Leatherworking in The War Within (Khaz Algar Leatherworking) has kept a similar layout to Dragonflight, and works essentially the same way as it always has: using skins and hides from the Skinning Profession and turning them into gear and items.
This guide is based on what we think is the most efficient way of leveling your Leatherworking profession, focusing on using the minimal amount of crafts, while not breaking your bank.
Leatherworking Trainer & Crafting Bench Location
The Leatherworking Trainer is Marbb, located in the eastern part of The Foregrounds near the entrance to Dornogal. The Leatherworking Crafting Table is located next to the trainer.

List of Materials Required
This is a list of materials required to get Khaz Algar Leatherworking to level 61 following the guide below.
- 340 Stormcharged Leather
- 330 Gloom Chitin
- 6 Thunderous Hide
- 3 Sunless Carapace
The materials needed for leveling Leatherworking from 62 to 100 will vary depending on what specialization you decide to choose.
Leveling The War Within Leatherworking
In general, leveling Leatherworking up to level 60+ is not difficult. There are many recipes to choose from and it’s enough to craft each of those recipes once to get the first craft bonus. We have laid out the path, which we think uses the fewest materials, and the fewest crafts.
Level 1-37
During the first levels of Leatherworking you will just swap between crafting and learning new recipes from the trainer. Sometimes the recipes need to be crafted in a specific order, or one will turn yellow. For that reason you should follow the exact order below:
- Spelunker’s Leather Bands
- Tracker’s Chitin Cuffs to reach level 7, then return to the trainer for more recipes.
- Hideseeker’s Hat
- Spelunker’s Leather Footpads
- Tracker’s Chitin Galoshes to reach level 16, then return to the trainer for more recipes.
- Tracker’s Chitin Hauberk
- Spelunker’s Leather Jerkin
- Hideseeker’s Pack to reach level 25, then return to the trainer for more recipes.
- Tracker’s Toughened Girdle
- Spelunker’s Practiced Sash
- Tracker’s Toughened Handguards
- Spelunker’s Practiced Mitts
At this point you should have reached level 37 Leatherworking.
Level 38-61
The next set of recipes from the Leatherworking trainer will be profession equipment. You need to craft 2 of them to get to level 43, but they have to be done in an order of priority because Gemcutter’s Apron and Scrapesmith’s Gloves will turn yellow at level 40 and you will need to craft extra unless you follow this order. If you want to continue following the guide you need to get exactly 6 points out of these two crafts.
- Any of the 4 Profession Equipment
- Steelsmith’s Apron or Apothecary's Cap
At level 43 return to the trainer to learn new recipes, and proceed crafting in the order below:
- Tracker’s Toughened Shoulderguards
- Spelunker’s Practiced Shoulders to reach level 49, then return to the trainer for more recipes.
- Tracker’s Toughened Links
- Spelunker’s Practiced Britches to reach level 55, then return to the trainer for more recipes.
- Tracker’s Toughened Headgear
- Spelunker’s Practiced Hat
At this point you should be level 61 in Leatherworking.
Level 62-100
At level 61 there are no more recipes to learn from the Leatherworking trainer, and from now on most new recipes will require Spark of Omens or Artisans Acuity and come from placing knowledge into your Leatherworking specializations. Depending on how you choose to specialize you will use different materials.
Note: You can continue crafting the recipes learned from the trainer until level 75, when all recipes turn gray. We however think it’s a waste of materials, and instead suggest using the recipes from specializations and level through work orders instead.
As a Leatherworker in The War Within you have more spark recipes available than other professions, which means you have more options of how to place your knowledge.
To level quickly, we recommend spreading your knowledge out to be able to make many things (but none of them to a higher quality). Three of the four specializations are worth going into (even at the same time), as one is for leather gear, one is for mail gear, and one is for embellished gear. Try to choose what there seems to be a market for, to get more available work orders, and don’t hesitate to swap over to another specialization to gain a popular recipe.

Important: This does mean you are locking early knowledge points in a wide spread of specializations and these can’t be refunded. If you are wanting to specialize in crafting a higher quality of a specific item early into the expansion, you should ignore our recommendations which are focused on leveling quickly.
Below is a list of the embellished recipes you can learn. They are rewards from a variety of content such as from quests, world drops, dungeons and raids.
Recipe | Drop Location |
Sanctified Torchbearer’s Grips | Weekly Quest: Spreading the Light |
Warders of the Unifying Flame | Prioress Murrpray, Priory of the Sacred Flame Dungeon |
Adrenal Surge Clasp | Sikran, Captain of the Sureki, Nerub-ar Palace Raid |
Vambraces of Deepening Darkness | World Drop |
Busy Bee’s Buckle | Goldie Baronbottom, Cinderbrew Meadery Dungeon |
Reinforced Setae Flyers | Heavy Trunk inside Delves |
Roiling Thunderstike Talons | Voidstone Monstrosity, The Rookery Dungeon |
Rook Feather Wristwraps | The Theater Troupe, World Event |
Though regular Leatherworking work orders are likely to be contested by other crafters, you are now able to use the new patron system (NPC work orders). The NPCs will post work orders for Spark items, and although they don’t always provide all the materials, they will always provide the Spark of Omens. Through this system you should be able to find work orders for the recipes you know without too much effort.
Darkmoon Faire
When Darkmoon Faire is active, you can gain 2 skill points and 3 knowledge points by completing a short quest from Rinling called Eyes of the Prizes.
We recommend leaving this as late as possible to get the most value out of the increased skill points.