Hey everyone, and welcome to the Rookery dungeon guide for season 2 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but most of this article will apply to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.
Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+, Raid, and tank guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
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If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:
Video Guide
Kyrioss Trash
Cursed Thunderer
- Lightning Bolt targets random players, use all spare interrupts on this
Quartermaster Koratite
- This mob is immune to CC
- Bounding Void shoots out 3 orbs in a line at a random player that then return to the mob, make sure to avoid them
- Occasionally the mob will face a random player and use Entropy Shield, move to the opposite side of the shield to prevent your abilities from being deflected
- This mob is immune to CC
- Wild Lightning shoots out lines at 3 random players, be sure to step out of these
- Localized Storm can be dangerous combined with other random damage, use healing and defensive CDs as needed
Cursed Rooktender
- Lightning Surge enrages a nearby stormrook, use an interrupt or soothe the effect
Unruly Stormrook
- This mob is immune to CC
- Energized Barrage targets a random player, give them spot healing and use a defensive as needed, especially if the mob is enraged
On top of these mob specific abilities, there are a couple packs in the corners of the boss room that are also empowered with Lightning-Infused, a Magic buff that can be purged to remove the bonus attack and casting speed it provides.
Kyrioss Boss Fight
This boss encounter rotates between 2 distinct phases, one where you’re fighting the boss itself and another where you’re dodging abilities while the boss is in the center of the room.
Starting with the boss phase, you’ll generally want to be loosely spread near the boss to avoid cleaving each other when Crashing Thunder goes out, which is an 8yd AoE hit around every player. This hits quite hard as key levels increase, so you’ll eventually need to make sure you have some sort of small defensive running each time this happens.
The boss also does Wild Lightning in this phase, similar to the trash ability however this one shoots lines out towards every single player, so I recommend having your melee stack after Crashing Thunder ends to give your party more safe space to dodge into these lines.
At 100 energy the dodging phase begins, with the boss jumping to the centre of the room and using Lightning Torrent which causes ticking party damage for 15s and ejects 4 beams that rotate in a random direction around the room. These beams always start on the grates near the hole in the centre of the room, so I recommend having your party group up between 2 grates, then move either clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on which direction the beams choose to rotate in.
On top of these beams, the boss intermittently creates Grounding Bolt circles under all players, so again it can be useful for space to have your melee be stacked and then move together to avoid the circles they create.
After the 15s dodge phase is complete, the boss will target a random player with Lightning Dash, so just make sure to avoid this 12yd AoE.
Stormguard Gorren Trash
Coalescing Void Diffuser
- This mob is immune to CC
- Stay away from the puddle created by Attracting Shadows and use healing or defensive CDs as needed
- Arcing Void targets a random player, be ready to defensive if other damage events are happening
Void-Cursed Crusher
- Tanks beware of the stacking healing reduction applied by Void Claw and kite to remove stacks if needed
- Void Crush targets a random player, make sure you are loosely spread to avoid having this cleave
Corrupted Oracle
- Void Bolt targets a random player, keep an interrupt rotation on this cast
- Seeping Corruption debuffs a random player, use a curse dispel or defensive if targeted and make sure to avoid the circles it drops
Afflicted Civilian
- Move out of the Instability circles these mobs drop on death
Stormguard Gorren Boss Fight
On this boss the most important thing is managing your space, as the boss creates a lot of area denial through his Crush Reality ability. This causes the boss to jump towards a random ranged player, leaving behind a large puddle for 2mins, causing beams to shoot out that you need to avoid, and dealing a hit of shadow damage to your group. Because this always targets a ranged player, I recommend having ranged in your group play towards the edges of the room and next to existing puddles to maximize space.
For some additional damage the boss will debuff a random player with Chaotic Corruption. This is a 5s DoT that starts with 4 stacks, which then jumps to the nearest player on expiration with 1 less stack. The original player also gets the Chaotic Vulnerability debuff, meaning non-tank players will want to avoid being targeted by this DoT twice during its duration. I recommend bouncing to your tank initially, then to any player that wasn’t the initial target, then back to your tank (or if you prefer, to another player who does not have the debuff). Tanks may need to defensive this second DoT since they’ll have the vulnerability, but there isn’t a lot of tank damage otherwise. Other players may need to use a defensive specifically if they have the DoT at the same time as the Crush Reality cast as this is the largest damage intake moment in the fight.
Finally, the boss will occasionally channel Dark Gravity, dealing ticking shadow damage to the group and pulling players towards him before exploding for lethal damage to anyone within 10yds, so make sure you are running from the boss during this cast.
Voidstone Monstrosity Trash
Void Ascendant
- This mob is immune to CC
- Void Bolt targets a random player, keep an interrupt rotation on this cast
- Feasting Void debuffs the entire party with a Magic DoT and healing absorb, use dispels or heal the absorb off to remove the debuff
- Umbral Waves shoots out several orbs from the boss, be sure to avoid these
Consuming Voidstone
- This mob is immune to CC
- Volatile Void causes the mob to splash shadow damage off the tank so make sure melee don’t stack on top of them
- Void Extraction causes the mob to gain a stacking damage increase for every nearby player and mob so avoid pulling too many of the nearby Civilians unless you can kill them before this cast happens
- Unleash Darkness channels heavy shadow damage into the party and spawns circles to avoid, be prepared to use healing and defensive CDs here
Voidstone Monstrosity Boss Fight
Upon engaging the final boss you’ll notice it has a large absorb in Void Shell, which accounts for 20% of its max HP. Once depleted this triggers the Storm’s Vengeance burn phase for 20s which stuns the boss and causes it to take 100% increased damage for the duration, so make sure you line up damage CDs for when this happens.
While the shield holds you’ll be dealing with the various boss mechanics. Unleash Corruption is a Magic DoT that goes out on 2 random players which leaves behind a puddle on expiration, so you’ll want to make sure to quickly dispel to minimize the DoT damage while also being aware of player positioning so you don’t fill up the limited melee space with puddles.
Outside of this, you’ll want to be aware of the Null Upheaval cast, which happens when the boss reaches full energy. This ability deals a hit of shadow damage to the party, knocks everyone back, and spawns several swirlies you’ll need to avoid. At the same time it also spawns 3 Voidstone Fragments around the room, which if not destroyed within 15s will form into adds that pulse for heavy group damage due to Corruption Overload. To destroy them all non-tank players get marked with Stormrider’s Charge, giving them a 12s speed buff which then destroys any fragments within 10yds on expiration. To deal with this I recommend having one player assigned to each of the 3 platforms that surround the boss, then have your healer float on the middle platform ready to shift if needed.
For tanks, make sure you never leave melee as otherwise the stationary boss will spam cast Entropy, likely resulting in a wipe. Otherwise just make sure you play away from the rest of the party and use a defensive on the tank buster Oblivion Wave, as this deals heavy shadow damage to all players in a wide line and you don’t want to hit other players with it.