Stormcharged Leather is the main resource used in crafting leather gear for the leatherworking profession in The War Within. That means great quantities will be needed and we have found a few great farming spots in Khaz Algar.
On the very western edge of Hallowfall, near the veneration grounds are large quantities of Shalehorn and Lynx, all of which can be skinned for Stormcharged Leather and Thunderous Hide.

/way Hallowfall 26.79 55.20
In order to do this Stormcharged Leather farm efficiently you will need to be able to kill level 76s, if you have not completed the campaign. If you have completed the campaign on any character, you can hop straight down and start farming at any level between 70 and 80, as mobs will scale to your level.
This farm should be done in a group for peak efficiency, as the same mob can be skinned five times before it despawns and with more people the mobs will die faster. It is still a good spot if you are solo, but you will receive a lot less leather and materials. Having a hunter or Balance Druid to pull mobs from further away makes this spot even better.
What Are You Farming
You will be killing Immature Shalehorn, Shadowed Shalehorn, Wary Shalehorn, Wary Bull, Feral Sharpclaw and Shadowed Sharpclaw. Skinning them will drop Stormcharged Leather, Thunderous Hide and Honed Bone Shards.
Isle of Dorn
On the North of the Isle of Dorn, near Cinderbrew Meadery, you will find large packs of Elite Tempest Wolves. These can be skinned for Stormcharged Leather and Thunderous Hide.

/way Isle of Dorn 73.88 32.64
In order to do this farm efficiently you will need to be able to kill level 70 elites, if you have not completed the campaign. If you have completed the campaign on any character, you can head straight over and start farming at any level between 70 and 80, as mobs will scale to your level.
This Farm is significantly better when done in a group as the creatures are elite. While they are in theory soloable, they do have fairly large health pools meaning they will take a long time to kill, severely reducing your efficiency if doing it alone. Having a Balance Druid or hunter to pull mobs from far away makes this spot much more effective.
What are you Farming
You will be killing Tempest Wolf, Cyclonecrier Alpha and Rustcloud Runt. Skinning them will reward Stormcharged Leather, Thunderous Hide, Honed Bone Shards and Bottled Storm.
Skinning Specialization
We recommend putting points into Tanning and then the further sub-specialization Luxurious Leathers. This will increase the quality of the Leather you are receiving, making the rank 2 and 3 drop more frequently.
You can also put 20 points into the Luring Specialization which will increase the amount of leather you receive but also unlocks the Craft Beast Scent Lure Ability. This is a 5 minute cooldown ability which will aggro all beasts that are not tagged by other players within 60 yards.
Mother’s Skinning Knife
Mother’s Skinning Knife is a toy from Legion which lets you skin corpses from up to 40 yards away. Despite stating that it has to be a corpse below level 49, it still currently works on corpses in The War Within. While the use case is pretty low, and we expect it to be fixed, remember that you can use this toy for skinning corpses further away, without moving to them.