Fungal Folly is a delve located in a cave in the Boskroot Basin area, in the center of Isle of Dorn.

/way Isle of Dorn 51.90 65.51
There are 3 versions of Fungal Folly:
- Lost miners
- Spreading decay
- Explorer’s Competition
Fungal Folly Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
Sporbits are the Mechanic for the Fungal Folly delve. Throughout the delve there will be Sporbit mobs floating just above the ground, patrolling in small areas. The Sporbits are attackable but can’t be killed. They are very fast and will chase you if you attack them or wander too close, and explode if you enter the circle around them. The explosion deals moderate damage with a large knockback if you are in the circle, but it takes a few seconds to go off during which time the Sporbit is stationary.
It’s best to avoid being chased by Sporbits altogether, but if you get agro they will reset once you run out of their patrol area.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in Fungal Folly.
Fungal Gutter is a melee mob with a frontal cone ability, which is fairly wide and deals significant damage. They also cast Battle Cry which will cause all nearby friendly targets to gain 25% haste. The cast is interruptible and the buff is purgeable, and we recommend always interrupting Battle Cry when in large packs.
Gnarled Reviver and Fungal Rotcaster are casters who deal heavy single target damage with Rotten Bolt, which can be interrupted. We recommend interrupting Rotten Bolt only when there are no mobs who Battle Cry.
Fungal Rotspreader is a caster who, like the Reviver above, casts Rotten Bolt. They will also channel an uninterruptible cast that spawns mushrooms on the ground that deal heavy ticking damage if you move near them.
Fungal Speartender is an elite melee mob who deals significant melee damage and has a frontal, Spear Vine, which deals large amount of damage in a straight line. This is shown by brown swirls on the ground that can be sidestepped. They also cast Battle Cry, identical to the Fungal Gutters, and we recommend interrupting this, as the buff will cause significant amounts of additional damage and make the spear cast faster.
Delve Boss
The boss for Fungal Folly is Spinshroom, a large Fungarian. His main mechanic spawn large green mushrooms underneath players that deal large amounts of ticking damage to anyone standing in them.
Fungsplosion will detonate the mushrooms above. It has a short cast time, not giving you much time to get clear from them. If you’re hit you take massive damage and a large knockback.
Fungal Charge is a cast where the boss will charge a targeted player. It can be sidestepped during the cast.
Fungistorm is a short cast after which the boss starts a channel, where he whirlwinds and chases a player, dealing heavy damage. Once he is done he will become dizzy for a small amount of time, increasing his damage taken by 25%.
Lost Miners
The lost miners version of Fungal Folly will have you rescuing “Moldy miners”. You start the delve by talking to Stoneguard Benston, and once you find the miners you can free them by simply clicking on them. There is no extra mechanic added to the delve, you will however notice the addition of Infected Lizard mobs, who when reduced to low health will explode dealing large damage in a small area around them.
Spreading Decay
In the Spreading Decay version of Fungal Folly you must help Lethnal prevent the Fungarians from unleashing their decay on the nearby Earthen settlements. After rescuing Lethnal, she will ask you to collect the Dispersion Crystal nearby. Once you have the Dispersion Crystal you need to find 5 Decaying Shrooms and disperse them, by clicking on them to channel. The shrooms have small bars over them which will slowly deplete as you channel. If you take any damage your channel will be interrupted but the bar does not reset. Make sure you clear any nearby mobs before starting the channel. Additionally while channeling the mushroom will spawn swirls on the ground you need to avoid. Moving does not interrupt the channel.

Explorer’s Competition
In the Explorer’s Competition version of Fungal Folly you must complete challenges from five members of the Explorers’ League. Two are simple combat encounters with well telegraphed mechanics. One Tusk wants you to fish (don’t worry if you don’t have fishing already, as he can teach you). Twizzle Runabout wants you to trace a pattern on the floor. And the most difficult one, if you are impatient, is Kasthrik, who will summon 6 mirror images which are all attackable (do not attack them all immediately). The clones and Kasthrik will cast a sequence of spells, which can be: Ice block, Evocation, Arcane Missile in the air, Arcane Whirl or a Fire Shield. The objective is to kill the clone that casts his spells in the exact same order as Kasthrik. If you kill any other clone, the challenge will start over. Look carefully at the clones before you attack, and perhaps wait for the boss to repeat the spells to be sure you got it right, as it’s annoying if it resets. DO NOT knock or grip the clones as it will bug the encounter.