City of Threads Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

city-of-threads Boss Image
Last Updated: 20th Aug, 2024


Hey everyone, and welcome to the City of Threads dungeon guide for season 1 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but it still applies to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.

Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+ and Raid guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link:

Shadecaster Party Buff

Throughout the first area of the dungeon you’ll find several shadecasters displaying an image of Queen Ansurek. Rogues, priests, or players with at least 25 Khaz Algar skill in engineering are able to interact with these images, granting all nearby party members a 15% damage and healing buff for 30s, so make sure you use these if you are able to!

Video Guide

Orator Krix'vixk Trash

  • Venom Strike targets the tank, dispel the Poison DoT as often as possible and use defensives as needed
  • Silk Binding channels on a random player, use a CC or interrupt to stop the cast
  • Web Bolt targets a random player, use spare interrupts on this ability
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Earthshatter shoots a cone towards a random player, be ready to avoid it
  • Use defensives and healing CDs for the Ravenous Swarm party DoT
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Twist Thoughts targets a random player, be sure to interrupt this cast
  • Shadow of Doubt debuffs a random player, use a Magic dispel to remove it when they are in a safe spot as this will cause several stun orbs to shoot out from them

Orator Krix'vixk Boss Fight

For the duration of this encounter, your entire group will need to stay within the 10yd circle around the boss, as anyone who attempts to leave will be targeted with Chains of Oppression, pulling them back. This means positioning is very important for his other mechanics.

Terrorize is a frontal cone that targets a random player, fearing anyone hit, so be sure to avoid this. On top of this, 2 players at a time will be debuffed with the Shadows of Doubt magic effect, which just like the Herald of Ansurek trash mob will fire off 5 stun orbs upon expiration or removal. Players targeted should try and move to the edge of the circle and use defensives to survive the DoT. Everyone else should watch the positioning of these players and make sure they are avoiding the stun orbs.

For tanks, Subjugate is a mixed shadow and physical hit, so make sure to use defensives when this is cast. You’ll also want to make sure you are moving the boss as little as possible, so as to not accidentally proc Chains of Oppression on players near the edge of the safe zone. You will need to do a big move occasionally due to the Vociferous Indoctrination channel, as this spawns a puddle that grows to 20yds in size upon completion. Make sure all players are on the same page in terms of where you are moving the boss to when this happens to avoid taking extra damage. Using pings here can be quite helpful!

Fangs of the Queen Trash

  • This mob is immune to CC and becomes friendly at 50% hp
  • Web Bolt targets a random player, use interrupts on this cast
  • Avoid the swirlies spawned by both Perfume Toss and Gossamer Barrage

After defeating Xeph'itik, they will disguise your party so you can travel through the High Hollows without being detected.

In this area you’ll need to follow the ghost-like figures to uncover 4 Eyes of the Queen, which you must then defeat in order to confront the boss. One of these is always located immediately upon entering the area, while the other 3 have several potential spawn locations, though there will always be one in the northern, western, and eastern portions of this area.

I recommend rotating around the area clockwise, starting with the north, as once you’ve defeated all 4 Eyes you’ll need to meet Executor Nizrek in the west in order to start the RP to spawn the boss.

Also, note that throughout this area there are multiple Pale Priest mobs patrolling which will see through your disguise and kick you out of the Hollows if you step into their detection radius.

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Void Rush applies a DoT to all non-tank players over the duration, use defensives and healing CDs as needed
  • This mob jumps behind a random player shoots the Null Slam cone through them, be ready to avoid this attack
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Will eject players that step into its detection radius with Web Wrap
  • Knife Throw targets a random player, be aware of this additional damage
  • Rigorous Jab targets the tank and applies a stacking debuff, beware of high damage intake as stacks increase and use defensives as needed
  • Grimweave Blast targets a random player and bounces off them, be sure to interrupt it
  • Mending Web channels healing into a random mob, use an interrupt or CC to stop it

Fangs of the Queen Boss Fight

This is a 2 boss encounter split into 2 distinct phases which alternate every time the Fangs reach 100 energy and cast Synergic Step. When this happens both bosses will do a charge attack in a line at a random player 3 times before transitioning. In each phase only one of the bosses will be empowered and need to be tanked while the other is supporting. Note that the bosses do share health, so cleaving them is very valuable!

In Phase 1 Nx will be empowered so tanks be sure to pick them up and face them away from your party for the Shade Slash frontal. Note that you can also step out of this attack to avoid it, and also that it will spawn a shade that echos Nx’s future attacks. Because of this I recommend trying to cluster the shades each time Nx is empowered to make them easier to avoid in the future. While this is happening, Vx will be targeting random players with Knife Throw, applying a short Bleed to them. Be careful of this extra damage, especially if a player gets picked multiple times in quick succession.

Towards the end of this phase there is an extremely dangerous ability combo, starting when Nx begins channeling Duskbringer. This deals damage to the party and puts 15yd AoEs around himself and his shades which you should run out of. At the same time, Vx begins casting Ice Sickles, which shoot out in a line at all non-tank players immediately after Duskbringer finishes, applying a 12s magic DoT and slow to their target and anyone in the path. Make sure everyone fans out to avoid being in another player’s line, and use magic dispels or any ability that can remove slows to clear the DoT as quickly as possible. Because these abilities overlap, you should also plan to use a defensive or group CD every time Duskbringer starts.

Moving on to phase 2, Vx is empowered and her tank ability is Rime Dagger, which also deals a hit of party damage so make sure everyone is topped when this ability goes out. This also applies 10 stacks of Freezing Blood to the tank, which is a nasty DoT that can be cleared by standing near other players. Because of this, I recommend having your party stack up on the tank in this phase so that they can instantly clear their DoT.

While this is happening, Nx will now be using Knife Throw on random players, and just before the end of this phase there is another overlap, this time between Duskbringer and Rime Dagger, though this one is scarier for tanks compared to the rest of the party, so make sure they are ready. From there, the bosses transition back to phase 1 and the fight repeats.

The Coaglamation Trash

  • Brutal Jab targets the tank and applies a stacking debuff, beware of high damage intake as stacks increase and use defensives as needed
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Venomous Spray hits all players and applies a Poison DoT, dispel as many as you can and use defensives or healing CDs as needed
  • Earthshatter shoots a cone towards a random player, be ready to avoid it
  • Charge targets a random player more than 8yds away, try to stack in close to avoid this attack and reduce melee downtime
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Use defensives and healing CDs as needed for the Fierce Stomping channel
  • Avoid the swirlies created under random players by Dark Barrage
  • Be sure to interrupt Void Wave to avoid getting knocked into cocoons, as this releases Ascended Neophytes
  • Void Bolt targets a random player, use spare interrupts to stop this cast

The Coaglamation Boss Fight

The main mechanic of this encounter is Viscous Darkness, which deals some damage to players, knocks them back, but most importantly spawns several orbs around the edge of the room that slowly float towards the boss. If they are successful the boss is healed for 7% of its max health, so players will want to intercept them to prevent this from happening. Note that players that do so will receive a healing absorb and will also spawn a puddle where they soaked.

On top of this, the boss will sometimes spawn a puddle underneath themselves with Blood Surge, melee just make sure to back away when this happens. I recommend tanking the boss in one corner of the room, soaking orbs in this quadrants as best as possible, then moving to the next once the Blood Surge puddle is spawned.

Outside of this, there’s a tank hit in Oozing Smash, just be aware of the healing reduction debuff it applies. There’s also additional party damage from the Dark Pulse channel, cast at 100 energy, which is where you’ll want to use things like defensives and healing cooldowns.

Izo, the Grand Splicer Trash

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Web Bolt targets a random player, use interrupts on this cast
  • Umbral Weave roots all players, kill the webs or use a freedom effect to remove them
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Use defensives and healing CDs for the Ravenous Swarm party DoT
  • Avoid the circle around the boss when Tremor Slam is cast and make sure tanks pick up the Hungry Scarabs this spawns

Izo, the Grand Splicer Boss Fight

Throughout this fight, Izo will spawn 3 Shifting Anomalies around himself, which deal damage to anyone they touch. These orbs will occasionally shoot towards a random player, damaging anyone in the path, so you’ll want to be aware of where these are at all times. Eventually the boss will take back these orbs and shoot them at the tank with Process of Elimination, make sure to use a defensive here and back up slightly as there is a 10yd AoE around the tank when this happens and you want melee to still be able to hit the boss.

Outside of the orbs, the boss takes both the Umbral Weave and Tremor Slam abilities from the mini bosses you fought immediately beforehand, but keep in mind the order the boss uses these abilities each rotation is random, so sometimes Umbral Weave will be first and other times it’ll instead be Tremor Slam.

When Umbral Weave is cast make sure players who cannot break their own root are stacked up so you can easily cleave them down, and when Tremor Slam is cast get away from the boss and be sure your health is topped to survive the unavoidable hit. Tremor Slam also now spawns 4 Ravenous Scarabs, which will Gorge their target for extra physical damage, eventually exploding with Gutburst if they do this 5 times, so make sure to use CCs on these mobs and cleave them down quickly to avoid this.

Otherwise, there’s just some additional party damage from Splice, but be aware if this DoT overlaps with any of the previously mentioned mechanics and use a defensive to survive these dangerous moments if needed.

City of Threads Mythic+ Dungeon Route

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import this route using the following string:
Import MDT Route