Engineering in The War Within is keeping the same basic layout as it did in Dragonflight, with 3 specializations. However, there are also some major changes, mainly in how you get new recipes and the introduction of the Engineering resource Pile of Rusted Scrap.
The War Within Engineering Changes
Pile of Rusted Scrap
Pile of Rusted Scrap is a soulbound, uncommon item, which is at the core of Engineering in The War Within. You will need to gather a great amount of these to firstly learn the majority of your recipes, and secondly to use as a material in some of the recipes.
You gain Pile of Rusted Scrap in two ways: Drops and Pilfer Through Parts.
They drop for Engineers from Humanoid mobs, and the drop chance seems to be around 1 or 2 for every 5-10 kills.
You can read our Guide for Farming Rusted Scrap for some farm spot locations, however we recommend keeping an eye on the Group Finder tool, as you may find groups that use other better spots for farming Pile of Rusted Scrap.
Pilfer Through Parts
One of the first recipes you learn from the Engineering trainer is Pilfer Through Parts, which means you can use other parts to craft a Pile of Rusted Scrap. You need 5 of a part to make 1 Pile of Rusted Scrap.
Handful of Bismuth Bolts is the cheapest part to use, but early in the expansion Pilfer Through Parts is likely a very expensive way to get your Rusted Scrap.
Finding and Learning Recipes
The first and only recipe the Engineering trainer can teach you is Scour Through Scrap. You need 5 Pile of Rusted Scrap to Scour Through Scrap, and when you use it you have a chance of discovering a new recipe.
You will learn your first few recipes automatically when using Scour Through Scrap. You don’t need to visit the trainer, they will instantly be unlocked in your Engineering profession journal.
After these first few recipes, you will not be guaranteed to learn new recipes. Instead you will follow this procedure:
- Scour Through Scrap will occasionally give you Prototypes.
- The Prototypes can be disassembled with Disassemble Invention.
- Using Disassemble Invention will give you a large amount of Pile of Rusted Scrap back, and a random amount of Hastily Scrawled Notes.
- Hastily Scrawled Notes can be combined in sets of 15 to create Comprehensively Organized Ideas.
- Using a Comprehensively Organized Idea will let you choose one recipe from a selection of three new recipes.
Which recipes will be offered to you varies depending on your Engineering level and your Specialization choices.
Important: Before you choose which recipe you want to learn, you can check which recipe will give you skill ups by opening the profession window and typing the names of the recipes in the search bar (located in the the top left of the window).
Engineering Trainer & Crafting Table Location
The War Within Engineering Trainer is Thermalseer Arhdas, who is located in the northern part of the main Foregrounds building in central Dornogal. The Tinker’s Workshop bench is next to the trainer.

List of Materials Required
This is a list of materials required to get Khaz Algar Engineering to level 33. The rest of the way to 100 will depend on what specialization you pick and what recipes you discover and when.
- 105 Pile of Rusted Scrap
- 7 Gyrating Gear
- 4-7 Junkbucket (Engineering vendor)
- 12-21 Bismuth
- 4-7 Aqirite
- 7 Whimsical Wiring
- 4-7 Frayed Wiring (Engineering vendor)
- 12-21 Bismuth
- 30 Handful of Bismuth Bolts
- 60-120 Bismuth
- 9 Bismuth
- 5 Ironclaw Ore
- 10 Aqirite
- 1 Crystalline Powder
- 1 Writhing Sample
- 1 Nullstone
Leveling The War Within Engineering
This guide is what we think is the most efficient way of leveling your Engineering profession, focusing on minimal amounts of crafts while not breaking the bank as you go.
Level 1-33
As you start leveling Engineering, you will only have access to one recipe from the trainer: Scour Through Scrap, which uses 5 Pile of Rusted Scrap. Do this until level 10, and you will have automatically learned 6 new Part recipes, and the ability to Invent, which is on a daily cooldown.
At level 10 craft the following items in the order listed below, which will take you to level 25. Make sure you follow the order to not miss any skill points:
- Gyrating Gear
- Whimsical Wiring
- Bismuth Bolts (craft these until you are level 18), then go back to the Engineering Trainer and learn two new recipes.
- Bismuth Fueled Samophlange - You may be missing one Gyrating Gear or Whimsical Wire to craft this (you gain 1-2 when you craft). If needed, craft one more of each, or check the auction house and buy them, whichever is cheaper. Equip the Bismuth Fueled Samophlange after you craft it.
- Invent (you will learn Disassemble Invention)
- Safety Switch
- Entropy Enhancer
- Chaos Circuit
Return to the Engineering Trainer and learn the five new and final recipes. Craft one of each in any order to reach level 33. You will be missing some parts, so check the auction house for materials compared to the price of crafting the parts yourself, and do whatever is more economical.
- 4UTO-41M3R
- Acolyte’s Goggles
- Dredger’s Goggles
- Spelunker’s Goggles
- Tracker’s Goggles
Level 34-100
From this point the engineering trainer will not offer any new recipes, and you will have two options of how to proceed:
- You can either continue crafting recipes which give skill ups, such as the Bismuth Fueled Samophlange, which will take you to about 45 and then move onto the second option.
- The other option is to continue to Scour Through Scrap, despite it not giving any skillups, you will still gain more recipes (some of which will give skill ups), and then crafting one of each item you learn for the knowledge point.
Continuing to Scour Through Scrap is the option we recommend as once you have 15 knowledge points you can spend 10 of them in the Engineered Equipment specialization to learn a sub-specialization, and then put 5 points into Calibrated Chaos to unlock a further sub-specialization. The further sub-specialization will let you pick if you want to be able to craft the Gun or the Tinker Bracers.

If you pick the Bracers you can return to the trainer to learn the recipe for your current character's armor type, and will be able to learn the others by Scouring Through Scrap.
We recommend doing the bracers over the gun. This is because both crafts require Spark of Omens, and the Tinker bracers were very popular in Dragonflight, and we assume they might be again. Filling work orders for the four different Tinker Bracers can then take you all the way to 100.
Note: This does mean you are locking 15 early knowledge points in the Engineering Equipment specialization and these can’t be refunded. So only follow this suggestion if you don’t mind spending knowledge point to level by crafting the gun or bracers.
As a reminder, you will be able to craft spark items more often than you were able to in Dragonflight through the new Patron System (NPC work orders). These can include work orders for spark items, and the NPC will provide the spark.
Aside from the above, you should also use Invent on cooldown (every 24 hours), which will grant 2 skill points and a guaranteed prototype.
Darkmoon Faire
When Darkmoon Faire is active you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points; it will be a short quest from Ringling called Talkin’ Tonks.
We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.