Blacksmithing in the War Within (Khaz Algar Blacksmithing) has kept a similar layout to Dragonflight, crafting alloys to create further items, although there is a heavier focus on rare materials this time round.
This guide is what we think is the most efficient way of leveling your Blacksmithing profession, focusing on minimal amounts of crafts while not breaking the bank as you go.
Blacksmithing Trainer & Crafting Table Location
The Blacksmithing trainer is Darean, they are located in the South of Dornogal in the main Foregrounds Building standing next to the forge. The Blacksmithing Crafting Table is located next to the trainer.

List of Materials Required
This is a list of materials required to get Khaz Algar Blacksmithing to 70. The last thirty levels will vary depending on what specialization you decide to choose.
The material amounts needed to level may change depending on luck with green and yellow crafts, but roughly this is what you need for the first 70 levels following our guide:
- 57 Core Alloy (read the note below)
- 570 Bismuth Ore
- 57 Crystalline Powder
- 280 Echoing Flux (Blacksmithing Vendor)
- 58 Bismuth Ore
- 55 Ironclaw Ore
- 40 Crystalline Powder
Note: You will only need materials to craft Core Alloy until level 14, check the auction house for the price of materials compared to Core Alloy and purchase the Core Alloy instead of crafting the extra if it is cheaper.
The quality of the materials that you use do not impact your chance to gain levels, so use whatever you have available.
Leveling The War Within Blacksmithing
Level 1-20
Right out the gate you want to focus on making Core Alloys until you reach level 14.
If you want to grab 2 knowledge points you can craft 1 Ironclaw Weightstone and 1 Ironclaw Whetstone before you reach 14, instead of 2 Core Alloys. However, these both use rare materials which are likely to be expensive early on, and it might be wiser to wait to gain those knowledge points later.
Once you reach level 14, you can learn a few new recipes at the profession trainer. The Four new recipes to learn are the following:
- Dredger’s Plate Sabatons
- Dredger’s Plate Breastplate
- Coreforged Repair Hammer
- Proficient Pickaxe
Craft one of each of the items in the exact order above to reach level 20. You might have to craft more than one Coreforged Repair Hammer to gain a level.
At this point you can check the Auction House for Core Alloys, as the next steps will require 45 to 50 of them. If you can craft them cheaper, then you should craft up to 50 Core Alloys.
Level 21-50
At level 20 you will gain access to some new recipes from the profession trainer. There will be 5 recipes that give you 2 skill ups:
- Ironclaw Dirk
- Ironclaw Greataxe
- Ironclaw Stiletto
- Dredger’s Plate Vambraces
- Dredger’s Plate Greatbelt
Crafting one of each of all 5 of these will give you level 30. The order you craft them in doesn’t matter.
You should return to the Blacksmithing trainer where you will gain 5 new recipes, which will bring you to level 40. Make sure you craft them in the following order:
- Dredger’s Developed Defender
- Ironclaw Axe
- Ironclaw Sword
- Dredger’s Developed Helm
- Dredger’s Developed Gauntlets
The Blacksmithing Profession trainer will now have 4 new recipes, which will take you to level 50. Again, you need to make sure you craft in the exact order below, but be observant that one of the recipes you should craft twice:
- Dredger’s Developed Pauldrons
- 2x Dredger’s Developed Legplates
- Ironclaw Knuckles
- Ironclaw Great Mace
Level 51-70
The Blacksmithing trainer will have 2 final recipes for you to learn, Ironclaw Razorstone and Forged Framework.
You could craft 1 Ironclaw Razorstone for the first-craft profession knowledge, but the Forged Framework is one material cheaper so we recommend crafting this to level with.
Both recipes give guaranteed skill ups till 60, a high chance of gaining skill till 65 and will turn gray at 70, no longer rewarding any skill ups.
We recommend crafting as many Forged Framework as you need to reach level 70 as you will use the Forged Framework a lot in later Blacksmithing.
Level 71-100
From 70 onwards the only recipes that will grant skill ups are gear that require a Spark of Omens to craft.
For this reason we recommend you put your knowledge into either the Weaponsmithing Specialization or the Armorsmithing Specialization.

For some reason the belt, breastplate and sabaton crafts give less skill ups than the others. So, if you want to reach max level quickly, you should avoid those specializations.
You can also potentially try to obtain one of the 3 embellished crafting patterns:
- Beledar’s Bulwark is from the The Dawnbreaker dungeon, not tradeable on the Auction House.
- Sanctified Steps is a random world drop, not tradable on the Auction house.
- Siphoning Stiletto is a drop from Nexus-Princess Ky’vea from the Nerub-ar Palace raid, and is tradable on the auction house.
As a reminder you will be able to use the new patron system (NPC work orders) to craft spark items more often than you were able to in Dragonflight. These can include work orders for spark items, and the NPC will provide the spark.
Darkmoon Faire
When Darkmoon Faire is active you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points; it will be a short quest from Yebb Neblegear called Baby Needs Two pair of Shoes.
We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.