Fishing in The War Within has had a little bit of a makeover. The basic mechanic remains the same of casting a line and clicking on the bobber. However, the profession now has a lot more intricacies to it. In this guide we hope to help you avoid filling your inventories with gray boots and instead fish up some valuable fish.
Fishing Changes in The War Within
The first major change you will notice with fishing, is how fishing in open water will only reward you with useless gray items. You will now need significantly higher fishing to be able to fish in open waters. For example to fish on the Isle of Dorn I required 150 fishing to get my first non-grey item. If this is the case it means you will need around 525 fishing in order to fish in the open water of Azj-kahet.
You will also notice some changes to the Fishing Journal, with each fish listed as you catch it. By clicking on a specific fish in the journal you can see details about which zone it is most commonly caught in, and from which pools.
The Algari Weaverline
The Algari Weaverline is a new item introduced in The War Within. You attach it to a fishing pole and it acts similar to an enchantment, initially granting no buff but will grow as you fish more. This can’t be undone, so make sure you are happy with the pole you attach it to.
This item is crafted by tailors and is bound to warband, meaning you will need your own tailor if you wish to get one. The materials are fairly cheap, but it does require 100 Artisan's Acuity (the new Artisan’s Mettle from Dragonflight), which you might want to spend on tailoring equipment or knowledge early on in the expansion instead.
While fishing in Khaz Algar you will rarely find Algari Anglerthread and Algari Seekerthread. These can be applied to the Algari Waverline to increase your fishing skill and fishing perception respectively up to a cap of 100. There are achievements for adding each of the lines up to a maximum of 100 in increments of 10. These achievements will cause threads to become account bound, still requiring an Algari Waverline.

Soaked Journal Entry
The Soaked Journal Entrty are an item you can fish up from Treasure pools or purchased from Captain Oathmyt for mereldar Fishing Derby Tokens, she is located in Beledars Bounty. They increase your fishing skill by 10 up to a max of 300.
There are a wide variety of new consumables being introduced specifically for fishing. Most of these will be crafted by specialized skinners and traded on the auction house.
Some of the fish you catch will also act as consumables by throwing them back in the water to increase your skill and perception.
There will also be a new cooking recipe, Ghoulish Delight, eating this food will increase your fishing and perception by 30 for an hour. However, the fish required and the food itself is Bind on Pickup, meaning you will need to have the cooking skill and recipe to cook it yourself.
Fishing Trainer Location In The War Within
The fishing trainer in The War Within is Drokar, who is located in the northern part of Dornogal. Make sure to purchase the Find Fish recipe book off her if you don't already know the ability.

Leveling The War Within Fishing
Leveling Fishing in The War Within is simple, you just need to fish. With it being 300 skill points instead of the usual 100, it will take a fairly long time, and we recommend you fish from pools instead of open water to make the time you are fishing worthwhile.
We have included areas we think have a nice amount of pools so you can just hop from pool to pool. Depending on which fish you want may change which zone you want fish in. Our personal favorite is the Isle of Dorn area, however the others are just as viable.
Isle of Dorn
We recommend the Cove area just south of Dornogal on the west of the Isle of Dorn.
Ringing Deeps
We felt the Ringing Deeps had quite a lackluster number of pools, however the water to the south seemed to be the area with the most.
Hallowfall has a lot of variety; you will find pools very consistently along most of the rivers and coasts. We recommend the area to the North near the Priory of the Sacred Flame.
Azj-Kahet has very spread out pools, however it has some of the most valuable fish, so it may be worth fishing here despite having less pools to fish from. Specifically the Royal Ripple is much more common in Azj-kahet and lets you fish the Queen’s Lurefish which is used in The Sushi Special feast.
We found following the main rivers up and down to yield an okay amount of pools. Just make sure to prioritize the rarer pools over the more common ones.