Cinderbrew Meadery Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

cinderbrew-meadery Boss Image
Last Updated: 4th Mar, 2025


Hey everyone, and welcome to the Cinderbrew Meadery dungeon guide for season 2 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but most of this article will apply to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.

Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+, Raid, and tank guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!


If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:

Alchemy/Cooking Bonus

Located on the left side of the first boss room as you enter from the start of the dungeon, you’ll see a pot near the fireplace which players that have at least 25 Khaz Algar skill in either Cooking or Alchemy can interact with to pick up some Sticky Honey. This grants you an extra action button for 3 minutes or until used, which when used applies a Magic debuff to up 8 creatures or players hit that reduces haste by 15% and speed by 80%. This is a relatively low impact buff, plus it has the ability to do friendly fire, so I recommend being careful if choosing to use it. Also note that the pot has 3 uses, so multiple players can grab this one-time use ability.

Video Guide

Brew Master Aldryr Trash

While fighting trash in this first part of the dungeon, be aware that they will occasionally enrage and gain the Thirsty buff, which can be especially dangerous for tank players so either avoid pulling buffed mobs, use soothes, or be ready with tank defensives.

  • Mean Mug targets the tank and applies a stacking bleed, use defensives and bleed cleanses as needed
  • Erupting Inferno debuffs a random player, use a Magic dispel or defensives if no dispel is available
  • Boiling Flames channels into a random target, interrupt it or use a CC to stop the channel
  • Avoid the circles on the ground created by Cinderbrew Toss
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Volatile Keg puts out a DoT on the entire group, avoid pulling more than 1 of these mobs and have healing prepared for when this happens
  • Throw Chair targets a random player, be ready to use a defensive if this overlaps with other damage
  • This mob is immune to CC and makes other mobs immune to CC thanks to the Compliments aura
  • Beware of the AoE hit and knockback from Tenderize and use a defensive if this overlaps with other damage
  • Watch out for the many circles created by High Steaks

Brew Master Aldryr Boss Fight

This is a 2 phase encounter that alternates between a boss phase and an intermission. Starting with the boss, the main source of damage comes from Throw Cinderbrew, which applies a DoT to 2 random players and drops a puddle beneath them. There isn’t a ton of damage outside of this DoT so be prepared to use defensives if targeted and healers make sure to give these players some extra attention. You’ll also want to be aware of the random target frontal created by Blazing Belch, so try to play relatively close to the boss to make avoiding this cone easier.

For tanks there’s the large physical hit in Keg Smash which also drops a couple puddles on the ground, but comparatively this isn’t very dangerous.

Once the boss reaches 66% and 33% health, he’ll run to the front of the room and begin the Happy Hour intermission, becoming immune to damage in the process. When this happens players will need to run over a beer mug from the bar near the boss and take it to one of the 5 Thirsty Patrons around the room, causing it to end when all 4 have been given a mug. These patrons are also constantly dealing group damage from Rowdy Yell, so the faster you get them drinks the faster this damage ends and you can get back to damaging the boss

Note that after Happy Hour ends several Crawling Brawl circles will form which you’ll want to avoid, as anyone who touches them will take some moderate physical damage and be stunned for 3s.

Flamethrower Weapons

After leaving the first boss room, players can find 1 flamethrower on the way to both I’pa and Benk Buzzbee. These weapons can be picked up by a single player that is a Gnome, Goblin, or Mechagnome, or if the player has at least 25 Khaz Algar skill in engineering. When picked up this gives you an extra action button for 1 minute which you can use to channel a frontal cone of flame.

Unlike the Sticky Honey this does not friendly fire, but the damage is relatively low, so I don’t recommend damage players pick this up. On top of this, since this is a channel it reduces the effectiveness of defenses, so I also don’t recommend tanks pick this up. That just leaves healers as the only role that currently benefits from the loss of globals needed to channel this weapon.

I’pa Trash

  • Failed Batch spawns a keg that will explode for heavy damage after 10s, make sure your entire group swaps to it to stop this from happening
  • Rejuvenating Honey puts a HoT on an ally, use an interrupt or purge this Magic effect
  • Spill Drink causes the mob to enrage, use soothes if you have them
  • Free Samples targets a random player, use interrupts to stop this especially if the mob is buffed by Spill Drink
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Reckless Delivery causes the mob to charge at a random player, point this away from your group and be ready for the damage hit that happens when the mob hits a wall
  • On death and on contact with a wall this mob spawns several Brew Drop adds that tanks should pick up
  • Move out of the Oozing Honey puddles these mobs make on death

I’pa Boss Fight

Shortly after engaging the boss and again whenever they reach full energy they’ll channel Spouting Stout. This deals moderate damage to the group for 8s and creates circles to avoid, so healers be prepared for this. It also will spawn 3 Brew Drop adds in a triangle around the boss, which do nothing but attempt to reach the boss itself. If they are successful it triggers Fill ‘Er Up, healing the boss for 10% of its health and dealing a large hit of fire damage to your group. Luckily these adds have relatively low health and are able to be crowd controlled, so use things like stuns, knockbacks, and slows to try and group them up and cleave them down while the tank moves the boss safely away from them.

Once killed these adds form into a puddle of Oozing Honey which you’ll want to avoid, however note that the first time this happens the drops will slowly reform over 20s before once again attempting to reach the boss, so make sure you keep an eye on these puddles. Also note that if the Brew Drops every reach full energy they will gain the Frothy buff, which drastically increases their speed and makes them much harder to lock down, so try and cleave them before this happens.

Outside of managing these adds, there’s some extra group damage from Burning Fermentation, which is a Magic DoT that targets 2 random players, so healers make sure you dispel one person as quickly as possible and then the other when your dispel is back, or use other tools like dwarf racials, imp dispel, or mass dispel to clear it.

For tanks there’s another low danger tank buster in Bottoms Uppercut, just be aware it does knock you back, so do you best not to get pushed towards Brew Drops or puddles.

Benk Buzzbee Trash

  • Shredding Sting targets a random player and applies a stacking bleed to them, use defensives or bleed cleanses as needed
  • At 20% health Final Sting targets the tank, use major defensives or CC the mob to delay the cast long enough that you can kill it
  • Make sure to interrupt every cast of Bee-stial Wrath and use soothes if missed
  • Bee-zooka shoots a line at a random player, have the target stand still to let everyone else avoid the attack
  • Shoot deals some additional random target damage
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Swarming Surprise damage can ramp out of control quickly, so try not to pull multiple of these mobs at once
  • Run out of the AoE created by Beeswax
  • Keep interrupts on the Honey Volley cast
  • Avoid the circles created by Rain of Honey
  • Bee Venom causes melees to apply a stacking Magic DoT, tanks use defensives at high stacks and healers make sure you consistently dispel them

Benk Buzzbee Boss Fight

This boss fight is all about managing adds to make sure your group doesn’t get overwhelmed. When Snack Time is cast 3 barrels of honey are thrown into the arena which spawn a Ravenous Cinderbee add immediately and then again every 30s after that. Just like the bee trash you fought earlier, these mobs will use Shredding Sting to apply a stacking bleed to random players, so the more of these that are alive the more damage your group takes.

In order to destroy these honey barrels and stop the spawning of bees, you’ll need to bring the active Ravenous Cinderbees to 1% health, at which point players are able to interact with them and use the Bee-Haw ability, charging them forward 50yds in a line and causing any honey barrels hit to be destroyed. I recommend having a DPS player assigned to do this as your healer and tank have other things to worry about on this fight.

For healers you’ll want to make sure you are prepped for the Fluttering Wing channel, which deals moderate nature damage to all players over 2s and pushes everyone back in the process.

As for tanks, the big hit on this fight is Honey Marinade, which does a 6yd AoE around you after a short delay, dealing fire damage to you and anyone else hit, plus it leaves behind a honey puddle for 1.5mins that will buff any cinderbees that touch it with Honey Gorged, so you’ll want to make sure you drop these puddles on the outside of the room if possible and always use a defensive before the detonation happens.

Goldie Baronbottom Trash

  • These mobs are immune to CC
  • When one of these mobs are killed the others get a Field Promotion and heal to full health, so prioritize hitting one at a time
  • Avoid the AoE created by Downward Trend

Goldie Baronbottom Boss Fight

To start out the fight the boss will use Spread the Love, spawning many cinderbrew barrels across the room, along with 4 volatile barrels marked by a beam of light. When any barrel is hit by a boss ability it explodes after a few seconds, shooting out waves of fire in 4 directions. If the barrel hit is one of the volatile ones then it also applies the Cindering Wounds DoT to the entire group, so healers will want to be prepared for when these go out.

Managing these barrels early is important, as whenever the boss reaches 100 energy she channels Let it Hail, dealing fire damage to your entire party over 5s and exploding any remaining barrels. This can be quite scary if combined with the volatile barrel DoT, so you’ll want to break them all before this happens.

In terms of what abilities can be used to break them, the first is Cash Cannon, which is a tank targeted frontal that knocks back anyone hit. This cone is quite large so make sure tanks are playing away from the rest of your group. The other ability that can break barrels is Burning Ricochet, which is a Magic DoT that goes onto 2 random players, then explodes in a 5yd AoE.

I recommend breaking barrels in pairs, applying 2 stacks of DoTs to your group at once but spreading out the damage a bit more to give you the ability to have defensives or healing CDs prepped. Whether you break these barrels with Cash Cannon or Burning Ricochet doesn’t really matter, just make sure you don’t break these with back to back abilities as sometimes this results in the DoT extending.

Cinderbrew Meadery Mythic+ Dungeon Route

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import this route using the following string:
Import MDT Route