Mists of Tirna Scithe Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

mists-of-tirna-scithe Boss Image
Last Updated: 21st Aug, 2024


Hey everyone, and welcome to the Mists of Tirna Scithe dungeon guide for season 1 of The War Within! In this guide I’ll be going over the abilities of all the trash mobs and bosses throughout the dungeon as well as how I recommend you handle them. I’ll be focusing on the mythic and M+ versions of the dungeon, but it still applies to both normal and heroic difficulties as well. I’ll also be including my recommended, PUG friendly route via the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon for anyone interested.

Some background on myself, my name is Tactyks and I am an avid M+ player, achieving the 0.1% M+ title in every season it has existed, as well as competing in The Great Push in season 4 of Shadowlands. I also create M+ and Raid guide content on my YouTube and Twitch channels, so be sure to stop by and say hi!

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import my recommended route using the following link: https://wago.io/WwvVCkvzk

Night Fae Bonuses

Throughout the dungeon there are multiple vine walls and graveyards that previously only players part of the Night Fae covenant could interact with. This has been changed in TWW, where now any players that are Night Elves, Tauren, Highmountain, Druids, or have 25 Khaz Algar skill in Herbalism can do the same interactions.

In terms of what these interactions are, there is a shortcut at the start of the dungeon, a mushroom alcove before the first boss which allows players to get 10min 10% primary stat buff or 10% stamina buff, a graveyard after the first boss, and a graveyard after the second boss. These bonuses are significant, so you definitely want to have a player in your group that fits one of the criteria so your group can gain the benefits.

Video Guide

Ingra Maloch Trash

  • Have all but one player stack in melee to bait the Bloodletting leap attack, that player will need to use defensives and potentially switch with another player if they run out
  • Avoid the Dying Breath swirly on death, though note it also debuffs trash mobs
  • Interrupt or use a CC to stop the Harvest Essence AoE cast
  • Use spare interrupts on the random target Spirit Bolt casts
  • Occasionally gains the Hand of Thros buff, use CCs or kite to prevent the mobs from healing too much
  • Soul Split targets the tank, dispel the Magic debuff as often as possible and use defensives as needed
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Tanks point the Bewildering Pollen frontal away from your group and step out of the effect
  • Use a combat drop if targeted by Overgrowth, otherwise get into melee so the vines can be easily killed to free you
  • At 20% HP becomes friendly and leaves behind Refreshing Mist to aid players
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Move out of the Bramble Burst puddles that spawn under all players
  • At 50% HP channels the Furious Thrashing AoE, use defensives and heal through this damage

Ingra Maloch Boss Fight

While Droman Oulfarran is mind controlled, the Ingra Maloch will take 80% reduced damage and deal ticking damage to the party every second due to Embrace Darkness. You’ll want to focus Oulfarran, as bringing him to 20% HP breaks the mind control and causes him to cast Droman’s Wrath at Maloch, removing this DR and increasing damage taken by 200% for 15s, so make sure you save damage CDs for this window. After it finishes Oulfarran is mind controlled again and the phase repeats.

During the phase itself, make sure to keep an interrupt rotation on Spirit Bolt to prevent additional random target damage.

Tanks be sure to point Droman Oulfarran away from your group so they don’t need to avoid the Bewildering Pollen frontal, and be sure to step out of the effect yourself.

As a party stay relatively close together to bait the Tears of the Forest swirlies and puddles into a smaller area and rotate around the room as needed. This is also useful for the Repulsive Visage fear so that your party stays grouped and doesn’t get feared through puddles. If you have them, fear removal tools like Tremor Totem and Berserker Shout are very useful here.

Mistcaller Maze

In this area of the dungeon you’ll need to traverse through a maze in order to get to the 2nd boss. There is only 1 correct path through the maze, but this path is randomized each run of the dungeon so it won’t necessarily be the same as you’ve seen before.

In each room of the maze there will be 4 pillars, one in front of each of the 3 paths available and 1 from the door you entered. These will display a symbol above it if a player stands next to them.

These symbols can be different in 3 ways:

  1. Leaf or Flower
  2. Circled or Uncircled
  3. Filled or Empty

The goal is to find the symbol that is unique from all the other symbols in one of these ways, as that shows the path forward. Running into the correct path while out of combat will cause the mist wall to open, allowing you to move into the next room. If you run down the incorrect path your whole group will instead be teleported to the start of the maze.

For a useful WeakAura to help you solves the maze quickly, check this out: https://wago.io/XkZJuvlLH

Mistcaller Trash

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Mist Ward spawns a large puddle underneath the mob, move the pack away to avoid the 30% DR it provides
  • Expel targets a random player, try not to get pushed into the Mist Ward puddle
  • Use an interrupt on the Bramblethorn Coat cast, or purge the magic buff if you can
  • Prioritize healing the target of Mistveil Bite and use defensives or bleed cleanses as needed
  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Anima Slash targets the tank, use a defensive as needed
  • Beware of the bonus damage this mob does based on the number of nearby allies due to Protector of the Mists
  • Use an interrupt on the Nourish the Forest cast, or purge the magic buff if you can
  • Anima Injection targets a random player, move away from your party and dispel the Magic DoT

Because your path through the maze varies from run to run, you will only ever fight one of the following 3 mini bosses in any given key.

Mistcaller Boss Fight

Dodge Ball shoots a line attack at all players that you need to avoid. It can be easier to dodge if players are relatively grouped so that the lines are clumped together as opposed to spread out.

Tanks make sure to save your interrupt for Patty Cake as only you can stop it, otherwise you’ll be disoriented for 5s.

Avoid the vulpin spawned by Freeze Tag, even if you are not the fixated player. Note that you can use CCs or slows to stop its movement, but the mob is immune to knockbacks.

At 70%, 40%, and 10% HP the boss becomes immune to damage and starts a Guessing Game, where just like the maze you must identify which clone has a unique trait and then kill so that you can damage the boss again. You will also be taking ramping party damage from Penalizing Burst in this phase, so use defensives and healing CDs to survive. Killing the wrong clone deals a big hit of damage to your entire party.

Tred'ova Trash

  • This mob is immune to CC
  • Be sure to keep 2 interrupts on this mob to prevent the Stimulate Resistance and Stimulate Regeneration casts
  • Use a defensive for the Volatile Acid AoE hit and try not to pull multiple of these mobs due to the stacking nature damage amp it applies
  • Prioritize healing players debuffed with Volatile Acid and use defensives as needed
  • Avoid the Acid Globule swirlies these mobs spawn under random players
  • Avoid the puddles these mobs spawn on death from Acid Filled
  • Stinging Assault targets a random player, use a Poison dispel to remove the DoT

Tred'ova Boss Fight

Avoid the Acid Expulsion swirly spawned underneath every player. As the fight goes on, these swirlies move depending on how you dodged the previous swirly, so try not to over dodge this mechanic. Note these will also leave behind puddles as area denial.

Accelerated Incubation will spawn 4 Gormling Larva mobs that fixate a random player and leave behind a puddle on death. Use slows and CCs to prevent them from hitting the targeted player.

Mind Link targets the tank and tethers them to nearby players, dealing shadow damage to them and duplicating damage taken. You need to run 40yds away to break this tether, so I recommend having the tank on one side of the boss and everyone else on the other side or at range so the tether can be broken quickly.

Run away from the boss during the Coalescing Poison pull in to avoid the 15yd AoE.

At 70% and 40% HP the boss runs to the centre of the room, gains a shield, and begins to channel Consumption, causing swirlies to spawn around the room and dealing party damage every 2s. Removing the shield allows you to interrupt this channel to stop the damage.

Mists of Tirna Scithe Mythic+ Dungeon Route

If you are using the Mythic Dungeon Tools addon, you can import this route using the following string:
Import MDT Route