Demonology Warlock Interface, Macros and WeakAuras Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 27th Feb, 2025
Sjeletyven Author Avatar


Demonology Warlock UI

Sjele Demonology Warlock UI

UI is very much personal preference and how information is displayed is not something that can be “figured out”. I would say however that the following points are key to be able to track to play demonology effectively:

  • Shards
  • Dreadstalker/Grimoire/Vilefiend duration
  • Diabolist rituals and secondary effects (hero talents)
  • Demon Cooldowns
  • Cast bar
  • Player and target frame

If this is done with Addons like Weakauras, ElvUI or simply by using blizzard standard UI is completely personal preference. Outside of these points I think up to each player to decide for themselves what they need or feel comfortable with.


Drain life stop Burning Rush

Good to have for when you need mobility and need to get some health back after using Burning Rush.

#showtooltip Drain Life
/cancelaura Burning Rush
/cast Drain Life

Interrupt on Focus

To quickly interrupt a target you know you want to interrupt.

/cast [@focus, harm, nodead][] Axe Toss

Mouseover Exists Macros

A template you can use on anything from demonbolt and implosion to utility spells such as fear, banish or axe toss. Simply copy the macro and replace the current spell with whatever spell you want.

#showtooltip Demonbolt
/cast [@mouseover, exists] Demonbolt; Demonbolt

At Cursor Shadowfury

To quickly cast Shadowfury to stun your target area. This also works for Bilescourge Bombers and Demonic Gateway.

/cast [@cursor] Shadowfury

Pet command

Warlock’s Command Demon spell has a tendency to bug out so here is a macro to use all pet special abilities.

/cast [pet:imp] Singe Magic; [pet:felhunter] Spell Lock; [pet:succubus] Seduction; [pet:voidwalker] Suffering; [pet:felguard] Axe Toss


Sjele UI

If you are interested in the weakauras I use, which are the ones displayed on the Demonology UI Picture, they are available for my Twitch subscribers. Head over to my stream and type !UI in chat for more information.

Imp Tracker WA:

I highly recommend having a Soulstone reminder: