Flame-Blessed Iron Vendor Location and Rewards

Flame-Blessed Iron Vendor Location and Rewards

Written by Roguery - 15th December 2024

Flame-Blessed Iron is the currency released with patch 11.0.7. You earn this currency by doing activities around Siren Isle, the new zone that is made available in the patch.

Flame-Blessed Iron can be spent on a variety of different things including Transmog, Toys and catch-up gear. If you are looking for how to get some catch-up gear, we have broken it down in our Siren Isle gearing guide, which covers all of the new gear, weapons and trinkets available in Patch 11.0.7.

Flame-Blessed Iron Vendors

These are the different vendors who sell items for Flame-Blessed Iron. The items they have on offer are slightly themed for each vendor, such as Earthen, Arathi and nautical


Soweezi is a goblin selling beach themed transmog and a waveshredder mount.

Item Cost
Soweezi's Vintage Waveshredder 10000
Ensemble: Pink Tropical 4500
Ensemble: Pink Tropical Swimwear 4500
Water Blaster P.K. 1000
Ensemble: Salvage Rig Garments 2000
Ensemble: Southsea Cruise Loungewear 2000
Ensemble: Rusty Bruiser's Outfit 2000
Ensemble: Sun-Soaked Clothing 2000
Ensemble: Paradise Beach Loungewear 2000
Soweezi's Comfy Lawn Chair 750
Skitterbite 750

Hooded Purveyor

The Hooded Purveyor is located near the mole machine in the main Siren Isle Encampment. He sells Earthen related items in return for Flame-Blessed Iron.

Hooded Purveyor Map LocationHooded Purveyor Location
/way Siren Isle 67.93 39.24
Item Cost
Ensemble: Awakened Ambassador’s Uniform 3000
Gundargaz Tabard 500
Dornogal Tabard 500
Earthen Expedition Tabard 500
Earthen Soot-Stained Workpack 500
Stonebound Worker’s Backpack 500
Noble’s Foregrounds Worksack 500
Underground Machinist Toolbag 500
Smuggled Councilor’s Chalice (Main hand) 350
Smuggled Councilor’s Chalice (Offhand) 200
Smuggled Forgeground’s Hammer (Main Hand) 350
Smuggled Forgeground’s Hammer (Off Hand) 200
Smuggled Meadery Pitcher (Main Hand) 350
Smuggled Meadery Pitcher (Off Hand) 200
Awakened Supply Crate 750
Redeployment Module 750

Ailenda Hedgemyer

Ailenda Hedgemyer is located on the east side of the Main Siren Isle camp. She sells items related to the Arathi in return for Flame-Blessed Iron.

Ailenda Hedgemyer Location MapAilenda Hedgemyer Location
/way Siren Isle 70.81 40.26
Item Cost
Ensemble: Sacred Wayfarer’s Attire 3000
Ensemble: Adventurous Lamplighter’s Attire 3000
Arathi Knight’s Shoulderguard 350
Arathi Knight’s Headguard 350
Sacredite’s Ceremonial Cowl 350
Arathi Champion’s Shoulderguard 350
Arathi Champion’s Headguard 350
Sacredite Scholar’s Hood 350
Arathi Footman’s Shoulderguard 350
Arathi Footman’s Headguard 350
Sacredite Expeditionary Hood 350
Arathi Youngling’s Training Sword 350
Mereldar Smithing Mallet (Main Hand) 350
Mereldar Smithing Mallet (Off Hand) 200
Sacredite’s Facet Gouge 350
Priori Tongs 200
Sacredite’s Ceremonial Brush 200
Hallowfall Supply Cache 750


Taljori is a Tortollan located on the west side of the main encampment. He sells a large variety of Pirate and Nautical themed items in return for Flame-Blessed Iron.

Talijori Location mapTalijori Location Image
/way Siren Isle 65.67 41.40
Item Cost
Ensemble: Bilgeswabby’s Garb 3000
Ensemble: Pilfered Mariner’s Garb 3000
Ensemble: Salt-Stained Garb 3000
Quilted Long-Sleeved Sea Tunic 350
Quilted Sea Vest 350
Bilge Rat Pirate Hat 350
Knife Juggler’s Bicorne 350
Tattered Rat Hat 350
Bloodstained Rat Cap 350
Quilted Waist Wrap 200
Ensemble: Rune Scribes’s Vestments 3000
Ensemble: Bloodscout Outfit 3000
Ensemble: Hydraflayer Regalia 3000
Ensemble: Tidecrasher Armor 3000
Runescribes’s Ritual Tunic 500
Vrykul Blacksmith’s Gavel 350
Stormtouched Blacksmith’s Gavel 350
Bloodwake Hullrender 350
Burly Vrykul’ls Greatsword 350
Bloodwake Sailpiercer 350
Tidestaler’s Gutter 350
Myrmidon’s Wave Slasher 350
Barnacle Breaker’s Falchion 350
Pincer of the Tidestalker 350
Tideflayer’s Wave Piercer 350
Myrmidon’s Pearlwall 350
Crackling Wavelord’s Trident 350
Enchantress Scrying Rod 350

In total you will need 81,350 Flame-Blessed Iron to purchase everything from the vendors.

If you want to learn more on where to obtain Flame-Blessed Iron we have a list of all the sources.

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