Demonology Warlock Stats, Races and Consumables Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 27th Feb, 2025
Sjeletyven Author Avatar

Stat Priorities

Stat Ranking

Intellect >> Haste > Crit = Mastery = Versatility

Item level or Intellect value should not be understated, especially early in an expansion. Very often, if it's a significant item level upgrade (13+ item level) then it will be a DPS upgrade to wear it regardless of the stats. As always, sim yourself with for an accurate assessment of what gear to put on.

All stats scale well with demonology’s toolkit, even versatility is back as a relevant stat and should be overlooked.

Stat Outline

Intellect is a flat damage increase to all your abilities.

As for secondary stats, it comes down to damage per point. Here is an outline of what the stats do and how they interact with Demonology’s toolkit.

Haste: Increases casting/attack speed for both you and your pets. This is especially relevant for imps as they have a set amount of firebolts (6) and will time out faster with more haste. To offset this, you summon imps faster with more haste so it evens itself out in terms of rotational gameplay.

Mastery: Mastery increases all of your pets damage as well as implosion and bilescourge bombers (if talented).

Versatility: Gives damage to all your abilities, and half of that damage bonus as damage reduction. In some situations you can choose to use a higher versatility gear setup to survive certain mechanics, although I doubt with the current state of warlock defensives that will be an issue outside of PvP.

Critical Strike: Crit does not interact with Demolology’s toolkit in any meaningful way and is just a chance to deal double damage (this does not mean its a bad stat). It is a more sought after stat for demonbolt focused talent setups as the spell doesn't benefit from mastery.


The difference between the best and the worst race for Demonology Warlock is less than 2%. But all the same, here are the top 5 (0.5% difference).

Likely to be one of these races:

  • Mechagome
  • Orc
  • Tauren
  • Dwarf
  • Troll


You should sim for ring enchants, flask, food and gems for the most accurate results for your character.

Cloak: Chant of Winged Grace

Chest: Crystalline Radiance

Bracers: Chant of Armored Avoidance

Boots: Scout’s March

Legs: Sunset Spellthread

Rings: Radiant Critical Strike

Weapon: Authority of Radiant Power


Technically the Culimating Blasphemite is more damage, but the damage loss for picking up Elusive Blasphemite instead is well worth the movement speed increase in my opinion.

  • Culminating Blasphemite or Elusive Blasphemite
  • Masterful Ruby
  • Deadly Onyx
  • Deadly Emerald
  • Deadly Sapphire



Phials: Flask of Alchemical Chaos

Potions: Tempered Potion

Health Potions: Algari Healing Potion

Weapon Oil: Algari Mana Oil

Augment Rune: Crystallized Augment Rune