Restoration Shaman Playstyle and Rotation Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 4th Mar, 2025
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Playstyle & Rotation

General Rotation:

Single Target Damage opener:

  1. Pre Lava burst into instant Flame shock
  2. Lava Burst
  3. Buff Acid Rain with Master of the Elements (if talented)
  4. Lightning Bolt until Lava Burst becomes available


    Resto Shaman is all about keeping your abilities on cooldown as much as possible.

    Use Healing Rain on cooldown ( can buff it with Unleash Life).

    Use Riptide on cooldown.

    Prepare Cloudburst Totem before damage and pair it up with other small cooldowns:

    1. Use Cloudburst Totem
    2. Use Healing Rain
    3. Use Wellspring if talented
    4. Use Downpour if talented
    5. Cast Chain Heal or Healing Wave depending on situation

    Don’t be afraid to recall your Cloudburst Totem early if you know that it might go into overhealing.

    Place Earthen Wall Totem on a raid clump.

    Reset Earthen Wall Totem or Cloudburst Totem with Totemic Recall.

    Keep Earth shield up on a tank if talented.

    Cast Chain heal or Healing Wave as filler depending on damage intake.

    Weave in instant Lava Bursts through Lava Surge whenever you can spare the GCD on damage.

    Use your big CDs like Healing Tide Totem or Spirit Link Totem where assigned (try not to overlap with other healers if not needed).

    Preferably, you want to use Wellspring / Downpour or Ascendance if needed and recall your Cloudburst Totem early to maximize HPS potential inside that window.