It's been a while since our last update, so let's take one final look at who else has made it over the finish line before closing ToS progress for good and looking forward to Antorus!
First of the Kil'jaden killers are Chinese guild ShadowCream, followed by Russian guild Ingenium, EU guild Gambit, Russian guild Fusion, EU guild eXample, US guilds Big Dumb Guild and WHATEVER WERE AWESOME, EU guild Ascent, Korean guild Below Level, US guilds vodkaz and Strawberry Puppy Kisses and finally, Russian guild Black Lotus.
Huge congrats to all the guilds that have made it across the finish line and slain Kil'jaeden, cleaning up the Tomb of Sargeras Mythic and all of its nine bosses. See you all in Antorus: The Burning Throne!
We have three more Kj kills, as Error Code get the EU 11th, World 24th followed by Pieces and Wait for It with the EU 12th and 13th!
We have some shuffling in the post-top 20 world as it appears Chinese guild MoShen got Kj down before Aversion, therefore claiming the rightful 21st spot and pushing Aversion and Encore down 1 spot.
Two more KJ kills and a US/OC 5th in there as well! We have Aversion with the World 21st, EU 10th and Encore with the 22nd/ US/OC 5th!
The top 20 is done as the US/OC kills keep on comin, as Honestly down Kil'jaeden region 4th, World 20th!
We have a US/OC third as Easy head to 9/9, down Kil'jaeden and finish up Tomb of Sargeras, World 19th!
Typical, I step away for a day and the kills start pouring in! We have two more KJ kills by NollTvåTre and FatSharkYes, making it 18 guilds done with ToS! NollTvåTre get the EU 8th and the obese sharks affirmative get the 9th!
A World 16th has arrived! Nova has claimed the EU 7th and finished up ToS.
Ad we have a US/OC 2nd, World 15th! Ego follow Limit as we get one guild from each side of the US/OC divide. Congrats!
We now have 7 Asian, 6 EU and 2 US/OC guilds comprising the top 15.
The nerfs keep on giving! We have a EU 6th, World 14th in Bleached Bones, getting that 9/9 KJ kill!
It seems the nerf did in fact help as we almost immediately got the next kill! Libertad claim the EU 5th, World 13th kill and finish up the Tomb! Gz!
Some more Kil'jaeden Mythic nerfs today so we should hopefully see some new kills soon! It's been 4 days!
Tomb of Sargeras
The race for the top 20 continues as we get our World 12th, with Chinese guild Light of Dawn claiming the Asia 7th on Kil'jaden and finish up ToS!
A little belated, but here's the official top 10 for Mythic ToS!
It seems we jumped the gun a little and it was KeaHoarl that got the World 10th instead, bumping Limit to 11th and making it 6 Asian guilds in the top 10!
Edit: It seems Limit got the World 11th, as KeaHoarl beat them to it!
We have a top 10! And the final guild to make it in is Limit, claiming the US/OC 1st as well! So we have 5 Asian guilds, 4 European and 1 from the US representing the top 10 in the Tomb of Sargeras race.
We're still top10less, but we did get a pretty nice clip from today's Q&A with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, concerning the whole "KJ wasn't tested, top guilds are betatesters" issue:
You can check out the full Q&A clip here.
So, since it's been a while since the last kill and we're down to mostly the hardcore progress race followers, what would you guys like to see in terms of articles/blogs on the site, related to the progress race, its history or anything close to that? Just post in the comments with suggestions and ideas and I'll summarily decide it's too hard to do!
We are now 1 off from the top 10 as Right claim the World 9th, Asia 5th on Kil'jaeden. Over half the guilds that have finished up Mythic ToS are from Asia servers, showing off their skill and big involvement in the race, so congrats to all of them!
More news today as we get our World 8th, again from China with Stars Gaming, who also claim the Asia 4th!
If you just can't get enough Method interviews, here's yesterday's Final Boss show featuring Sco, Rogerbrown and Josh!
And we're heading towards that top 10, as Memento secure the No.7 spot and the EU 4th! Congrats!
Another kill! ScrubBusters grab the EU 3rd, World 6th and finish up Tomb of Sargeras. Gz!
The top 5 is here! Style War finish up ToS as Asia 3rd, World 5th!
And we have another Kil'jaden video to compare and contrast with Method's, as AFK R posted their World third kill!
And here's Alpha's World 4th (starting at 59 minutes):
We have a World 4th KJ, Chinese guild Alpha get the kill! Asia 2nd!
Here is a link to the kill on their Twitch stream:
Exorsus GM Alveona, as promised, went on reddit and wrote up a pretty big post on the race in ToS and his thoughts on what went wrong. From the difficulty curve, to hardcore raid mythbusting, thoughts on current Mythic raiding and more, it's certainly worth a read so go and check it out!
And we finally have the top 3 for the Mythic Tomb of Sargeras progress race!
More updates in the race for World 3rd as Alpha has made it down to 8.7% when KJ enraged and Style war are at 26%. It seems even with the recent nerfs KJ is still a formidable foe.
Some updates on the Alpha front, they recently hit 1235 wipes, their best try is at 21%, and they're even practicing the dark phase on the Heroic version of the fight. Seems like it may take some time until we get our bronze medalist!
well, with Mythic ToS having been cleared a little over a week ago for the first time ever, it's obviously time for the next raid to start testing! This weekend sees the fist time the presumably final raid of Legion, Antorus: The Burning Throne, will see the (non-datamined etc.) light of day. Check out the full testing schedule here.
It seems Exorsus had some choice words for the encounter designers after the recent KJ nerfs:
Today's hotfixes bring some more nerfs for Fallen Avatar and Kil'jaeden, with KJ getting quite a beating. Shouldn't be long now before that World 3rd and beyond.
Dungeons and Raids Tomb of Sargeras
And here's Method's WF Kil'jaeden killvideo!
It seems we have a date and time for Method's World First KJ Video!
And the big Method ToS race interview is live! Check out all the details of the stealth changes to Avatar and KJ, class balance in the raid and more!
Exorsus had 962 wipes before finally downing the big red guy and here come the World 2nd nerdscreams, with killshot coming later:
And we have a World 2nd! Exorsus keep their claim o the silver medal and down Kil'jaeden! 9/9! Huge grats on the kill as they had wipes as low as 0.2% in the last couple of days so this must come as a big relief!
And the US/OC top 5 for Fallen Avatar is complete as Limit get past him at their own pace.
And here's a clip for that 39% Alpha try. You can also check out the full try here.
Well as we're still waiting for a World 2nd, many people have commented on how long it's taking after Method's WF. Well, it has been a while, 6 days in fact, but it's not really that unprecedented.
We don't have to go that far back to get similar numbers, as the last boss to make us wait a while for that silver medalist was Blackhand back in Blackrock Foundry in WoD and it was 5 days until Paragon got that World 2nd. Before that we head to MoP and Throne of Thunder, with the not really applicable 7.5 days it took Blood Legion to clean up Ra-den after Method, but with the limited attempts on him we'll just ignore that one. Still in ToT though, it took the US guys 5 days to follow Method's Lei Shen WF. The current "legit" target Kil'jaeden is aiming for would be Firelands Ragnaros back in Cataclysm, where Method took 7 days to catch up to Paragon's WF.
We should also mention the Lich King, despite his limited attempts, as it took For the Horde 16 days to down him after Paragon's World First.
All the above numbers are for 20/25 man and the maximum difficulty.
Fallen Avatar US news: Encore take the US/OC 3rd & Ego take the US/OC 4th!
We have some more info on the Asian guilds now thanks to @andyice_77!
For the Fallen Avatar: ChaoJie actually downed it 8th before Honesty and Libertad, making them the World 16th spot for Avatar. 19th goes to YiBoLiu and 20th to DingXin.
And here is the total amount of guilds that have killed the bosses, including the CN guilds:
Goroth: 4712
Demonic Inq: 2789
Harjatan: 3224
Sisters: 1320
Desolate Host: 817
Mistress Sassz'ine: 151
Maiden: 103
Avatar: 22
Kil'jaeden: 1
Style War, the Fallen Avatar World 4th, have also been going at Kil'jaeden pretty hard, with their current wipe count at 637 and their best try at 57%. Meanwhile, Alpha just had a wipe at 50.6%!
A little update on Alpha and their search for that World 2nd on Kil'jaeden: they've wiped 784 times on him so far and their best try was at only 58%! That just sounds crazy, but KJ seems to be a very specific boss. Let's see if Exorsus can keep their current No.2 spot or if it gets taken by another guild!
After the weird coincidence of Kil'jaeden falling on the exact same day as Archimonde did 2 years earlier, I though I'd look through the history of raid progress every now and then to see if anything interesting happened on this day. Well, it's 1AM in Europe, so it's the 19th, and what else do we have that happened on the 19th of July?
Why, it's Paragon's Ragnaros Heroic World First from Firelands and Cataclysm! The boss died on the very last day of the second reset, almost making it to the vaunted 3rd reset, but he just missed it and so Al'akir remained the youngest boss to have lived beyond week 2. Until Archimonde dethroned him and then Kil'jaeden after that. Rag v2.0 also lived for 11 days after the penultimate boss, Majordomo Staghelm, was first defeated, compared to the 12 days KJ lived after Avatar's demise.
Some more Fallen Avatar kills: Right actually got him down before Honestly, claiming the World 15th, Asia 7th and Libertad got him after Honestly, with the World 17th/EU 10th!
Honestly defeat the Fallen Avatar! US Second!