THE MOTHERLODE!!! Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

the-motherlode Boss Image
Last Updated: 4th Mar, 2025


Hey everyone, and welcome to the Motherlode dungeon guide for season 2 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but most of this article will apply to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.

Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+, Raid, and tank guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!


If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:

Video Guide

Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler Trash

  • Upon being engaged these mobs will use Throw Wrench on the person who aggro’d them, so make sure you let your tank hit these mobs first. You can also use a CC to stop this cast entirely
  • Iced Spritzer channels into a random player, interrupt the cast or use a CC to stop the channel
  • Fan of Knives channels for heavy party damage, use a CC to stop this cast
  • Be sure to interrupt every cast of Toxic Blades as it causes Fan of Knives to apply a stacking Poison to your group
  • At low health these mobs will run to a nearby dormant mech suit and attempt to use Activate Mech, focus this mob when it does this and use CCs to force it to recast
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Avoid the puddles created by Tear Gas
  • Charged Shield targets the tank then does group damage for on melees for 16s, so make sure you have defensives or healing cooldowns ready
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Uppercut targets a random player, don’t cleave your allies and use a defensive if this overlaps with other damage
  • Inhale Vapors causes the mob to enrage and gain attack speed, use a soothe if you have one
  • Penny for your Thoughts targets a random player, beware if this overlaps with other damage

Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler Boss Fight

The main mechanic of this fight is Footbomb Launcher, which causes 6 bombs to appear near where you currently are in the boss arena. After 15s these bombs will explode in a Timed Detonation, which you can avoid by kicking them into the boss, which instead stacks up a 25% damage taken increase on the boss. When this happens have your tank keep the boss still while other players run out and kick the bombs towards it, then pop damage CDs once the damage amp has stacked up.

For healers the big damage source is Static Pulse, which deals a large initial hit of nature damage that knocks players back and applies an 8s DoT to them, so make sure you are ready to heal when this happens.

The boss also gets some help from Hooligans in the stands, who intermittently throw piles of coins near the boss. You’ll want to make sure you pull the boss away from these piles as at full energy it casts Coin Magnet, which will give it a stack of the Pay to Win buff if it successfully hits any coins. I recommend starting the boss near the entrance of the room then slowly rotating around to the exit as more coin piles begin to spawn.

Outside of this, all players will want to be aware of the random target frontal in Shocking Claw, making sure they are close enough to the boss to avoid it.

Azerokk Trash

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Rapid Extraction deals heavy group damage over 5s while spawning circles to avoid, be ready with defensives or healing cooldowns as needed
  • Puncture targets the tank, use defensives and bleed cleanses if you have them
  • Beware of the circles this mob creates from both Final Blast and Bag of Bombs
  • Throw Rock targets a random player, be aware if this overlaps with Rapid Extraction and be ready to use a defensive
  • Interrupt every cast of the random target Rock Lance
  • Tectonic Barrier prevents this mob from being interrupted, kick this cast or use a purge to remove it to ensure you can interrupt the Furious Quake party hit
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • This mob applies a stacking bleed on their melee swings from Heavy Slash, tanks be ready to use defensives at high stacks or bleed cleanses if you have them
  • Brutal Charge targets a random ranged player, be ready to move out of the Massive Slam AoE that immediately follows
  • Overtime causes all nearby mobs to gain a stacking haste buff, use soothes if you have any
  • At low health this mob does additional damage thanks to Desperate Measures, so tanks will want to be ready for this

Azerokk Boss Fight

This encounter revolves around controlling the Earthrager mobs, which can’t be tanked and just fixate random players, applying the stacking bleed Jagged Cut on their melee swings. Every so often the boss will target one of them with Azerite Infusion, healing it to full health and empowering it. This breaks the fixate as well as any active CCs and allows it to be tanked, but at the same time it causes it to deal 50% additional damage and pulse for group damage every 2s. Luckily this buff also causes the Earthrager to take 150% additional damage, which is important as you’ll need to kill it before the boss casts Resonant Quake, a party-wide nature hit, otherwise it’ll trigger an Azerite Aftershock which will likely lead to a wipe, so make sure your group has damage ready when the empowerment goes out.

There’s also no need to focus Earthragers down outside of the empowered one as the boss will use Call Earthrager at full energy, resummoning up to 2 Earthragers if none are alive. Instead I recommend using things like knockbacks, slows, and stuns to prevent the unempowered Earthrager from reaching its fixate target, preventing you from wasting damage on it. If needed, you can use the Fracking Totems near the entrance of the boss room to lock down an Earthrager for 1min (or other long duration CCs your group has access to), however keep in mind that this CC does break on any form of damage, so you’ll need to pull the boss away from the CC’d mob if you want it to stay that way!

Other than that there’s just another random target frontal in Tectonic Smash you’ll want to make sure your group avoids.

Rixxa Fluxflame Trash

  • Unstable Mutagen empowers the physical damage of these mobs every 2s, tanks beware if these end up living late into packs
  • Caustic Compound targets a random player, use a Poison dispel or defensive if this overlaps with other damage
  • Be sure every cast of Transmute: Goo is interrupted, and if missed use a Magic dispel to remove the debuff
  • Echo Blade shoots in a line towards a random player, make sure to move out of the path when this goes out
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Mind Lash targets a random player, use a defensive if needed
  • Brainstorm spawns tornadoes under 3 random players, make sure to avoid these as they will silence anyone they touch for 6s

Rixxa Fluxflame Boss Fight

Tanks beware that this boss doesn’t actually hit you for physical damage, instead she shoots out the instant cast Searing Reagents which deals fire damage, so anything that strictly mitigates physical damage or melee attacks does not help you in this fight.

Throughout the encounter, Gushing Catalyst causes pipes from above the arena to overflow and shoot out puddles that your group will want to avoid. When these go out make sure your group always dodges together, as these puddles can actually be moved when the boss uses Propellant Blast. This sprays a frontal out towards a random player, dealing damage to them and anyone near them, as well as pushing back any puddles hit. The targeted player should use a defensive and make sure they point this frontal towards nearby puddles to clear the platform. This cast always happens 3 times back to back to back before the boss uses Gushing Catalyst again, so make sure everyone is prepared to do this.

From there there’s just the random target Azerite Catalyst ability, which spawns even more puddles under a random player every second for 5s, so make sure the targeted player drops these near existing puddles to not eat up too much of your groups safe space.

Mogul Razdunk Trash

  • If any player comes within 4yd of a dormant mine it will pop out of the ground and use Seek and Destroy, fixating a random player and exploding if anyone touches it. Use CCs and cleave these down while avoiding them
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Occasionally these mobs will use Deploy Crawler Mine, summoning one of the previously mentioned Crawler Mines for players to deal with
  • Charged Shot deals heavy group damage over 3s, use defensive and healing CDs as needed
  • Avoid the circles these mobs call down with Artillery Barrage

Mogul Razzdunk Boss Fight

Shortly after pulling the boss he will summon 2 B.O.O.M.B.A bots which are important to watch as they will intermittently shoot Micro Missiles across the arena. Where they shoot is based on their position, with each bot aiming at the section directly in front of them, so make sure your entire group moves into the safe spot before they fire. These bots will move shortly after shooting their missiles, so you’ll have to adjust your positioning throughout the fight.

To eat into your space a bit more there are a couple other mechanics. First is Homing Missile, which targets a random player and explodes in a 20yd AoE when it reaches them or after 10s. If you have a combat drop ability you can use this once the missile is away from your party to safely drop it, otherwise I recommend the targeted player pop a defensive and let the missile hit you, again just make sure the rest of your party is safely out of the explosion radius. If you don’t have a defensive you can kite the missile out, just make sure you aren’t trapped in the path of one of the bots in the process.

There’s also a frontal attack in Gatling Gun, which always starts pointed at the tank but will then rotate 360 degrees in a random direction, so your group will need to be ready to move depending on which direction it rotates in. Also for tanks, Razdunk is another boss that does not use melee attacks, instead opting to shoot the instant cast Alpha Cannon, so once again abilities that mitigate physical damage or melee swings do not help with this encounter.

When the boss reaches 50% health he’ll become immune and start the intermission phase, summoning 2 Venture Co. Skyscorchers and throwing 3 Big Red Rockets into the arena. These rockets are important to end the intermission, as the player targeted by the Drill Smash attack can run near them to cause the boss to strike them, removing a stack of his immunity. Because of this I recommend playing near one of the remaining rockets throughout this phase, which will make it easier for the player targeted by Drill Smash to get to it in time, just make sure you move out of the circle once the boss begins to drill!

Once all 3 rockets are destroyed you’ll return to the boss phase which is the same as before the intermission. As for the Skyscorchers, these guys just spam Buster Shot at random players, so use defensive as needed and focus one of these down quickly to cut the damage this phase does in half.

THE MOTHERLODE!!! Mythic+ Dungeon Route

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import this route using the following string:
Import MDT Route