The Tak-Rethan Abyss is located in the lower part of Azj-Kahet. If you are unable to find it on your world map it might be hidden due to Azj-Kahet having multiple layers. To change the layer there is a drop down menu in the top left of the world map which will change what part of the map you can see.
There are 3 versions of Tak-Rethan Abyss:
- Goblin Mischief
- Niffen Napping
- Pheromone Fury

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Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
The mechanic of Tak-Rethan Abyss is Aquatic Curse (same as in The Sinkhole delve), which despite being called a curse is not actually dispellable by decurse abilities. The curse prevents you from swimming, and considering the whole delve takes place underwater this seems like a big difficulty! However the delve is designed such that you are meant to walk around on the bottom.
One potential issue is the breath bar, which gives you 2 minutes before you start drowning. You do not however have to complete the delve in 2 minutes, instead you will find air bubbles. Stepping into an air bubble will grant you a buff allowing you to breathe underwater and have 100% increased movement speed for 5 seconds. It will also refill your breath bar completely.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in Tak-Rethan Abyss. If you have already done the Sinkhole delve you recognise them all from there.
Korbyss Witherer is a caster who has 2 abilities: Abyssal Surge, which is a single target cast that deals moderate damage and can be interrupted, and Curse of the Depths, which applies a curse to the target reducing haste by 5% and movement speed by 30%. You can have multiple applications of this debuff making you very slow.
Korbyss Spearfisher is a melee mob who periodically swims away from you to cast Spear Fish. When the cast finishes they will grip you to them. This cast can be extremely frustrating to deal with, and can be interrupted, but unfortunately these mobs are usually in packs with casters who have higher priority interrupts.
Korbyss Trickster is a melee mob who has two main abilities to worry about: Cleave is exactly what it sounds like. It locks on to a target and cleaves everything nearby, and you should make sure to spread out from other players and Brann. Illusive Step is a short cast where the mob will teleport behind their target, dealing a small amount of damage and summoning a low health copy.
Korbyss Necromancer is a caster who casts Necrotic Bolt, which is a heavy single target damage hit. They also cast Defiling Breath, a frontal cone which is fairly easy to avoid, but deals moderate damage if stood in.
Delve Boss
The boss for Tak-Rekhan Abyss is Undersea Abomination.
His three main abilities are:
- Fungal Infection is a large frontal cone which can be sidestepped or interrupted. We do not recommend interrupting as the boss locks on to a single position and does nothing else for the duration of the cast.
- Deepsea Polyps is a channel causing green mushrooms to spawn rapidly underneath both the boss and nearby players. Standing in a mushroom will cause you to take a large amount of damage, so make sure to avoid them.
- Repelling Blast spawns a large circle around the boss which deals moderate damage and knocks back any player caught within it.
Goblin Mischief
In this version of the delve you will search for a group of missing goblins. At the start of the delve you will notice a Partially-Chewed Goblin, and to start the delve you must interact with the corpse. The first objective of this delve is to collect 6 repair kits, which usually are surrounded by enemies that need to be killed beforehand, as damage interrupts the cast needed to pick them up. Once you have collected all 6 you will need to use your extra action button to repair a Korbyss Killer, which is a large mech.
Once repaired you can click the Korbyss Killer and mount it. It is a stationary vehicle with 3 abilities: a targeted ranged ground circle, an instant damage around yourself (which is great to kill mobs nearby), and a repair to heal when you take damage. You will need to use the vehicle to kill groups of Korbyss and we have marked the 3 main locations they spawn in the image below. Once you have killed enough Korbyss, your Mech will be destroyed and the boss will spawn.
Niffen Napping
In this version of Tak-Rethan Abyss you will be assisting Veitverian, a Niffen who’s friends have been captured by the Korbyss. Throughout the delve you will find 5 Niffen who are in air bubbles, and to dispel the bubbles you need to click them. This has a small cast time and is interrupted by damage taken. We recommend collecting the Niffen on the left first. Make sure to get an air bubble before heading over, as there are none over there and you can easily run out of air.
After you have saved all 5 Niffen you will get an extra action button called Niffen’s Aid, which summons a Niffen to your location, who then summons an Air Bubble. This ability has a 30 second cooldown and means you can no longer run out of air in the delve.
Your next objective is to slay 5 Suspicious Niffen, which are easy to kill, but surrounded by other mobs. Once done you can proceed to the boss.
Pheromone Fury
Coming Soon!