Kriegval’s Rest is a delve located in the north of the Isle of Dorn, underneath the Mourning Rise area. Kobolds have infested the tombs of the Earthen and we need to help clear them out.
There are 3 versions of Kriegval’s Rest:
- Lost Keepsakes
- Swarming Kobolds
- Dagran’s Day Out

Kriegval’s Rest Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
The main mechanic in Kriegval’s Rest is the Enchanted Candle, which is found at the start of the delve. When you click on it you get a 2 minute buff of holding a candle. As long as you stand still the buff does not tick down, it only does so while you move, which means that you must limit your movement in this delve as much as possible. Throughout the delve you will come across candle refills, usually at the end of each room, but note that they are one time use only, and the buff is capped at 2 minutes.
If your Enchanted Candle buff runs out you will be affected by Smothering darkness, which is a debuff reducing your health by 1% and stacking every second. It also reduces your vision to around 10 yards, meaning you will no longer see or be able target enemies or friendlies more than 10 yards away. The mobs will however see you as normal. Reaching a candle refill will remove the Smothering Darkness.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in Kriegval’s Rest. If you have already done the Waterworks delve you recognise them all from there.
Kobold Taskmaster is a large elite melee mob who cast Battle Cry which will enrage all their nearby allies, increasing their Attack and cast Speed by 25%. They also do Blazing Wick, a frontal channeled cone which deals extremely heavy damage. Make sure you sidestep Blazing Wick as soon as possible.
Kobold Mystic is a caster mob with a Flame Volley, which can and should be interrupted as it deals significant group damage.
Kobold Skullface is a melee mob who periodically applies a stacking bleed. The damage from the bleed can get out of control, so we recommend trying to kill these as quickly as possible
Delve Boss
Tomb-raider Drywhisker is a large Kobold boss with three main mechanics:
Firestorm deals a fairly large amount of damage to the whole group and spawns swirl mechanics in the surrounding area.
Ground Slam is an ability where the boss picks up his main target and slams them against the ground. This causes the person to drop the enchanted candle, if they are currently holding it.
Raging Tantrum is a short cast which deals moderate damage and knockbacks nearby players. It also causes the boss to enrage.
Lost Keepsakes
The Lost Keepsakes version of Kreigval’s Rest will have you collecting items stolen by Kobolds through the instance. The items appear as chests throughout the delve which you need to click on and then “pull” out the item by running away from the chest.
Swarming Kobolds
The Swarming Kobolds version of Kreigval’s Rest will require you to kill most of the Kobolds in the instance. You can skip a few in each room, however make sure to keep an eye on the percentage tracker in your quest objectives.
Another change with this delve is the addition of candle hazards, which are stationary candles with firebeams (sometimes moving) coming out of them. It can be difficult to spot a fire beam pattern from the hazards, so be careful to not deplete your Enchanted Candle too much around them.
Dagran’s Day Out
In the Dagran’s Day Out version of Kriegval’s Rest you must collect 10 suspicious candles.They are easy to find but are usually producing a moving fire trap, and taking damage will interrupt the “collecting” cast. Make sure you take your time and limit your movements in order to preserve your candle.
Once you have collected all 10 candles you will be ambushed by Kobolds, which you need to kill. There will be a bar you need to fill to 100, and once that’s done you kill 2 Kobold Guardians, which are large elites identical to the Kobold Taskmaster explained above. Once you have killed both you can proceed to the boss.