Restoration Shaman Gearing Guide

Patch 11.1 Last Updated: 4th Mar, 2025
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Tier Sets

The War Within Season 2 Resto Shaman Tier Set Bonus:

  • (2) Set Bonus: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them for (800% of Spell power) over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them for (480% of Spell power).
  • (4) Set Bonus: When you cast Surging Totem / Healing Rain, an ally in the radius has Insurance! applied to them. When Insurance! is consumed, your next Chain Heal, Healing Surge, or Healing Wave is increased by 10%.

Both of the set bonuses are passive hps number additions. They both are pretty decent, with the 4-set giving a fairly good chunk of extra passive hps, since they are all spells that you use constantly.

restoration shaman Best in Slot Gear

Here are two lists of the optimal gear set-up for Restoration Shaman you want to reach, either for M+ or for raids.

Do note that these lists include every item that will fit the stats priority (covered in this guide) depending on the content you’re aiming for, including specific items (mainly trinkets, or some Use weapons if applicable).

For every raid trinket, I’ll list an alternative which you can obtain in M+, as raids are not something you can farm over and over during a said day.

There sometimes can be alternatives, especially depending on which stats you already have on your character, or for some very specific purposes, so keep in mind that you don’t necessarily always want to match this exact list. Most of the time, ilevel will be the biggest factor, and some stats, such as Mastery in M+, can have a relatively different value depending on what you’ll need (since this one won’t provide any DPS gain, but ONLY healing).

Best Gear for Raiding

Slot Item Source
Head Sanitized Scraphood Stix Bunkjunker (Raid)
Neck Flickering Glowtorch Darkflame Cleft
Shoulders Gale Sovereign’s Zephyrs Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Cloak Consecrated Cloak Crafted
Chest Gale Sovereign’s Clouded Haubker Catalyst/RaidVault
Wrist I’pa’s Pale Aleguards Cinderbrew Meadery
Gloves Gale Sovereign’s Grasps Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Belt Dealer’s Covetous Chain Chrome King Gallywix (Raid)
Legs Gale Sovereign’s Pantaloons Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Boots Shrapnel-Ridden Sabatons Vexie (Raid)
Ring Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage (Raid)
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Sire Isle
Trinket Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger (Raid)
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee (Raid)
Main Hand Vagabond’s Bounding Baton Crafted
Off Hand Titan of Industry Chrome King Gallywix (Raid)

Best Gear for Mythic+

Slot Item Source
Head Sanitized Scraphood Stix Bunkjunker (Raid)
Neck Flickering Glowtorch Darkflame Cleft
Shoulders Gale Sovereign’s Zephyrs Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Cloak Consecrated Cloak Crafted
Chest Gale Sovereign’s Clouded Haubker Catalyst/RaidVault
Wrist I’pa’s Pale Aleguards Cinderbrew Meadery
Gloves Gale Sovereign’s Grasps Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Belt Dealer’s Covetous Chain Chrome King Gallywix (Raid)
Legs Gale Sovereign’s Pantaloons Catalyst/Raid/Vault
Boots Shrapnel-Ridden Sabatons Vexie (Raid)
Ring Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage (Raid)
Ring Cyrce’s Circlet Sire Isle
Trinket Mister Pick-Me-Up Sprocketmonger (Raid)
Trinket Mug’s Moxie Jug Mug’Zee (Raid)
Main Hand Vagabond’s Bounding Baton Crafted
Off Hand Titan of Industry Chrome King Gallywix (Raid)


Mug’s Moxie Jug: A strong and striaghtforward stat stick trinket. Grants you set amount of crit from healing. Despite crit not being our most favoured stat, it still grants alot of raw hps increase.

Flarendo’s Pilot Light: A solid stat stick trinket, that has some damage upside to it aswell. Grants passive haste, with and on demand intellect buff for our ramps every 2 minutes.

Eye of Kezan: An interesting trinket in raid, granting you passive intellect & mastery. Also has some damage upside once you reach max stacks.

Mister-Pick-Me-Up: A pretty solid stats trinket thanks to its great uptime. The healing effect is also decent.


The best Embellishments for Restoration Shaman currently are:

  • Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension with Writhing Armor Banding.
  • Dawnthread Lining

You should focus on getting Darkmoon Sigil on your shield craft first. After that getting the Writhing Armor Banding is the best choice. For the remaining crafts just go with Dawnthread Lining.

Cyrce’s Circlet

Below you can see the best Cyrce’s Circlet rings for Restoration Shaman.


  • Singing Thunder Citrine: Stormbringer's Runed Citrine
  • Singing Sea Citrine: Mariner's Hallowed Citrine
  • Singing Wind Citrine: Old Salt's Bardic Citrine or Legendary Skipper's Citrine

Mythic+ (healing)

  • Singing Thunder Citrine: Stormbringer's Runed Citrine
  • Singing Sea Citrine: Mariner's Hallowed Citrine
  • Singing Wind Citrine: Old Salt's Bardic Citrine or Legendary Skipper's Citrine

Mythic+ (damage)

  • Singing Thunder Citrine: Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine
  • Singing Sea Citrine: Undersea Overseer's Citrine or Singing Sea Citrine: Seabed Leviathan's Citrine (to survive one-shots)
  • Singing Wind Citrine: Squall Sailor's Citrine