The Dread Pit is a delve located on the eastern side of The Ringing Deeps. The delve will have you dealing with a Nerubian incursion, so if you are arachnophobic make sure to enable the new arachnophobia mode, which turns all the spiders into crabs.
There are 3 versions of The Dread Pit
- Smashing Skardyn
- Lost Gems
- Kobold Kidnapping

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The Dread Pit Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
Nerubian Eggs are triggered by walking too close or dealing direct damage to them. They also leave behind an unremovable set of Nerubian webs, which means you in most cases want to avoid triggering them altogether. They do however deal damage to all nearby things so they can be used to deal a lot of damage.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in The Dread Pit. If you have already done the another Nerubian delve you recognise all of them from there.
Nerubian Slasher is a melee mob who deals heavy physical damage, and who also applies a nasty stacking bleed. Make sure you kill these fast if you can.
Nerubian Threadmancer is a caster. They only cast Web Bolt, a heavy single target damage ability. They can be interrupted or line of sighted, so use this to your advantage if you need to.
Nerubian Fearmonger is a melee mob who deals very little damage. However, they have a cast which will form a large circle on the ground, which if stood in when the cast finishes will fear you for several seconds.
Nerubian Darkcaster is a caster who also deals light physical melee damage. They cast Shadowbolt; a large single target damage hit, which can be interrupted or line of sighted.
Delve Boss
The boss for The Dread Pit is Under-Lord Vik’tis, who is a large Nerubian. He is a copy of the boss in The Spiral Weave delve.
Under-Lord Vik’tis has 3 abilities.
Rupture is a large avoidable frontal. He will pick a player target and after a short cast send out spikes in that direction. Being hit will deal heavy physical damage.
Burrowing Tremors will cause the boss to burrow underground and chase a player, dealing heavy damage to anyone nearby. Make sure to kite this ability.
Stinging Swarm is a groupwide AoE which deals heavy nature damage to all targets. Use defensives for this ability.
Smashing Skardyn
In this version of The Dread Pit you will be assisting Vanathia in dealing with the Skardyn, who the Nerubian are using to kidnap Earthen Machine Speakers. The objectives are to free Earthen Machine Speakers and then to collect 9 repair kits. You will get an extra action button to use Skardyn Lure, which disorientates Skardyn mobs, even when attacked. When the Skardyn dies they explode and deal heavy damage to everyone, including enemies, within the area. Use this ability to kill off nearby enemies.
Lost Gems
In the Lost Gems version of the Dread Pit you must help Vant recover Memory Gems from Nerubians. To begin you speak to Vant, and she will give you a Memory Magnet, which is an extra action button. When clicked it will be a short cast which then causes all memory gems to be sucked off the floor and all enemies to be gripped to you (great if you are melee, questionable if you are ranged). Once you have collected all the gems, Vant will modify your device giving you access to the Magnetic Burst extra action button. This will cause a lightning bolt to launch towards any webbings which will be blocking your way. It also deals significant damage to any enemies it manages to bounce to as well. You will need to kill 3 gem hoarders, and then you head for the boss.
Kobold Kidnappings
In the Kobold Kidnapping version of the Dread Pit you must rescue Kobolds who have been kidnapped by the Nerubian. You start by saving Skurro and Luch, two named Kobolds, by just killing the mobs near them. Luch will then throw you across the chasm, and you need to rescue 10 kobolds on the other side by clicking web wrappings. You can tell which web is going to have a kobold in it by a small fire animation over the webbing. Clicking on webs without a fire animation will cause Skardyn to spawn and attack you. Once you have freed all 10 kobolds you can fight the boss.