The Waterworks is a delve located on the west side of the ringing deeps. Kobolds have come in disrespecting the Earthens machinery.
There are 3 versions of The Waterworks:
- Captured Engineers
- Trust Issues
- Stomping Some Sense

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The Waterworks Delve Overview
This section will cover things that are relevant to all versions of the delve.
Delve Mechanic
The main mechanic in The Waterworks delve is that you must collect canisters of purified air throughout the delve. When you do you get a 2 minute buff, which does not tick down as long as you stand still, it only does so while you move. This means that you must limit your movement in this delve as much as possible. Throughout the delve you will come across more canisters, but note that they are one time use only, and the buff is capped at 2 minutes.
If your Purified Air buff runs out you will be affected by Noxious Fumes, which is a debuff reducing your health by 1% and stacking every second. It also reduces your vision to around 10 yards, meaning you will no longer see or be able target enemies or friendlies more than 10 yards away. The mobs will however see you as normal. Reaching a purified air canister will remove the Noxious Fumes.
Delve Mobs
These are the mobs that we felt were worth highlighting in The Waterworks. If you have already done the Kriegval’s Rest delve you recognise them all from there.
Kobold Taskmaster is a large elite melee mob who cast Battle Cry which will enrage all their nearby allies, increasing their Attack and cast Speed by 25%. They also do Blazing Wick, a frontal channeled cone which deals extremely heavy damage. Make sure you sidestep Blazing Wick as soon as possible.
Kobold Mystic is a caster mob with a Flame Volley, which can and should be interrupted as it deals significant group damage.
Kobold Skullface is a melee mob who periodically applies a stacking bleed. The damage from the bleed can get out of control, so we recommend trying to kill these as quickly as possible
Delve Boss
The boss for the Waterworks is Waxface, who is a large Kobold.
He has two mechanics which are:
- Noxious Gas is an uninterruptible cast which deals hefty damage at the end of the cast, if you are inside the circle. It will also leave behind a large void zone. Try to move out quickly, but limit your movement as much as possible to not lose too much Purified Air.
- Lob Wax is a short cast which will deal a small amount of direct damage and leave a slow on you. .
Captured Engineers
The Captured Engineers version of the Waterworks is about rescuing 5 trapped Earthen. To rescue them you must simply kill the enemies nearby them and click on them. Once this has been completed you can move towards the boss.
Trust Issues
Coming soon. Was bugged in Beta.
Stomping some Sense
In the Stomping some Sense version of the Waterworks you will get a set of Stomping Shoes, which will grant you an extra action button. When you press it you will stomp the ground after a short cast which is interrupted if you take damage. The objective is to collect lost gear, which you find by stomping on corpses of slain Kobolds. You must also stomp on highlighted boxes to get to the air canisters used for the delve mechanic. Once you have collected 50 pieces of gear you can make your way to the boss room.