Demonology Warlock Gearing Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 27th Feb, 2025
Sjeletyven Author Avatar

Tier Sets

Demonology Warlock Season 2 Tier Set Bonus:

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! That summons a Greater Dreadstalker at 265% effectiveness. Casting Summon Demonic Tyrant always hits a Jackpot!
  • (4) Set Bonus: Casting hand of Gul’dan causes your active Dreadstalker’s to cast Dreadbite at 20% effectiveness. This damage is increased by 10% of each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul’dan

This is one for the dog enjoyers. You will at times feel like you have the whole kennel after whatever you happen to be targeting and the damage from this tierset feels fairly rewarding. It does not change your gameplay at all (for now, APL changes may be introduced with more information). So for now just enjoy bonus dogs and big Dreadbites.

demonology warlock Best in Slot Gear

You should still prioritize the gear you use by running a sim for your character, but the lists below will give you a good idea of what items are considered good for Demonology Warlock, and help you target the right content for each piece of loot.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In almost EVERY single gearing scenario you will want to craft a 2h staff with the darkmoon sigil ascension embellishment. This is not “technically” BiS, but it's a huge power spike and it saves a ton of gilded crests compared to upgrading a myth track weapon from the vault (should you have one available). Ultimately, it should be replaced as a 678 Main hand with 675 offhand is slightly better, but the difference is so small that it should be the last thing you think about.

Overall Best Gear

Slot Item Source
Head Spliced Fiendtrader’s Transendence One Armed Bandit/ Great Vault
Neck Gobfather’s Gifted Bling Mug’zee
Shoulders Spliced Fiedtrader’s Loyal Servants Rik Reverb/Great Vault
Cloak Test Pilot’s Go-Pack (very rare) Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Spliced Fiendtrader’s Surgical Gown Sprocketmonger Lockenstock/Great Vault
Wrist Illicit Bankroll Bracers Chrome King Gallywix
Gloves Golden Handshakers Chrome King Gallywix
Belt Refiner’s Conveyor belt Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Legs Spliced Fiendtrader’s Skin Tights Stix Bunkjunker/Great Vault
Boots Cemented Murloc-Swimmers Mug’zee
Ring The Jastor Diamond (very rare) Chrome King Gallywix
Ring Faded Championship Ring Couldron of Carnage
Trinket House of Cards One Armed Bandit
Trinket Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix
Main Hand Stix’s Metal Detector Stix Bunkjunker
Off Hand Vagabond’s Torch (/w darkmoon sigil: Ascension) Crafting


Sim yourself for accurate upgrades, and all trinket lists are subject to change.

In most situations you want to use 1 on-use trinket and 1 passive trinket.

On use:

  • House of Cards
  • Signet of the Priory


  • Eye of Kezan
  • Mug’s Moxie Jug


Darkmoon Sigil Ascension + Writhing armor band seems to be the best choice for pretty much every scenario. The Darkmoon Sigils can only be crafted on weapons or offhands and therefore locks your choices a bit.

The easiest way to deal with this is to craft a 2h int staff with the Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension and a normal low budget cloth item with Writhing armor band.

Cyrce’s Circlet Ring

With the new patch comes new content, and Patch 11.0.7 brings a brand new upgradable ring, Cyrce’s Circlet! Explore the Siren Isle and you can quickly acquire Cyrce’s Circlet, then complete more content to collect the gems.

This ring will be your best for a long time, exactly when to replace it is not currently known but dont throw this away even as you receive higher item level rings.

If you want a safe combination of gems for now, the sims suggest these are the best for MOST situations:

As always, sim yourself for accurate gear comparisons.