Focus Macro
Good to have so you can easily interrupt with 1 keybind and no target swap.
#showtooltip Wind Shear
/cast [target=focus]Wind Shear
#showtooltip Hex
/cast [target=focus] Hex
Cursor Macro for ground effects
Use for spells like Cap Totem/Healing Rain/Earthbind etc to remove extra click on placement.
#showtooltip Capacitor Totem
/cast [@cursor] capacitor totem
Mouseover Macro
Make a mouseover macro for every single targeted heal or dispel in your spellbook so you don’t have to click frames and just hover over them with your mouse.
/cast [target=mouseover](spell)
Cancel aura Macro
Very useful to cancel our earth elemental/slow fall from mages.
/click TotemFrameTotem1 RightButton
/click TotemFrameTotem2 RightButton
/click TotemFrameTotem3 RightButton
/click TotemFrameTotem4 RightButton
/cancelaura bron's call to action
/cancelaura slow fall
Mouseover harmful spells Macro
Very useful, especially in dungeons or pvp. Simply hover over the enemy nameplate and use macro. That way you don`t need to change your target (very important vs explosive affix).
/use [@mouseover, harm][@target, harm] Frost Shock
/use [@mouseover, harm][@target, harm] Flame Shock
/use [@mouseover, harm][@target, harm] Hex
Below on you can find some decent WeakAuras that can help you significantly in your gameplay. My advice is to have general cd and aura trackers such as totem uptime.
WeakAuras are very flexible and helpful, providing you with any information you want to have.
If you’re not into creating them yourself (even though you should check how they are done each time since basic WeakAuras are very easy to do and will help you greatly in the future), you can quickly grab some of your choosing on Wago.