Hey everyone, and welcome to the Mechagon: Workshop dungeon guide for season 2 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon, as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but most of this article will apply to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.
Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+, Raid, and tank guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
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If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:
Video Guide
Tussle Tonks Trash
While fighting in this initial room you’ll want to keep an eye out for a couple of abilities used by the environment. The first is Buzz Saw, causing spinning blades to rotate around the room in various patterns, dealing physical damage and knocking back anyone hit. The second is Piston Smasher, which only happens if someone steps near one of the hammers located around the edge of the room. Doing so will cause them to activate, creating a circle on the ground that will deal heavy physical damage and stun anyone inside it, so if you activate just make sure to move out of the circle. This no longer damages trash, however is useful on the boss encounter which we’ll discuss in the next section.
Bomb Tonk
- Make sure to interrupt every cast of Detonate
Rocket Tonk
- Avoid the random target circles created by Rocket Barrage
Strider Tonk
- Flying Peck targets the tank, however the damage it deals is relatively low
Tussle Tonks Boss Fight
This fight has seen some significant updates with season 2, where you’ll now be dealing with both bosses together for the duration of the fight, as whenever 1 boss dies it’ll begin to channel Electrical Storm onto your group which quickly becomes too difficult to heal. This means you’ll want to watch their health and make sure you adjust your priority target as needed to cleave them evenly.
Looking at Gnomercy’s abilities, B.4.T.T.L.3 Mine causes the boss to throw out mines under random players for a few seconds, which activate after a delay and will deal heavy fire damage to anyone who touches them. You’ll want to stay relatively grouped here in order to cluster these mines in one spot, then rotate away from them as needed. If you’re really tight on space or get a bad spawn you can always use things like immunities to clear some out. You’ll also want to beware of their other ability, Foe Flipper, which does a 6yd AoE around a random player which knocks back anyone hit, so just make sure you aren’t thrown into any mines.
The ultimate ability here is Maximum Thrust, which is cast at 100 energy and causes the boss to charge in a line towards the tank, dealing heavy damage to anyone it hits and spawning several more mines on impact. I recommend pointing this towards the closest wall to help with cleave uptime, then when the mines spawn just make sure people are avoiding them.
Moving on to the Platinum Pummeler, players will want to watch out for the tank hit Platinum Pummel as it also cleaves anyone within 6yds. Tanks should also do their best not to move much when this cast begins. For healers you’ll want to make sure you are prepared for the Ground Pound channel, which deals heavy damage to the group over 4s.
Finally, the ultimate ability of this bot is Platinum Plating, which gives it a 33% damage taken reduction until removed. In order to remove it, you’ll need to hit the boss with the Piston Smasher attack we discussed earlier, so tanks will want to make sure they are positioned near one of the hammers when this boss is near full energy. Note that the pistons will be unusable for 1.5mins after removing a stack of the plating, so you’ll need to rotate around the room to the next hammer after putting one on cooldown.
K.U.-J.0 Trash
Waste Processing Unit
- This mob is immune to CC
- Puncture targets the tank, use defensives or bleed cleanses as needed
- Mega Drill channels AoE damage, healers be prepared for when this cast starts
Metal Gunk
- Corrosive Gunk hits 3 random players, be ready to use a defensive if this overlaps with the Mega Drill
Junkyard D.0.G
- Fiery Jaws targets a random player, dispel this Magic debuff quickly or use defensives if no dispel is available
K.U.-J.0 Boss Fight
Throughout this encounter an Air Drop will spawn a Junk Cube near a random player. When hit by a boss ability these cubes will begin to glow, then when hit with a 2nd ability they will explode for lethal damage to anyone within 8yds, so make sure you stay away from any glowing cubes!
In terms of abilities that will affect these cubes, the first is Explosive Leap, where the boss jumps between 3 random players dealing an 8yd AoE around each. Targeted players will want to make sure they spread out so that they don’t cleave each other or any of the Junk Cubes. If you’re quick you can also use a combat drop like Feign Death or Shadowmeld while the boss is leaping to cancel the attack entirely.
The other ability that damages cubes is Venting Flames, which deals lethal fire damage to anyone within line of sight over 3s and hits all cubes in the arena. To survive this you can have your group hide behind an undamaged Junk Cube, safely taking no hits from this channel. If you have no undamage Junk Cube available when this cast begins you will likely wipe, which is why avoiding them with the Explosive Leap is so important.
In terms of Tank damage you’ve got Blazing Chomp, which applies a Magic DoT that deals heavy fire damage each second for 3mins. The problem here is that when this is dispelled it also deals a large hit of group damage, so you want to dispel it quickly but make sure the dispel happens when the rest of your group is healthy. Tanks be ready to defensive these hits, especially if you have to hold this debuff for a few seconds to prevent the explosion from overlapping with Explosive Leap.
Machinist Garden Trash
After defeating K.U.-J.0 you’ll need to avoid some flamethrowers while running on a conveyor belt to get to the next area of the dungeon. Note that things like leaps and warlock gates can let you cheat this section a bit, allowing you to quickly get to the end and hit the red button to disable this mini gauntlet.
Mechagon Tinkerer
- Giga-Wallop targets a random player, make sure to kick as many casts as possible
- Avoid the explosions created by Activate Squirrel
Defense Bot Mk I
- Arcing Zap targets a random player, use a Magic dispel to remove it or use a defensive if one isn’t available and this overlaps with other damage
Defense Bot Mk III
- This mob is immune to CC
- Arcing Zap targets a random player, use a Magic dispel to remove it or use a defensive if one isn’t available and this overlaps with other damage
- Short Out deals group damage over 3s, be ready with healing when this happens
Blastatron X-80
- This mob is immune to CC
- Healers beware of the constant passive damage your group will take from High-Explosive Rockets
- Sonic Pulse shoots out in a line towards a random player, make sure to avoid it
- Capacitor Discharge fills 3/4 of the room with static every 4s, be ready to run to the new safe spot after each hit
Mechagon Mechanic
- Tune Up channels a heal into a nearby mech, use an interrupt or CC to stop this cast
- Overclock grants a Magic buff to all nearby mechs, use purges if you have them to remove it
Workshop Defender
- These mobs occasionally throw down a Shield Generator underneath them which absorb damage for 20s, make sure to pull mobs out of these but if possible have your group stand in them to reduce their damage intake.
Ampvolt Arcade Gauntlet
Before reaching the Machinist Garden encounter you’ll need to make your way through a maze of patrolling Detect-o-Bots, which will send you back to the beginning of the gauntlet if you ever enter the circles around them. You also can’t use any abilities on these robots due to their Reflective Armor passive, so you’ll need to dodge your way through them as best you can. To help, there are several vents throughout this area that you can hide in, causing any bots to be unable to detect you while you’re within them, allowing you to wait for better patrols before continuing.
Machinist Garden Boss Fight
Throughout this encounter you’ll want to be on the lookout for a couple avoidable mechanics. The first is Self-Trimming Hedge, which launches out a blade that bounces around the arena, dealing physical damage to anyone hit. The second is Discom-BOMB-ulator, which is a circle thrown out at a random player that will deal heavy nature damage and apply a Magic disorient to players in the area.
When the boss reaches 100 energy he’ll use Hidden Flame Cannon, causing 3 beams of flame to erupt from the centre of the room while rotating clockwise for 10s, applying a heavy DoT to anyone they touch. Try and stay in the same third of the room when these come out and rotate together.
Outside of this, the boss will occasionally summon an Inconspicuous Plant somewhere around the room, which just channel Blossom Blast into the closest player. Make sure to run over to these mobs when they spawn and cleave them down quickly. A useful tip is to have a stun ready every time this add spawns, ensuring that your tank is the closest player once the stun ends. This forces the plant to attack your tank as opposed to a squishier player in your group, making the damage it does much easier to handle. Beware that after killing these mobs the Flame Cannon will ignite the Oil Fountain they leave behind, causing fire circles to constantly shoot out in that part of the room for the remainder of the fight.
King Mechagon Trash
Spider Tank
- This mob is immune to CC
- Healers beware of the constant passive damage your group will take from High-Explosive Rockets
- Sonic Pulse shoots out in a line towards a random player, make sure to avoid it
King Mechagon Boss Fight
This is a 2 phase encounter, where to start you’ll be fighting King Mechagon while inside his Aerial Unit. While in this phase the boss does not melee, instead opting to fire Pulse Blast at the tank for nature damage, so keep in mind that physical or melee attack mitigation does not help in this phase.
For everyone else, you’ll notice 4 Plasma Orbs on the ground, which deal damage and knock back any players who touch them. Occasionally the boss will use Recalibrate, causing these orbs to shoot in a line towards a new location, dealing damage to all players in the path as well as in a 6yd AoE upon reaching their new destination, so make sure you avoid these.
There’s also some additional random target damage in the form of Mega-Zap, which shoots out a line towards a random player and applies a 12s DoT to anyone hit. I recommend have the targeted player stand still, while having the rest of your group make sure they aren’t in the path of the attack. This is also a good spot to press a defensive if you’re the target.
For group damage in this phase the boss will use Take Off, launching into the air with an 8yd AoE then chasing down a random player with a Cutting Beam. This deals lethal damage to anyone too close, but also pulses for light group damage over 6s. Just make sure if you’re the fixated player that you run away from the boss without causing the beam to hit your group.
Once you defeat the aerial unit, King Mechagon will stun the group and hop into his Omega Buster, starting the second phase. Tanks beware that in this phase the boss is stationary, so you need to make sure you stay in melee otherwise you’ll trigger Protocol: Ninety-Nine.
In this phase Mega-Zap continues to happen, however the line is now significantly larger and it now fires out 3 times in a row, so it becomes very important to not be cleaved by this ability. It can be helpful to have melee players on the far sides of the bosses hitbox, as this allows you to safely fire your beams down the outer edge of the arena, allowing range to plant in the middle of the room.
On top of this, you’ll also still need to dodge the Plasma Orbs in this phase, however there is some additional movement now outside of Recalibrate, as the boss will occasionally throw out a Magneto-Arm which pulls all orbs and players towards it for 9s. While pulling this also deals pretty heavy group damage, though keep in mind this damage is reduced by distance, so be ready to use movement abilities to get as far from it as possible to reduce your damage intake. Healers of course will also want to be ready for this cast, using healing or defensive CDs as needed to survive.
After defeating the Omega Buster, King Mechagon is left defenseless and your group can quickly kill him to end the encounter.