The War Within Enchanting Profession Leveling Guide

The War Within Enchanting Profession Leveling Guide

Written by Roguery - 13th August 2024

Enchanting in The War Within (Khaz Algar Enchanting) has kept a similar layout to Dragonflight, and works essentially the same way as it always has; being able to take items and disenchant them to get Dust, Shards and Crystals, then using those materials to produce powerful enchants.

One major difference in The War Within is that other professions are not going to be crafting green items to level up to the same extent they have in the past, which might make us starved for Dust.

This Guide is what we think will be the most efficient way of leveling your Enchanting profession, with minimal crafts and while keeping the costs down.

Enchanting Trainer Location

The Enchanting trainer is Nagad, who is located in the very south of The Foregrounds, near the main southern entrance to Dornogal. The Enchanting Crafting Table is located next to the trainer.

map showing location of enchanting trainerEnchanting Trainer and Crafting Table

List of Materials Required

This is a list of materials required to level your Enchanting from 1-100, following the guide below. The total materials required may vary slightly because of yellow and green crafts, but the list below should give a good general idea of how much of each material it will take.


Disenchant items.


  • 143x Storm Dust
  • 1x Bismuth Rod
  • 1x Leyline Residue
  • 3x Gleaming Shard


  • 340x Storm Dust
  • 5x Gleaming Shard
  • 1x Refulgent Crystal
  • 16x Leyline Residue
  • 1x Viridescent Spores
  • 1x Ringing Deeps Ingot


  • 10 Authority of Storms
    • 10x Ringing Deeps Ingot
    • 50x Bottle Storm
    • 750x Storm Dust
    • 100x Gleaming Shard
    • 20x Reflungent Crystal


  • 10 Authority of Fiery Resolve
    • 10x Profaned Tinderbox
    • 750x Storm Dust
    • 100x Gleaming Shard
    • 20x Refulgent Crystal

Leveling the War Within Enchanting

Level 1-25

There are 2 strategies to reach level 25 Enchanting, you can use both or a combination as you please.

The first way to level Enchanting to 25 is to simply disenchant gear. We highly recommend doing this while you level and explore Khaz Algar. The levels become a lot slower once you hit Enchanting level 20, and for that reason you might at some point start using the second method of leveling.

The second way is to craft items or enchants.

  1. Start by crafting 4 Glimmering Haste, to get to level 5.
  2. The Enchanting trainer will have one new recipe: Glimmering Critical Strike. Craft 1 for the profession knowledge.
  3. Craft either Glimmering Haste or Glimmering Critical Strike until level 10, whichever you prefer or is worth more on the Auction House.
  4. Craft Glimmering Critical Strike until level 15.

Return to the Enchanting trainer and learn new recipes. Craft them in the order listed below to reach level 25. Observe that there is one recipe you need to craft more than once:

  1. Mirror Powder
  2. Whisper of Armored Avoidance
  3. 5x Whisper of Silken Avoidance
  4. Runed Bismuth Rod

Equip the Runed Bismuth Rod (Enchanting Profession Equipment) for free Profession stats.

Level 26-70

Return to the Enchanting trainer and learn new recipes, there will be many available if you have only been disenchanting until now. Craft the following recipes in the order listed below to get to level 35.

  1. Algari Mana Oil
  2. Glimmering Mastery
  3. Illusory Adornment: Runes
  4. Oathworn’s Tenacity - This can be replaced by 2x Glimmering Mastery if Refulgent Crystals are expensive
  5. 3x Glimmering Mastery, then visit the Enchanting trainer to learn the next recipes.
  6. Whisper of Armored Speed
  7. Gleeful Glamour - Pandaren

At level 35 you will learn 1 new recipe at the Enchanting trainer: Whisper of Silken Leech. Craft one of these for the Knowledge Point, and then either continue crafting these or the Whisper of Armored Speed until level 40. Check the auction house and craft whichever is worth more.

At level 40 continue crafting Whisper of Silken Leech until level 45.

Return to the Enchanting trainer and learn Glimmering Versatility; craft these until level 55.

Returning to the trainer will get you four new recipes. Craft either the Whisper of Silken Speed or Whisper of Armored Leech until level 60, whichever is worth more on the auction house.

Then at level 60, craft Whisper of Armored Leech until level 70.

Level 71-100

At level 70 there will be no more recipes to learn from the Enchanting trainer. The yellow recipes you know, will turn green at 75, and gray soon after.

At this point, you need to use your specializations to learn new recipes, specifically the weapon enchants found in the Everlasting Enchantments specialization which will bring you all the way to level 100.

Enchanting Everlasting Enchantments Specialization

We recommend putting 5 points into the Everlasting Enchantments specialization, then 10 points into the Earthen Enhancements sub-specialization. This will unlock the recipe Authority of Storms, which is a DPS weapon enchant. You will need to craft 10 of these to hit level 100 Enchanting and they will cost a lot of materials.

Alternatively, you can choose to place 10 points in the Arathi Alterations sub-specialization and gain the recipe for Authority of Fiery Resolve, which is a healer weapon enchant. To reach level 100 you need to craft 10 of these and they will, like the enchants above, cost a lot of materials.

Enchanting Arathi Alterations SpecializationsEnchanting Everlasting Enhancments sub-specialization

In The War Within there is also the new patron system (NPC work orders). However, the NPCs do not order enchants, so you will not get much help from level 70 and onwards from these work orders unless you specialize in making Wands, which cost 15 knowledge points.

We suggest doing this only if you want to reach level 100 without making weapon enchants or you specifically want to make wands, as it prevents you from putting more points into making higher quality weapon enchants.

Darkmoon Faire

When Darkmoon Faire is active you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points; it will be a short quest from Sayge called Putting Trash to Good Use.

We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.

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