, courtesy of NollTvåTre and ScrubBusters as EU 7th and 8th.
Maidens, Maidens and yet more Maidens as we have another kill by Aversion who head to 7/9, EU 6th.
Two very close Maiden kills it seems as Pieces get the vigilant one down some 5 minutes after FatShark for the EU 5th.
It seems it's Maiden downing day today, as we have yet another kill, with FatSharkYes' World 9th, EU 4th!
Style War are next on the 7/9 list, grabbing the World 8th, Asia 3rd!
We also had another Mistress Sassz'ine kill, with ScrubBusters getting the EU 9th.
Here's Method's World First Maiden of Vigilance kill video!
We have yet another Maiden of Vigilance kill and it's AFK R with the World 7th, Asia 2nd!
And another Maiden kill as Memento climb to 6th place overall and get the EU third! 7/9 and on to Avatar!
If you wanna check out some Fallen Avatar tries, Alpha is streaming them right now!
Style War is the next in line to down Mistress Sassz'ine, claiming World #14, Asian 3rd!
The US guilds are on deck and we have another Sassz'kill, with Alacrity taking hime the US/OC third!
Time for some action as we have our fifth Maiden of Vigilance kill, courtesy of Easy! They claim the US/OC second as well as that World 5th, congrats! With 5 guilds and one from each region on Avatar it remains to be seen if Sargeras' former body can hold off the onslaught.
Two more guilds have downed Mistress Sassz'ine: NollTvåTre and Nova get the Eu 7th and 8th.
It's a Sassz'slaughter as Aversion gets the EU 6th!
And another 6/9 as FatSharkYes down Mistress Sassz'ine Eu 5th!
Another Mistress kill as Memento grab the EU 4th, World 8th and move to 6/9 with Easy, Pieces and AFK R.
And here's Method's World First Mistress Sassz'ine killvideo:
The action is picking up this Friday as we have another Asia kill, this time it's Mistress Sassz'ine and AFK R, with the World 7th, Asia 2nd!
And we have a fourth 7/9! Alpha get the Asia first, World 4th on Maiden of Vigilance catching up to the top group.
Pieces claim another boss and enter the 6/9 group after defeating Mistress Sassz'ine! Claiming EU 3rd and World 6th.
We have an Asia first and World 5th! Alpha down Mistress Sassz'ine!
The news from top guilds remains silent for the time being as the progression continues, so let's have a quick recap of the standings so far!
We have all three regions currently in the race, but EU have the lead with Method and Exorsus taking the world first and second yesterday on Maiden of Vigilance. Guilds from the Asia region have been catching up quickly though and could prove to be a real threat for the top guilds!
Overall however: Method, Exorsus and Limit are all at 7/9 with their focus now on defeating the Fallen Avatar!
At 6/9 we currently only have Easy who recently took down Mistress Sassz'ine and will be working on the Maiden of Vigilance next!
Then coming in at 5/9 we have over 27 different guilds working on Mistress Sassz'ine! Big Dumb Guild, who managed to make a quick start on Tuesday and took the world first for The Desolate Host, are now at 5th place and still 5/9.
Sisters of the Moon however have been defeated by 44 different guilds, all of which now sit at 4/9 and are progressing on The Desolate Host!
And we finally get another Mistress Sassz'ine kill! Easy decide they won't let Limit go too ar in front as they get the World 4th, US 2nd on the boss and are now the sole proprietor of that 6/9 spot!
Limit join the top two on 7/9 and move even further from the pack, getting the Maiden of Vigilance World 3rd, US first! They've certainly once again proven themselves as the best US/OC guild, after a slower start and choosing the harder boss to progress on. Congrats!
We also got the US 5th on Desolate Host, courtesy of Strawberry Puppy Kisses.
The desolation is getting out of hand as a whopping 11 guilds have hosted the bosses death in the past 5 hours: Future, Aversion, Ingenium, Fusion, Wait for it, NollTvåTre, Prime, ScrubBusters, Black Lotus, Alpha and Style War all head to 5/9 and on to Mistress Sassz'ine!
Yet more Hosts have been Desolated as FatSharkYes get the EU 5th and Memento the EU 6th on the boss!
Nova heads to 5/9 and gets past the Desolate Host World 11th, EU 4th. We also had four more guilds down Sisters, namely Empty Promises, Prime, Black Lotus and Aversion.
We have three new Sisters of the Moon killers and 4/9ers with Memento, Future and FatSharkYes getting the EU 7th, 8th and 9th on the boss.
Another Desolate Host kill, we have the Asia third from KeaHoarl!
AFK R move up in the world and down the Desolate Host World 8th and Asia 2nd! They're up at 5/9 joining Big Dumb Guild, Pieces, Easy, Alacrity and A Stars.
In all the excitement Fusion also downed Sisters of the Moon, EU 6th, World 18th.
So, with the Chinese guilds taken into account we now have two guilds on 7/9, one on 6/9, five on 5/9 and 11 on 4/9!
I want to thank AndyIce once again for the Chinese guild updates as well as for the pretty damn fast updates on the guilds we don't get direct info from ourselves!
We have a Maiden of Vigilance World 2nd! Exorsus catch up yet again and are on 7/9 with Method! They got back to the top slightly faster than it took them after Mistress Sassz'ine.
Apologies for the late Asia server update, but here it is and it's a big one! First off we have two Asia firsts for EN and ToV regional champions, Chinese guild A Stars, as they got Sisters of the Moon and Desolate host. We then have KeaHoarl and newcomer Qidi as Asia 2nd and 3rd on Sisters and Korean guild AFK R caught up to the Chinese guilds quickly as they grab the Asia 4th on Sisters and 4/9.
The rankings for Goroth are Qidi, Eating a Hamburger, Chao Jie, A Stars and Style war.
The rankings for Demonic Inquisition are Qidi, Chao Jie, A Stars, Style War, Yiboliu.
The rankings for Harjatan are are Qidi, Chao Jie, A Stars, Style War, Yiboliu.
The rankings for Sisters of the Moon are A Stars, KeHoarl, Qidi and AFK R.
Maiden of Vigilance is down! Method claiming yet another World First!
And in the lifelong tradition of great killshots, Method World First Maiden of Vigilance
It seems we skipped a kill on Desolate Host as it was Alacrity that got the World sixth US third on the boss, and Limit came in after them. Apologies!
Limit continue their rise and prove that they were indeed just needlessly stuck on Sassz'ine for a long time, as they join the top two guilds on 6/9 and get that World seventh, US fourth on the Desolate Host and move into third place overall!
Here comes the World third on Mistress Sassz'ine, and it's Limit who also grab the US first, having postponed the Desolate Host and are now on 5/9.
Now that there's a slight lull in the action, let's take a look at Method's Harjatan and Sisters of the Moon kills:
It seems the updates are pouring in all of a sudden, as we already have three kills over on the Asia side of things, as relative newcomers, Chinese guild Qidi, take down Goroth, Demonic Inquisition and Harjatan region first. They're already up on 3/9 and heading to Sisters! Special thanks once again to AndyIce for keeping us up to date on the Chinese guild status!
It seems one US kill draws another, as Alacrity also get past Sisters of the Moon, get that US/OC 5th and are on 4/9.
We have a US/OC fourth kill on Sisters of the Moon, with Strawberry Puppy Kisses heading to 4/9 and grabbing that World 9th.
Both Korean and Chinese servers have gone up and the guilds will be heading into the Tomb shortly, but they'll probably be going for Heroic splits first so it may take a while before we hear from them. With the Chinese guilds going full out in Tomb, unlike Nighthold, they may prove a challenge to Method and Exorsus if the raid lasts long enough for them to catch up.
And we have a World 2nd! Exorsus catch up to Method and down Mistress Sassz'ine EU and World 2nd, climbing to that 6/9. Method appear to have quite the lead, but if the following bosses hold out for a while that lead may prove less relevant as the raid progresses, so we still may have quite a race on our hands.
Even more action as we get another Sisters of the Moon kill (which I keep wanting to type as Sisters on the Moon for some reason, must be Winston's fault), with Ингениум aka Ingenium (I hope) getting the World 8th, EU 5th and heading to 4/9!
Whoa! Two high profile kills in very quick succession as Pieces and Easy down the Desolate Host basically seconds from each other! Pieces got there slightly quicker though, earning them the World 4th and EU 3rd, while Easy got the World 5th, US 2nd, catching up with their US rivals Big Dumb Guild on 5/9!
And we have a seventh 4/9 with Nova defeating Sister of the Moon EU fourth!
And we finally have another 4/9! Pieces have downed Sisters of the Moon Eu 3rd and World 6th!
There has been a rash of Harjatan and Demonic Inquisition kills recently, and we now have 53 guilds that downed three bosses in the Tomb! There are also 35 that only managed to get two and 70 that only got poor Goroth down. The top remains the same with only Limit and Easy on 4/9, Big Dumb Guild and Exorsus on 5/9 and Method at the top with 6.
Method go in the lead! 6/9 and Mistress Sassz'ne World First! Apparently the boss was "pretty challenging" according to Sco, but a first day kill doesn't really seem like that to me :)
The action has calmed down somewhat so let's take a look at our old friends set sail for fail who've recently entered the Tomb and downed 3 bosses in around an hour! They only around rank 14 EU but they're climbing fast.
And, since we're doing videos, let's take a look at Big Dumb Guild's streamed ones, featuring Method Synergy PvPer Mes (you can check out all their VoDs here).
World First Mythic Harjatan:
World First Mythic Sister of the Moon:
World First Mythic Desolate Host:
Well it seems Method are going faster not only in the kills department but also in the video one! Sco just released his Druid Tank PoV Mythic Goroth kill AND the Demonic Inquisition one as well! There should also be official Method ones coming later on, but for now let's enjoy the fights!
And I'm back and updating, pleasantly surprised we didn't see any new World Firsts, but it seems Method and Exorsus are living up to the hype and at the forefront as usual. Taking the route the US/OC guilds laid out it's now a three way tie at the top and four bosses left less than 24 hours after the raid was live. Let's see how fast Method and Exorsus separate from the pack and if this early clear was any indication for which of the two will finish ahead.
Exorsus bring it back with another kill, placing them with a World 3rd for Desolate Host, and EU 2nd! Now 5/9!
Method have taken down the Desolate Host! Now 5/9, World 2nd and EU 1st!
Method join the 4/9 race! Now taking EU second after defeating Sisters!
Exorsus take down sisters and claim the EU first!
Фьюжн join 3/9 by taking down Harjatan, and with it EU 5th!
Waít for it continue the kills, now taking EU 5th Demonic Inquisition!
Фьюжн claim EU 5th Goroth, now at 1/9.
Pieces claim EU 4th Harjatan, now joining the others at 3/9!
Method now join Exorsus and Nova, at 3/9 by taking EU third Harjatan!
Nova takes another EU second in Harjatan, putting them together with Exorsus at 3/9. Let's see how big of a challenge the upcoming bosses are!
Method and Pieces have both taken down Demonic Inquisition, putting them at 2/9, giving them Third and Fourth. Their armory updated at the exact same time, so we'll have to wait and see in what order the two kills came!
Exorsus has now joined the 3/9 squad, downing Harjatan EU First!
Nova has moved up to 2/9 as well, killing Demonic Inquisition EU Second!
Nova and Method seems to be doing the Mythic bosses before their split raids as well, getting Goroth down EU Second and Third respectively!
Exorsus are off to a fast start, getting EU first Goroth and Demonic Inquisition!
We've got a World #3 on Sisters of the Moon by Easy, putting them at 4/7 together with Limit.
EU raids have officially been opened!
Let's see which guilds go straight into clearing Mythic, and which ones start off with their splits.
Four more 3/9ers, with Fused, vodkaz, DNOgaming and Strawberry Puppy Kisses bringing the group's grand total to 10 members!
We have a brand new entry that skyrocketed straight to the, well not top, but close enough - Encore reach the 3/9 group! Meanwhile Storm, DNOgaming, Overcoming, vodkaz and Club Camel reach the 2/9 level and we have 7 other guilds down at 1/9!
Just as a slot opens up in the previously 5 strong 3/9 group, WHATEVER WERE AWESOME come in and fill it, grabbing that Demonic Inquisition kill. Fused also jumped to 2/9, downing DI just ahead of WWA.
Action! Limit have arrived at 4/9 taking the expected Sisters of the Moon route and grabbing the World 2nd on said boss along the way! It's very likely Limit will now pull ahead and get the WF on the next boss, but Big Dumb Guild did have a bit of practice before going to Heroic themselves, so it's still very much up in the air!
Alacrity live up to their name and join the big pack on 3/9, making it 5 strong by going through Harjatan, as WHATEVER WERE AWESOME move into Alacrity's previous spot at 2/9.
Alacrity move on to 2/9, according to, as I get my Command Golem ability. Oh, crap, wrong game to update!
It seems word of my playing Diablo has gotten out as we have two more guilds join the race at 1/9! Both Alacrity and Fused got passed Goroth and are looking ahead to that big 3/9 pack. We also see the return of the loudest guild in the race, WHATEVER WERE AWESOME, at 1/9 as well.
As expected, the very instant I started up Diablo 3, 2 kills happened. Benched joined the other three guilds on 3/9 by clearing up Demonic Inquisition and Storm joined the Mythic guilds by downing Goroth and 1/9ing!
It also seems Limit are having a bit of trouble with 2 raiders getting stuck:
@BlizzardCS We have 2 raiders unable to enter our raid ID- Heroic Group was set to Mythic and RP played through ability to cancel- Help!
— COMPLEXITY-LIMIT (@LimitGuild) June 27, 2017
Instant Dollars join up with Easy and Limit on 3/9, downing Demonic Inquisition World 4th, which makes it their third World 4th in ToS!
Aaaand 3/9 for Limit with Harjatan being barely a barrier briefly.
Unsurprisingly Limit move up in the world quickly with the W3rd Demonic Inquisition kill, and they'll probably be on 4/9 pretty soon as well as they remain the favorites for the US/OC crown. And so we now have three guilds on 2/9, but of those only Limit went for DI before Harjatan, who seems to be the more popular/easier choice.
Instant Dollars instantly move up to 2/9 via Harjatan and Limit enter the race and down Goroth!
Another guild has joined in the Goroth bashing and gone to 1/9, welcome to Instant Dollars!
Also, we're using both and Wowprogress to track the guilds we don't get direct updates from, just to keep you guys as up to date as possible.
Benched move up in the world, downing Harjatan World 3rd and get to 2/9!
It seems things have actually calmed down now as Easy and Big Dumb Guild work on that 4/9 and we haven't had any new guild entries in a while. To compare the pace with Nighthold, the first three bosses went down around an hour faster back at the end of tier 19, but as you'll remember the fourth boss was Spellblade and she was quite a leap in difficulty. But, if we go by the NH comparison, ignoring the 1 extra boss in the raid, the next kill isn't even close, as we'll be seeing it around 3AM CEST, aka some 6+ hours from now.
Also, it seems Wowprogress finally updated Big Dumb Guild's Goroth kill and it's now properly marked as World 2nd, as we previously reported, hopefully ending any confusion anyone may have had.
A third guild has entered the fray and broken through the gatekeeper of the Tomb! Benched have downed Goroth World 3rd and climbed to 1/9!
And we're tied at 3/9 to 3/9 again, with Easy downing Harjatan World 2nd!
In case you wanted to follow these WF happenings directly, one of our very own Method Synergy PvP players is streaming right now with the current leaders, Big Dumb Guild!
So much for the breather, as Big Dumb Guild hit that 3/9 first, downing Demonic Inquisition World 2nd!
Now that I have a minute to breathe, it seems we have two guilds neck and neck, each choosing a different path after Goroth. And just to clarify for those of you also following Wowprogress, our rankings are correct and it was Easy that downed Goroth first, by about 5 minutes. Right now it seems these two will go at it until they reach a relatively difficult boss and then probably head to split Heroic for some gear, and we should begin seeing some more guilds enter the race relatively soon as well.
And Goroth goes down again as Big Dumb Guild takes the second kill of Mythic Tomb and joins Easy on 1/9! These rankings might slightly change later when armory updates, but so far it seems to be the correct standings, even with kills coming this close together.
And we have the very first kill of Tier 20! Easy get Goroth down seemingly World First! 1/9!
In case you just showed up for the start of progress and haven't been following the ins and outs of which guilds quit, what to watch out for in this tier etc, a certain intrepid writer over at Icy Veins wrote up an introduction for the ToS race/summary of what happened at the end of Nighthold, so you can check it out if you want a quick primer for the race.
Here we go! US maintenance has concluded and there will be a number of guilds heading into Tomb as soon as possible, so there should be some World Firsts coming our way pretty quickly!
We're less than a day away from the start of Mythic Tomb of Sargeras progress, with US maintenance scheduled for 14:00 CEST and lasting an hour at most. The first few World Firsts will go to US and/or OC guilds, but who will actually take them is still up in the air as Limit tend to do Heroics before heading into Mythic and last tier's early birds SNF and Midwinter won't be in the race (at least not on this level). So it's time to see some new faces up on that No.1 spot for the first few bosses, and perhaps this will be the tier of new faces even in the final standings.
The competition from Asia servers will be much more fierce than it was in Nighthold, as the Chinese guilds will be fully ready and there from the start this time around, so Method and Exorsus might get some company up at the top if the race goes on long enough for their 1 day advantage to wear off.
In any case, it's soon time to start the coverage, so welcome to the Tier 20 Tomb of Sargeras Mythic progress race! And just to kick things off properly, here's our pretty amazing progress graphic, courtesy of @SkogDesigns:
The new boss thumbnails and banners are up and they're pretty damn good if I do say so myself, courtesy of @SkogDesigns!
The progress page itself has also been upgraded, so you can decide just how much info you want to see and can jump right to the boss tables, killshots and videos, progress-related articles, or just see the text updates only! We also removed the killfeed and replaced it with a more standard top 5 guilds ranking, so let us know how you like the changes and if there's anything you want added!
We finally got the raid release date today, which marks the beginning of the hype train leading straight into the Tomb! The race and progress coverage is starting on June 27th, so there's still some time left. A lot of top end members of the race have called it quits after Nighthold, including Serenity, From Scratch, Danish Terrace, Midwinter and SNF. The Tomb of Sargeras race will see somewhat of a smaller roster then, but there are plenty of new guilds waiting to show their mettle and hop up into that top 10 or even top 5, so this second tier of Legion raiding should be just as exciting as the first.
While you're waiting for June 27th (or June 20th for the Heroic warm-up), you can check out all the articles related to the progress race in the "articles" tab just above, including our Midwinter interview after they quit, the recent Serenity news and the big Exorsus interview after their win in Nighthold, or even skim through Nighthold progress once more to get ready.